posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 02:19 PM
Am in the only one who has hated the year 2008
The Massive financial crisis which is going to affect the world for many years to come.
The year of tons of hurricanes earthquakes and storms.
The year we were promised the biggest event in human history aka oct 14th.... which was an obvious lie.
The year a bunch of doctor who like scientists try to play god and recreate the big bang, at a risk of destroying the universe.
The year gun and weapon crimes soared throughout the world, leaving most people to feel unsafe in their own streets.
The US on the brink of war with Iran.
Governments testing nuclear missiles far too close for comfort to land.
All i see is a bleak future, nobody trusts anybody now... the economy is in dire straits, and the weather patterns with global warming are going to be
awful in the coming year too as the storms and floods and hurricanes that we are getting are just the tip of the iceberg
2008... not a great time to be around
feel free to add
[edit on 15-10-2008 by weneedtoknow]