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Flashback: German Minister Says Building 7 Used To Run 9/11 Attack

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posted on Oct, 19 2008 @ 05:49 PM

I will not even get in to the facts that a Bush relative was running World Trade Center security and ended up pulling the bomb sniffing dogs out of the buildings several weeks before 9/11 and that wierd construction was reported on certain floors just before the so-called attack! Oh and what about the Bush relative working at the Boston airport?

Except for one thing, the above quote is complete and total BS. The Bush relative it is referring to is Marvin Bush, who prior to June 2000, was on the board of directors at Securacom. Securacom, did do some security systems work at the WTC, but was never "in charge" of security at either Boston Logan or the WTC complex. As for Marvin Bush, he left Securacom as listed above, in June 2000, before his brother was even the GOP nominee to be President.

In addition, you point out the oft-repeated lie that the Bin Laden family flew out of the US prior to air travel resuming. The Bin Laden family members that were here in the States WERE gathered by plane, into one place so the FBI could question the members that they felt the need to question. THEN the Bin Laden family was allowed to leave the US on Sept 20, AFTER air travel resumed.

posted on Oct, 19 2008 @ 09:59 PM

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999

The Bush relative it is referring to is Marvin Bush, who prior to June 2000, was on the board of directors at Securacom. "

This was the company that handled security at the wtc and some airports.

Bin Laden family flew out of the US prior to air travel resuming. The Bin Laden family members that were here in the States WERE gathered by plane, into one place so the FBI could question the members that they felt the need to question. THEN the Bin Laden family was allowed to leave the US on Sept 20, AFTER air travel resumed.

Wasn't a Bin laden having breakfast with George h.w Bush on 911?

Why would a bush know a bin laden, what is their connection?

Wasn't a war started in Afghanistan because of the hunt for Bin Laden?

Did not that war lead to the Iraq war which resulted in millions of injured and killed humans?

The truth is in your face.

Truth is like a candle. No matter how much darkness there is, 1 candle defeats it.

Swamp. The jig is up.

[edit on 19-10-2008 by IvanZana]

[edit on 19-10-2008 by IvanZana]

[edit on 19-10-2008 by IvanZana]

posted on Oct, 19 2008 @ 10:22 PM

Originally posted by riggins44

The first problem with your post is that it could not have been Bush who was responsible. The timeline would make Clinton the person who pulled the strings. Both the CIA and FBI chiefs were Clinton appointtees. The planning and preparation begain 2 years before Bush took office and during Clintons watch.

You're making the classic mistake of thinking that the democrats and republicians are two different entities. I don't believe they are -- based on a number of documented events.

If you only go back a short time, you will encounter CIA coc aine smuggling into Mena, Arkansas airport when Clinton was governor of Arkansas. That particular smuggling ring was set up and run by the Bush 41 Whitehouse:

According to one insider, Clinton personally came out in a small motorcade to accept a small shipment:

The criminal events on Clinton's watch as governor of Arkansas were so obvious, the only way they could have gotten away with it is if they were working hand-n-glove with the CIA. Simple truth is -- the Clintons are wholly-owned CIA assets.

[edit on 10/19/2008 by anonymousATS]

posted on Oct, 19 2008 @ 10:31 PM

Originally posted by anonymousATS
You're making the classic mistake of thinking that the democrats and republicians are two different entities.

posted on Oct, 19 2008 @ 10:35 PM
None of this makes any sense. Who would put a command center in the target area? Why would you even need a command center just to bring a plane in? If you did place homing beacons, why wouldn't you place them on lower floors to maximize damage and casualties?
If #7 was anything at all, it probably wasn't a command center. As to our German friend, "Ehr is sehr blau."

posted on Oct, 19 2008 @ 11:05 PM

This was the company that handled security at the wtc and some airports

No, it was a company that provided some security systems to the WTC. John O'Neill was in charge of security at the WTC. Not that this matters, because the original poster was speaking about a Bush family member that was in charge of security at the WTC, when its been proven that Marvin Bush left Securacom long before his brother was President.

Wasn't a Bin laden having breakfast with George h.w Bush on 911?

No, George HW Bush made a brief appearance at a meeting of Carlyle Group stockholders in which a member of the Bin Laden family was present....along with a few hundred others. No one in attendance that day reported seeing any contact between the two gentlemen. Even still, how many Bin Ladens are there? over 50? Do you punish all of them for the sins of ONE lunatic member of the family?

Why would a bush know a bin laden, what is their connection?

Umm investors in the same company, does not mean they are bosom buddies.

Wasn't a war started in Afghanistan because of the hunt for Bin Laden?

Well, actually you have that one right....

Did not that war lead to the Iraq war which resulted in millions of injured and killed humans?

Millions? nope

Truth is like a candle. No matter how much darkness there is, 1 candle defeats it.

Actually, you are trying to throw dirt on the candle with your wild theories.

posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 05:56 PM
reply to post by TylerKing

Ah yes, please, do show us instances where large buildings were demoed by use of thermite. Please do. From any of the main demo companies, provide us all with instances where thermite is actively used to bring down large multi-story buildings.

posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 06:14 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

Did they push any of the WTCs off a very tall cliff? The only free falling done here is the debris that was falling away from the Towers as they collapsed.
Please, think before you speak.

However, the exterior columns and floors are what collapsed first, then the core (which was seen to stand another 15 seconds after initial collapse). Since when is 15 -30 seconds considered free fall?
After reviewing numerous videos of the collapse, the four best videos give the best actual times. All you need is a stopwatch and crank up the sound:
North Tower:
My time: 28 seconds (not including the core which remains standing at the end of the video.)
All together about 32-34 seconds for collapse + core collapse

South Tower:
15-16 seconds
About 18-25 seconds (as we dont see how long the core stood)

Try it for yourselves. The clocks don't lie. Only so called "truthers".

[edit on 10/20/2008 by GenRadek]

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