posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 04:21 AM
A woman from Hull, England, got a spooky suprise when she looked at the picture she had taken of a shark at an aquarium.
IT’S just what you’d expect to see in a snap from an aquarium. A shark, blue water — and a disembodied HUMAN HEAD.
Spooky snap taken at aquarium
This is a great picture, definately freaky, but IMO too many things it could be other than a ghost. Then again i'm no photo analyst so i'll say my
thoughts and offer it up to the board.
I would be a lot happier with the "dissembodied head" theory if we could see ths picture below it's neck.
To me, that looks like someone stood with thier back against the glass having thier pic taken, and they are looking up and back towards the shark to
look at it.
The only problem with that theory is the colour of the head, it is the same as the coral/water. If someone was stood in front of the glass, surely we
would get thier real colour and the water would be blue behind them?
Is it possible that the background colour can interfere with the object in the foreground on photos?
I know the lady says that her dad was stood next to her when the pic was taken, but that doesn't rule out someone else slipping in the piccy by
accident. I've done it loads of times, especially when you are snapping something other people are looking at. You aim for a few seconds, then
guarunteed someone has got into your shot by accident.
Good discussion pic anyway, looking forward to peoples opinions on this.