posted on Oct, 19 2008 @ 11:11 AM
The anomaly is a possible fake, Its not that difficult to do. All you need to do is upload the photograph to you computer. create a new layer over the
top of the photo using then draw out the shadow of the anomily, merge the image by making the layer transparent to the photo, the create a
new layer and draw out the anomily as a solid white stucture and place it just in the right place with the shadow. and use the glow effect on it until
its suffitiant. Select all the images and flattern them, save as a 100% jpg and upload it, simple.
The reason its a fake and a good one, is because there is now glow on the camera lens, If you took a picture of the sun or a light bulb you would get
a stop of light on the camera lens. + there is no light reflecting of the other objects. If you can see it in a camera as light then you should be
able to see it with your eyes. Not even the mirror reflets the light. So it a fake.