posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 06:01 PM
a lot has been written about the hopes and fears of the year 2012.
I was wondering if you still believe that an event will occur in 2012 after the debacle of 14th October?
if so, why?
my thoughts are that 2012 will just be another "Millenium bug / UFO fleet appearing" that does not occur and that it's simply another date put
forward [by the mayans initally] but expoilted by others,
to induce fear, worry and more concerning deliverance.
the Deliverance mentality excuses us all from being an ass to the planet and to each other since some form of outside guidence will come and save
us and we can therefore have an ala Cart'e mentality with humanity and the eco system.
I firmly believe that we humans, as a species of this planet, have an over inflated sense of self worth, where self obession truly approaches a
religion and some of us therefore believe that we are going to end on a given date
because those people believe
that it dosn't get better than us.
thanks for reading
please share your thoughts
Mods if this has been posted in the wrong forum, please move it