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US government defies Sarah Palin and declares beluga whale endangered

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posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 05:56 AM

The stance contradicts the Republican vice-presidential candidate, Sarah Palin, who has questioned whether the distinctive white whales are declining.

It was the governor's second environmental slap from Washington this year. She has asked federal courts to overturn an Interior Department decision declaring polar bears threatened under the Endangered Species Act.

Ful l Story

I’m not one for American politics but I find this VP candidate increasingly ugly, she seems to embody everything that I find repulsive. I would think if she had her way animals would only be important for hunting and eating, everywhere would be turned into an industrial money making wasteland. Those who got in the way of profit would be crushed in the never ending struggle to move forward her own agendas and I have no doubt that she did take revenge for her sister on her ex, this is one ignorant short sighted political screw-up and she should fit really well in the Whitehouse. God bless you America I hope you have the sense to think of the environment for your children and leave your X off her name.

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 06:27 AM

go washington ^_^

wont help if she gets in to office she can just have them declared terrorists and set the army/navy on whale/bear hunting expeditions

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 06:37 AM

The government put a portion of the whales on the endangered list, rejecting Mrs Palin's argument that it lacked scientific evidence to do so.

Yes, that's right, because everybody knows whales are like ants, just all over the place and under your feet everywhere you turn.

Palin knows best though because you can see whales from Alaska.

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 06:39 AM
maybe they arnt in short supply really they are just else where palling around with terrorists

couldnt resist sorry ^_^

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 08:07 AM

Originally posted by noobfun
maybe they arnt in short supply really they are just else where palling around with terrorists

couldnt resist sorry ^_^

Don't you mean "paddling around with terrorists"?

Besides, I know these are white whales but really, Beluga? What kind of name is that? Is that an American name? That sounds like some communist name or an Ay-rab town.

Jokes aside, I know some Palin supporters will dismiss this as being unimportant and some Obama supporters will claim it means everything, but what does this objectively mean for Palin? What's an objective view of this in America? I know the environment is a little on the backburner in the sense that the really big topic has been the economy recently, but is this a good time for Palin to be getting a second knock-back from Washington over similar issues in the final furlong before the election? I know it's actually McCain's election but it seems, over on this side of the Atlantic that McCain and Palin are being pitched more as a 'pair' than Obama and Biden.

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 08:31 AM

Originally posted by spitefulgod

I would think if she had her way animals would only be important for hunting and eating, everywhere would be turned into an industrial money making wasteland.

This is the exact view of most fundamentalist Christians. They believe the earth's resources are here to be used as they see fit, and we don't have to worry about extinction or raping the planet because we wont be around long enough (the Rapture, the Rapture...). It is usually also the view of people with a low IQ. So, most fundamentalist have a low IQ, and Ms Pallin is a fundamentalist with a low IQ - enough said I think...


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