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A question about the cargo on the alleged 9/11 planes?

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posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 06:57 AM
Alright, I might be reaching here a little and I expect the usual chorus of debunkers to say so.

I'll state it up front - I am asking a question. I am not stating a position. I was thinking about this for the past few minutes and thought that I would ask the expert gallery here to get some opinions.

I always notice when I am at my local airport that various cargo packages are loaded onto planes. Some look like Australia Post cargo loaded onto QANTAS planes, where mail is delivered across the country on domestic flights. I don't know anything about how this is done, I am not an expert in these matters. I don't even know if UA or AA carry commercial cargo on domestic flights.

Anyway, is there a list of the alleged commercial cargo that was loaded onto the alleged planes that were allegedly used on 9/11? Were there any mail bags loaded? Could it be possibly confirmed if some mail was delievered or not, due to the alleged planes being 'missing'?

It's late at night here and I have probably not framed my question as well as I liked... I hope you get the idea.

What could be traced from any commercial cargo that the four planes were allegedly carrying? What cargo was found at the scene and documented as evidence of the alleged plane crashing?

Once more - debunkers, type what you like. I'm only asking a question. If it's been discussed before, I apologise. Let the thread die a natural death by drifting off the main page without a reply. No time to search at nearly 11pm.

[edit on 16-10-2008 by tezzajw]

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 10:23 AM
Hey tezzajw,

Good post and I do not want this thread to die quite yet. I did a little research that I hope will be followed up on. Passenger jets as far as I saw are not used to haul mail and/or packages other than the belongings of the passengers on board. That's the purpose of cargo planes. It would be ineffecient to put online orders, mail, etc. onto a passenger plane and let it get mixed up in that system. It would break up the airport flow to integrate the two. Now there have been some instances of cargo planes taking passengers (usually these have failed) but not the other way around. Don't ask me to prove this beyond a shadow of a doubt because the internet cannot tell me every single detail of every single plane that has ever flown anywhere ever, truthfully, for certain. I just have drawn the conclusion that in most cases, mail and freight on a passenger flight would be inefficient. However, certain models are modified for use in freight.

As for luggage found. I saw the other day some luggage found or rather some personal effects found. One of the terrorists ID cards and some partially burned paper. I think I'll post later when I have more.

[edit: removed unnecessary quote of entire previous post]
Quoting - Please review this link

[edit on 16-10-2008 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 11:11 AM
I've always thought it was common knowledge that passenger planes did carry cargo. Here's an article which pretty much confirms it:

This article is from 2007, but I assume the practice was in place in 2001. If it wasn't and they started this after 2001, we would really need to ask what the Government is doing to keep us safe.

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 11:18 AM
All passenger planes carry SOME mail. The post office has an agreement with all the carriers to carry mail for them. Otherwise it would take even longer to get it delivered than it does. A small percentage of cargo hold is set aside for mail. I've even seen passenger planes having cars loaded onto them. The post office loads them into containers after scanning them, and then brings the containers over to where the planes are being loaded. They never go through anything passenger related.

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 11:19 AM
It's routine to ship cargo on the scheduled flights. I used to be a courier back in the early-mid 90's, I would make several trips to the airport on a weekly basis, to deliver packages, for same day delivery via scheduled airlines.

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by NIcon

Well, gosh. I was not aware of that. Thank you very much for cuing me in! The problem though is finding any official papers that talk about what was shipped on the 9/11 flights or if any cargo was shipped on those aircraft at all.

The more you know...

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by newagent89

Almost all of the airlines carry US Mail anymore, but not all carry or accept cargo. That being said, "most" do carry cargo in varying amounts. None (except the freight carriers) carry hazmat cargo....

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 06:30 PM
That's because 99% of cargo is normal every day items. They don't release lists of what they're hauling, because there's no reason to. I've never seen an accident with a passenger flight that listed what they were hauling, because it was more important to identify the PEOPLE than it was to id cargo and what was on it. They don't haul bulk items, most of the cargo is small packages and mail.

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 06:37 PM

Originally posted by Zaphod58
They don't release lists of what they're hauling, because there's no reason to. I've never seen an accident with a passenger flight that listed what they were hauling,

Another thought of mine...

Some mail items are sent by insured mail. Claims can be made against loss. Some mail items have tracking numbers and can be traced at certain points. Would this include the flight details of any plane that the mail was loaded on to? I'm sure that there might also be cargo items that are also insured against loss as well.

Were there any compensation claims made for any lost private cargo, as a result of the 9/11 planes allegedly crashing?

IF there was cargo on any of those alleged planes, then there has to be a paper trail somewhere that states what was sent and how the non-delivery was handled on the books - right? It may not be an 'official' government paper trail, more likely it would be entries in a company's dispatch logs?

