posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 11:14 AM
He said: "Some of the measures that we have put into place in the past 15 months have made us safer, but that does not mean that we are safe. The
threat is huge. It dipped slightly and is now rising again within the context of 'severe'.
"There are large complex plots. We unravelled one, which caused damage to al-Qaeda, and the plots faded slightly. However, another great plot is
building up again, which we are monitoring.
This is started to get so pathetic I'm starting to cringe with embarrassment every time one of these so-called' terror plots' is announced.
We're supposed to believe every minute of every day,people in caves thousands of miles away are plotting the demise of the west.
"FORTUNATELY!!!" Every new freedom suspending rule and regulation they are implementing on us,is justified moments later by the successful ousting
of the next bogey man that is hiding behind every bush.
Translation of above article..
"So,like ..we stopped this really scary thing from happening,so you can be a little less scared..
But don't be too 'not scared'..
Because even though we scared off some of the scary people,we're still scared that an even scarier threat is coming..and that scares us."
Does anyone else see these pathetic 'non-articles' as an attempt at self-justification.
These people are being given unbelievable amounts of cash and resources to do WHAT exactly?
To tell us that these "plots were HUGE..but then they became not so huge.. but they're going to become HUGE again".
Can they BE more vague and non-specific.
Hans Christian Anderson springs to mind.
[edit on 15-10-2008 by AGENT_T]