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Conspiracies in Popular Music Lyrics

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posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 12:16 AM
Reply to LondonCalling

I may get the hook for posting three times in a row - on different nights, of course - but I thought there would be more play here - maybe if there were a video source attached so one would get a better idea?

A person who all ATS members interested in current political music should know is Steve Earle. He is an incredible musician, songwriter, and political activist. His body of work is huge and it's his most recent stuff that is the most politically charged. PLEASE CHECK HIM OUT!!!!!!

Steve Earle: The Revolution Starts Now!

Steve Earle: Condi Condi - MUST LISTEN

One of my favorites: F the FCC - sweet vid too as he says, dedicated to Lenny Bruce


[edit on 18-10-2008 by ColoradoJens]

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 12:52 AM
Not really popular, but relevant to the thread.

Ramallah - Drink the Kool-Aid

Here come the 757's.

If you don't ask why then you deserve to die
just like the millions that are ground under foot
by the powers-that-be and their policies
and a society that lets their bosses do as they please

And never asks "why?" even as the death tolls rise
until some 757's start to fall from the sky
and some more innocent die and STILL we don't ask "why?"
instead we fall in line and we drink up the Kool-Aid

If they shot Kennedy just imagine what they'll do to you or me
but you STILL believe...

So burn then coward, but don't you dare pray.
Burn then, for what's been done in your name.
So ****ing burn then, you had your chance: now it's time to die.
Burn then. You drank the Kool-Aid, fool, so die.

If you don't ask why then you deserve to die;
By the way that little sticker of a flag on your car means nothing.
For the terror you've allowed in your name,
when the planes fall again, your prayers will mean nothing.

If they shot Kennedy, imagine what they'll do to you and me
but you still believe all their lies, HA!
That sticker of a flag on your car means nothing
When the sky falls again, your prayers will mean nothing.

So burn then coward, but don't you dare pray.
Burn then, for what's been done in your name.
So ****ing burn then. You had your chance, now it's time to die.
Burn then. You drank the Kool-Aid, fool, so die.

Die then, sucker, but don't you pray.
Die then, fool, and burn for your shame.
So #ing burn then. You had your chance, now it's time to die.
Burn then. You drank the Kool-Aid, fool, so die.

Drink up. Die.

The hour's late and we're so far astray
but we refuse to see that the end of the party is near.
And all that hatred and rage we've made
is coming at us just like a jet plane.

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 05:27 PM
An ArtTerrorist and "popstar" of KLF fame Jimmiy Cauty's project called BlackSmoke

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 08:31 AM
Yeah, definitely Muse at the moment, of mainstream acts at least.

Song titles like 'Map of the Problematique', 'Knights of Cydonia', 'Butterflies and Hurricanes' (not directly related to a theory but still interesting@, 'Exo Politics', 'City of Delusion', 'Assasin', and most blatently, 'Time Is Running Out'.

I may be biased because they are my favourite band (and i've met them), but they do write about some very interesting topics. 'Take A Bow' is about how our leaders 'will burn in hell, for your sins' and they have another song called 'Stockholm Syndrome', focusing lyrically on the disorder of the same name.

Also, as mentioned, the live album HAARP, and the art coverwork forttheir last studio album 'Black Holes and Revelations' depicts four men (supposedly designed to be the four horsemen of the apocalypse), sitting around a table on Mars, which links to the Cydonia song title.

Bellamy's lyrical writing is relatively simple but his subject matters are usually not - world events, the end of the world, hyperspace, technology, religion, among other subjects. Many of his main ideas are set in a dystopian future, in which totalitarian governments control every aspect of private and public behaviour, maintaining their power with political and forceful tactics such as widespread surveillance, state controlled media etc. Freedom is out of the question, and the idea of terrorism can be placed onto any individual regardless of age, etc.'

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