I'm only throwing it out there for discussion.

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 06:40 PM
It doesn't show that much detail. It will show that it was loaded on a plane in City A then that it arrived in City B, then where it went from there. It doesn't show that it was loaded onto flight 11 or go into specifics.

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 07:42 PM

Originally posted by tezzajw
Were there any compensation claims made for any lost private cargo, as a result of the 9/11 planes allegedly crashing?

IF there was cargo on any of those alleged planes, then there has to be a paper trail somewhere that states what was sent and how the non-delivery was handled on the books - right?

This is a very good question. If I were Perry Mason's private eye or Mike Hammer or some kind of superhero like Alex Jones, I would be looking into this. The devil is in the details.

Maybe there are still real cops in America who are on this already?

[edit on 16-10-2008 by ipsedixit]

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 10:36 AM
If you look into the f93 crash you will find that it was carrying at least one load of mail as some of the debris that was bagged that day was undelivered mail.

There is a story of someone finding a piece of mail and calling the person listed on the mail, who lived some where in california.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 08:42 PM
Two pieces of mail were found on the street after collapse of the World
Trade Towers - it was originally on one of the airliners which impacted
the buildings. One woman in New Hampshire received back a letter she
sent on September 10. It was found on Cedar St and returned to her

Here is story in NY Times

When Mrs. Snyder received the letter, she took it to the post office here in Rochester, a city of about 26,000 in southeastern New Hampshire. She was told that mail bound for Southern California from Rochester went first to a postal center in Portsmouth, N.H., and was then put onto a plane at Logan International Airport in Boston. The two planes that crashed into the trade center had left Logan bound for Los Angeles.

Jim Adams, the Postal Service's district manager in New Hampshire, said that Mrs. Snyder's letter could have been on either of the planes and that both would have been carrying thousands of pounds of mail, making the fact that so little has been discovered all the more remarkable.

So if random pieces of mail can survive the impact why not a hijackers

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 09:43 PM

posted by thedman
Two pieces of mail were found on the street after collapse of the World
Trade Towers - it was originally on one of the airliners which impacted
the buildings. One woman in New Hampshire received back a letter she
sent on September 10. It was found on Cedar St and returned to her

Here is story in NY Times

When Mrs. Snyder received the letter, she took it to the post office here in Rochester, a city of about 26,000 in southeastern New Hampshire. She was told that mail bound for Southern California from Rochester went first to a postal center in Portsmouth, N.H., and was then put onto a plane at Logan International Airport in Boston. The two planes that crashed into the trade center had left Logan bound for Los Angeles.

Jim Adams, the Postal Service's district manager in New Hampshire, said that Mrs. Snyder's letter could have been on either of the planes and that both would have been carrying thousands of pounds of mail, making the fact that so little has been discovered all the more remarkable.

So if random pieces of mail can survive the impact why not a hijackers passport?

Are you certain this is a bonafide story and not just some made up piece of garbage manufactured by another lying journalist trying to steal a Pulitzer? Have you personally checked it out and verified the truthfulness of this wild story? You have attempted to use a minuscule bit of logic and visualized these 'letters' inside a mail pouch inside a shredded fuselage inside a cloud of burning jet fuel and inside a building which would soon be destroyed by a top-down explosive demolition haven't you?

That brings to mind the 'paper passport' which was also allegedly inside the pocket of an alleged 'hijacker' who was supposedly inside a shredded fuselage inside a cloud of burning jet fuel and inside a building which would soon be destroyed by a top-down explosive demolition. This was allegedly found by an unidentified stranger and handed to a police detective. Is it likely this was planted evidence, since the 'paper passport' was not even singed by the horrific flames nor was it even dirty?

Then we have the infamous 'red bandana' from Flight 93 which came out of its terrible ordeal not only unsinged, but also cleaned and pressed.

Isn't it simply awful separating the disinformation from the truth?

posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by SPreston

Are you certain this is a bonafide story and not just some made up piece of garbage manufactured by another lying journalist trying to steal a Pulitzer?

Nice job, Preston! Not only have you called the entire New York Times publication staff a bunch of liars, you've also called Donna Snyder, Larry Toto Jr, Larry Toto Sr, Jim Adams, Jane Gaillard and Pam Belluck a bucnh of liars.

Why don't YOU go find out if the story is a "made up piece of garbage" before you go off calling it such? You won't because finding it true would make you look like more of a fool. Better to sit back on an internet board and call it garbage. Standard CIT/PffT "Investigative" procedure, I suppose.

You really know how to make friends and sway people over to your point of view with milk and honey and rainbows and lolipops, don't you.

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