posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 02:57 PM
A friend and I meditate together a couple times a week. Generally when we are finished, we stare at each others auras for 20 or 30 minutes. Usually we
tell each other what colors and symbols we were seeing and where they were located.
A couple months ago, we started seeing each others faces change shape into a different face....a different person even. We practiced this and got
adept enough to be able to delve into this person. We could ask questions about it's life and even go into the Akashic records to pull out events in
that person's life and go into the picture. It's a wonderful and jaw dropping experience all at the same time.
A few weeks ago, we were looking at each others auras and he was telling me a story. In one humungous, dawning moment, he says, "Holy ****, you can
see my thoughts!" I shockingly said yes. He asks, "what am I thinking about right now?" I told him a train station and I described it to him the T.
To the color of the brick on the building way in the distance. It was amazing. I still can't believe it.
We spent the next four hours taking each other through all kinds of experiences from reoccuring dreams to OOBE's. It was as if we were in a zone.
Though we were staring each other directly in the eyes, it was as if we had a much higher connection. (Ever noticed many people can't be stared in
the eyes for an extended period of time without getting freaked out?) At the end, I realized it was the most spiritually draining event of my life. We
exhausted so much energy to perform this.
A little over an hour ago, a couple friends came over and I was explaining the latest going on with the planet. I unknowingly got locked into staring
at this one girl and in another dawning moment, I stopped talking and said, "oh my god, you can see my thoughts!" We flipped. Neither of us knew we
were doing it. Keep in mind, my roommate is enlightened, this girl is just starting her journey.
I've read that in the fourth dimension, there is no hiding. Thoughts are seen and nothing can be hidden. While I always believed it I had never
expereinced it. With this second time happening, I'm convinced that anyone can do this. I would love to hear any constructive input and will answer
any questions. Thanks for reading.