posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 01:32 PM
First off, thank you for your replies I do know that this thread will go under the radar wth the whole Oct. 14 deal going on.
Thanks to mf_luder for the links I'll be sure to read them when I have some more free time.
To answer Cythraul's question no I didn't feel the bed shake however I have had some other phenomenon occur after that,but since it was in a
different room in the house and I was a little groggy I just attribute that incidence to me having a very realistic dream. But who knows possibly
could have happened, if you want to know more you can PM me as it didn't involve shadow people. However I have had dreams in which I lie in bed and
am attacked by a shadow person and I know it's a dream because I fight back and win the battle although each time it's a different fight ( pretty
ridiculous I know LOL).
To comment on Librasleep's post, I was scared and me throwing the covers over my head was my way of hiding from the fear like children do, but hey
what works works!
And to dave420's post I understand where you are coming from but it wasn't as if it was pitch black at the time of the sighting. I have a rather
large window which when the moon isn't covered by clouds, the moon lights up the room like a nightlight and that night it was very clear. So I
wasn't completely relying on my senses i had decent enough light to see around the room and see most detail on furniture which made this sighting
even more weird to me then other things that have happened to me. I usually try to find reasonable explanations as to why things occur be it
paranormal or normal and usually come up with it quite quickly. In the end what I'm trying to say is that I'm not jumping the gun and saying, "hey
look, I saw ghosts" but more, "hey I saw something I can't explain". Since it resembled some shadow being sightings which I have read on here I
just put out the question to people with more experience on the matter for answers. However thank you for your input, I agree with the last part of
your post!
[edit on 14-10-2008 by The_Laughing_Man]