posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 09:46 AM
Recently I have noticed a trend, not only at ATS, but in general, of threads and discussion topics dealing with the conservative ideology. The general
consensus right now seems to be that the conservative movement is either dead or dying, and has moved very far from its original intents. I have seen
discussions dealing with the supposed facts surrounding “true” conservatism and how truly evil and disgusting it is. Personally, it saddens me to
see such misinformation and blind hatred of something that I believe is not widely understood.
Conservatism in its truest form is not an evil or malicious entity. What I believe has caused some of this confusion is that more and more people are
equating conservatives with republicans and vise versa. It is important to understand that simply because one is a republican, that they are not
automatically a conservative.
A prime example of this flawed line of thinking is when people make the case that conservatism is dead or dying due to the failed conservative
leadership of the last eight years. Let me be perfectly clear in saying that George Bush is no conservative.
A large part of the problem with the image of conservatism in today’s world is that it has been hijacked by politicians who share none of its
principles. We have seen many of our elected leaders come to power under the guise of conservatism, only to abandon those values once they are
It is this, in combination with the misunderstanding of who conservatives are, that has led us to where we are today. Conservatism has become a dirty
word of sorts; much like republican has over the last decade or so. This is due not to the faulty beliefs of either group, but to the politicians who
have stolen these labels and used them for personal gain, rather than the improvement of our great nation.
True conservatism is an ideology that lends itself heavily to the wisdom of our founding fathers. It believes that they were wise in their ways and
that documents such as the Constitution should be followed and obeyed. Conservatism at its core believes that the United States is still a powerful
force for good in this world, and that the gift of freedom is something that is meant for every single person on this earth. It believes that the
people are intelligent enough to govern themselves, and do not need a large government entity to provide for them. It believes that a strong national
defense is the key to peace, and that a truly free market is the best way to provide opportunity and growth.
This true form of Conservatism has become muddled in today’s political landscape by those who wish to change and alter these fundamental beliefs for
their own gain. Do not make the mistake of thinking that conservatism has had its hand in the leadership of the last eight years, or the years before
When a true conservative leader emerges to take charge, rest assured, you will notice. Until then, I will stand up for the conservative beliefs that I
hold dear, and I will fight to ensure that they are still around for someone who truly holds them close to apply them.