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Falling Prey to Propoganda

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posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 12:13 AM
*This thread is not intended to instigate any political bickering, Please keep all political BS to the proper threads**

I have been monitoring the forums and the constant back and forth that has been going on about the upcoming U.S. elections for a little while now and have noticed a disturbing trend:

For people who claim to "Deny Ignorance", everyone seems to be falling hook line and sinker for all the propaganda that is being spewed out in obscene quantities from both the Democrats and the Republicans.

You see both candidates making claims about the other candidate that in most times would seem trivial at most. And I see fellow ATSers on here repeating back the same spin. I can't help it, but this is getting under my skin.

Look how easily the political machines were able to get into your head, and harden you against the truth. The first clue that they've been successful at this, is the fact that supporters often times, have a deep hatred of the other candidate.

This is an irrational hatred, brought to you by the political machine, in an effort to manipulate your train of thought to buy a vote. It is most likely not your fault, and you have not realized you've been brainwashed, but you have.

Identifying how they do it is the first step to keeping your own thoughts!

1) They will flat out lie to the people when millions of people are watching. When this is proven to be a lie, they will quietly retract the statement. However, 99% of the people will not bother to fact check, and will go on believing what they saw/heard.

2) They will repeat the same "buzzwords" and half truths to the point your subconsious accepts them as law, without you realizing it.

3) They will use every attempt that they can to misdirect your attention from matters of real importance. They will do this using gimmicks, stunts, or will blame the other party for attacking instead of looking at the real issues (even if the issue they are misdirecting from is the real issue.

4) They will find ways to discredit the organizations who fact check, or discredit their lies...

Wake up guys, instead of bickering, why don't you do yourself a favor and check out these two sites... - fact checks the claims made by both candidates. - will give you the voting records and everything you can imagine about every candidate on any ballot in the united states.

Both of these are (i believe) impartial. CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, FOX are all slanted in one way or another.

Wake up guys, this is really disturbing. I look to many of you as a voice of reason... it is unnerving to see these propaganda techniques work so well with so many of you.

Again, please no political candidate bickering in this forum... we see enough of that.


posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 12:22 AM
Good post! Star and flag.

This has been something that has been on my mind as of late. When you step outside of all of it, and stay outside, you can really see that they have us trained like dogs. Not that there is anything wrong with dogs or being one, lest you don't want to live a life of being subservient to the will of someone else.

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 12:28 AM
reply to post by GreyFoxSolid

This is just something that has really gotten under my skin here the past few days.

It just drives me insane to see people that are normally pretty immune to these tactics that are being used, falling for them like you would not believe.

I don't expect a whole lot of action from this thread... de-programming is tough. No one likes to admit when they've fallen victim to these practices.

I find people would rather stay in their own little "bubble", but I couldn't let it go unsaid on here

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 12:39 AM
There are, strangely, a lot of things that come up here that seem to be important or interesting that slip under the radar.

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 01:23 AM

Originally posted by nj2day Wake up guys, this is really disturbing. I look to many of you as a voice of reason... it is unnerving to see these propaganda techniques work so well with so many of you.

What drew my attention to the level of manipulation we subject ourselves to was actually the Daily Show. John Stewart was doing a one on one interview with Obama and my gut instinct shocked me... I liked him. I "see" what it is that pulls people in. He has a VERY genuine smile.

Still not voting for him or "the other one" haha

Democracy has failed in America and yet we're still so gung ho on forcing it down other countries' throats... it is insane. I seriously can visualize something different altogether in this country. People in America want to define too much and state their opinion as though everyone is entitled to hear it and agree with it AND implement it into their lives. You want freedom, but you won't receive freely what you can't give out freely.

Point is OP, you are 100% right. It is a sobering moment when you realize how easily it sinks into the brain and shapes our thoughts without our even being aware of it. It is a strange moment to look around and see SO many under the spell of "manufactured freedom"..

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 01:31 AM
I am currently engaging Chissler in a tooth-and-nail debate. The subject? Communism vs Democracy.

Regardless of the validity of Communism itself, I am quite surprised at exactly how well the Communist rhetoric encapsulates some of the things I've been hearing recently on ATS.

The 'capitalist puppet masters', 'cardboard-cutout candidates', 'enslaved public, living in their masters illusion', all that rhetoric can be actively applied, today.

Makes ya wonder, and even despair a little, that these are thing our 'enemy' was ranting about 40 years ago, that we dismissed as the deluded propaganda of an 'evil empire'.

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 01:50 AM
reply to post by Ian McLean

I have had the same thought. I find it highly interesting from an objective point of view, but it is unnerving when I realize how possible it is.

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 10:02 AM
It is amazing how much we believe we are Free, even though that is not the case.

You can't but admire the genius of the system. People want to be free, so the gov't lets us believe that. When they think its time to take away some of our liberties, they spin it so that we think they are defending our way of life.

Communism is a great example to bring up as an example of propaganda! not only does the spin and brainwashing surrounding the subjects under communism boggle the mind, but loot at the propaganda our government has used for 50 years to make the average American despise communism.

Most people in the U.S. know they hate communism and communists, but when pressed, have absolutely no answers as to why...

If you have a deep seated loath for something, and you can't explain why, you have probably been "brainwashed"

I'm not supporting communism here, I'm just stating that most people honestly have no idea what it is. They've just been taught by the PTB that it is evil and un-american.

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 10:21 AM
I couldn't agree more. While it is impossible for us as mear humans to discern every propaganda technique used on us, members of this community should be more prepared to recognize them. Many of the threads I read each day point out the "spin" put on situations to persuade us one way or another. The fact that most members don't except any claims at face value is one reason I value this site above others. Yet, when it comes to the election, most seem all to eager to cling to what is being handed to us.

Instead of basing our decision on who we like or dislike, who has the least amount of mud on them at the end, or who comes off sounding more polished, we should base them on real positions on real issues. I personally disagree with both parties in this election enough to not vote for either. I can however say that each has taken stands on issues that I do agree with completely.

Thanks for the links OP. It is sometimes hard to find where a canidate actually stands!

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 11:53 PM
I really actually listen to what the candidates say,I don't know if they can do all the things they say because they don't rule in a vacuum,but the one that comes the closest to the things I want to happen is who I'll vote for. Here's why,as with anyone you can't ever know what another person is thinking,but you can take their statements as representing what they're thinking. and what people think is usually pretty close to what they will do . As far as others interpretations of that ,depends on the person ,then what you have to do if find out where they're coming from,what's they're agenda ? That's how I go about this JMO

posted on Oct, 19 2008 @ 12:40 AM

Originally posted by invisiblewoman
I really actually listen to what the candidates say,I don't know if they can do all the things they say because they don't rule in a vacuum,but the one that comes the closest to the things I want to happen is who I'll vote for. Here's why,as with anyone you can't ever know what another person is thinking,but you can take their statements as representing what they're thinking. and what people think is usually pretty close to what they will do . As far as others interpretations of that ,depends on the person ,then what you have to do if find out where they're coming from,what's they're agenda ? That's how I go about this JMO

I go off the assumption that they will tell you anything they can to get elected.

I use to see how they've voted on important issues in the past, and make a decision based on that.

I don't trust the spin... actions speak louder than words to me...

posted on Oct, 19 2008 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by nj2day

True I totally agree with that

[edit on (10/19/0808 by invisiblewoman]

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