posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 11:35 AM
The one that deserves most publicity is the timing of when the military scrambled jets. NORAD procedures mandate that jets be scrambled if any
commercial jetliner deviates more than 8 miles off course without prior notice of deviation.
On 9/11, the gov't knew the first plane was hijacked by 8:20. Jets are supposed to be scrambled within 6 (six!) minutes of finding out about this
Jets were not scrambled until 8:45am, over 25 minutes after the gov't knew civilian planes were hijacked.
Did I mention that no military jets which flew interception missions that day flew faster than 1/3rd their potential top speed?
The gov't knew Flight 77 was hijacked at 8:50am. At 9:38am, 48 minutes later, Flight 77 slammed into the Pentagon. Let's not forget that Andrews
AFB is only about 10 miles from the Pentagon! Please someone tell me that the most advanced military in the world could have intercepted a huge
jumbojet within 48 minutes!!
OH YEAH. I forgot to mention:
the head of NORAD that day got a promotion.
much of this info was drawn from