posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 10:53 AM
After all the talk on here about what seems to be the impending declaration of martial law, and other obvious intents of the U.S. government to
sidestep our Constitution, I have been doing a lot of thinking.
If the Gov't were to do these things, they would do everything they could to divide us as a people, as well as monitor and round up dissenters (by
then they'd call us "domestic terrorists" though). This means they would be monitoring heavily the one medium that unites the people more than any
other: The Internet.
Boards like this would either be shut down, or heavily monitored/tracked. In the event of something like this, has anyone on here set up a
contingency plan? Should all these speculated actions take place, the American people will need to be unified more than ever to restore our country.
I was thinking of setting up an emergency forum that is heavily encrypted and hidden in a dark corner of the internet for just such a situation, but
I'm not sure if anyone else has done the same.
any suggestions? I know people will think I'm overly paranoid, but hey, this is a conspiracy forum
I for one can not allow all this to go down. I took an oath in the military to defend the constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic.