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OOBE's - encountering entities

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posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 11:00 AM
Hi all - I'm doing some research on a topic that I didn't think was related, but after reading a number of posts on this topic, I"m now beginning to think it may be related. So, I'm asking for your help.

I'm currently researching "Shadow People" and I've found that many of you that are practicing astral projection and OOBE's have reported encountering some type of "beings". If you have had this experience, can you please email me or post here (whichever you are comfortable with) details of your experience and describe in as much detai as possible, what the entities looked and felt like to you? I want to compare notes on the two topics to see if they could be the same thing. I've come across several posts here and elsewhere related to shadow people where the individual has had a spontaneous OOBE and suspect there may be come correlations.

Thank-you in advance for contributing.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 02:36 PM
I've been researching Astral Projection / OOBE for about 8 years now...

There are many, MANY different kinds of beings that exist in the astral.

What I believe you are referring to and trying to research can generally be referred to as "negative entities". This is an all-encompassing term that sums up all astral beings who want to emotionally or physically harm you, or even those that just annoy or try and block you.

You're most likely to encounter shadow-like beings "out of body" as a beginner (ie. projecting into your own room above yourself), rather than once you actually get onto the astral plane. They seem to be a more simple form of negative entity. Their main purpose seems to be to "scare you back into your body". People don't normally get attacked by "shadow people" that I'm aware of, they're more just there to terrify you so that you don't want to do it again.

They are almost always against a wall or in a corner, rather than in the middle of the room. (I guess that's the nature of shadows.) They can take a humanoid form or just a large black blob moving across the ceiling. They can have eyes or not, when they have them they tend to be glowing red orbs rather than "eyes".

I've never personally encountered them, I'm just telling you what I have heard in common over dozens of cases of shadow-like beings I've heard first-hand. Unfortunately I can't tell you what they are, where they come from, or how they are created.... although there is some suggestion that they and other negative entities are manifestations of your own fear/anger. There are other beings called "astral parasites" which operate in a similar manner.

[edit on 10/15/2008 by Yarcofin]

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 12:18 AM
Thank-you for that description of shadow beings. As I mentioned, I have been researching these creatures, so I'm already familar with the general descriptions. However, I have encountered these beings, and I have several first hand accounts of attacks by them.

After doing some research on AP, I found that a number of people have reported attacks by the "negatives" as you mentioned. I am familiar with the work of Robert Bruce, but have not experienced AP myself. What I haven't found, is any detailed description of these "negatives".....many other descriptions of very profound and interesting places, but the encounters with the negs seem almost pushed aside and ignored.

I was just wondering if anyone actually beginning or experinced in AP can provide any further details.

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 01:09 AM
I think I've only experienced an entity once. I was in that "gateway" stage when you're still tryng to leave your body. I remember that I clearly saw a big white orb glide into my closed eye vision.

It was great. I didn't actually OOBE that time, but I had a dream straight after, and I think I can confirm the identity of the "orb". It wasn't actually anyone I knew, but it was the most beautiful person you could have seen. She was at least 6'2", had a tan, had long blonde hair and had intense blue eyes that displayed omnipotence.

An experience I will never forget.

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 01:39 AM

Originally posted by Angry Potato
I think I've only experienced an entity once. I was in that "gateway" stage when you're still tryng to leave your body. I remember that I clearly saw a big white orb glide into my closed eye vision.

It was great. I didn't actually OOBE that time, but I had a dream straight after, and I think I can confirm the identity of the "orb". It wasn't actually anyone I knew, but it was the most beautiful person you could have seen. She was at least 6'2", had a tan, had long blonde hair and had intense blue eyes that displayed omnipotence.

An experience I will never forget.

Does this image resemble her at all?

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 04:41 AM
I'm sure t wasn't a succubus. God, that picture just gave me the creeps.

Who knows, though? She was actually wearing baby blue, also, but didn't seem seductive. Well, she was amazing, but didn't seem to want to try to seduce me.

Then again, the dream that had lead up to the OOBE just had some sort of device that kept saying "I love you" over and over until I turned it off, which made me float up in the air and initiate the OOBE process.

After refusing to OOBE, and being in my astral self and physical self, I resumed sleep and then had a dream which featured this female in it. I thought that it could have been one of those experiences, but dismissed it when the female didn't seem interested in sexual activity and nor did I. She just seemed like a guardian.

That's my story.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 09:30 PM
Would anyone like to describe these "negatives" that they have encountered during AP?

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 12:04 AM
To be honest, I still reckon you should focus more on the positives than the negatives to actually enable you to get to the OOBE state. That "gateway effect" that happens prior to leaving your bother is one of the freakiest things that could happen to you, and you do feel like you're being possessed of feel like something bad could happen. What's worse is that you're probably helpless to do anything.

In my opinion, just go with the flow and think about being out of your body more often. I often scare myself out of reaching OOBE state, and then I think of myself as an idiot afterwards.

After you get really good at OOBE, then I reckon you should concentrate on the whole, as opposed to finding out all about it right now. I don't know, but it just seems to be one of those things that works differently for everybody, possibly due to their thoughts, beliefs and ego. Just go with the flow for now.

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 07:29 PM
good post by yarcofin up there,that sums it up perfectly for me.coming back from my first OOBE having just come round,i opened my eyes only for a big 6 footish shadowy dense head to move away from the blinds and let the sunlight gleam through into my eyes,at first i thought it was my brother in the room,but focusing my eyes it was a shadow thing or person,evaporated within a second of making me jump,not a very nice experience and was in the corner of the room just like yarcofin posted.this was before i even knew anything about shadow people so to come on ATS and find similar experiences helped.

i have no clue as to what they are but in other posts on ATS,there is a wide range of explanations as to what they could be....

yourself on a different frequency
another astral person
time traveler
shadow figure

because youve just come back from a different frequency you are more than likely to see or encounter one,ive always found its a shame that you cannot hold that frequency longer,imagine what you could see.

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 10:55 AM
Moonbeam cat, and all others, thanks for sharing.

I'm not experimenting with AP myself. I'm trying to discern whether the "negatives" experienced by those that do practice AP have any similarities to the "shadow beings" that have been describe elsewhere.

One of the theories about the shadow beings is that they are from another dimension.....if that is the case, I'm trying to determine if they could be from an astral dimension - hence this is the reason I have started this thread. I would like to hear from those of you that have experienced AP to get your input on these "negatives".

Some of the same procedures have been described by AP'ers as those used by people encountering shadow beings to avoid problematic encounters. The similarities caught my attention, so I'm hoping that AP'ers would be willing to help me shift some details out.

My gratitude to all who contribute and have contributed.

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 11:39 AM
Its the one thing that enables you to wake up.. fear..

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 11:46 AM
During my first OOBE I saw and felt a 3-4ft wide orange ball about 5ft below my bed. I could feel it observing me, although it had no eyes. I also saw a skeleton head directly in front of me laughing. They didn't scare me though.

And I have a thread in RATS about another entity that I've met. I won't mention who it is here though. View my thread in RATS for that.

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 11:39 PM
reply to post by TheBandit795

Bandit, I wasn't able to get to the RATS thread. Can you share the info here? If not, please U2U me. Thanks

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