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"Smart Moral Republican"... superfluous or oxymoron?

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posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 01:07 AM

Originally posted by SuperSecretSquirrel

As far as the OP's question goes: That is very biased. I think that there are very few smart and moral Republicans AND Democrats. As a Libertarian, I am of the opinion that both of these parties are a lost cause that that to debate about which the two is smarter and moral is superfluous.

I do agree with you here though. I too agree that there are very few smart, moral, Republicans/Democrats, especially when speaking of politicians. Personally, I feel that our system of campaign finance ensures that each and every politician is corrupted in one way or another. For this reason, I feel that it should not be reformed, but abolished. However that is a discussion for another thread.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 01:13 AM
reply to post by The All Seeing I


How do I start a thread? I have been a long time onlooker on this site and only recently set up an account. I have never started my own thread and would like to. I bet you can guess what is topic would be.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 07:54 AM
Once again, well said bluegrass...and glad to see you've come out of hiding

I too think money is in large part the root of all evil in politics.
We should not only have a separation of church and state
but just as equally important a separation of corporations and state.

As for the validity of my OP, in relationship to this awareness. We have two parties pulled by the same string (purse strings). But one of these parties has an additional string... that of the mind altering, perception twisting text called the bible. Which in my opinion, makes "smart moral republican" just as much an oxymoron as "compassionate conservative".

In just about every fabric of our society, we have bible-thumpers holding us back from making progress in the sciences, foreign relations and in domestic social services.

And to the most conservative of conservatives, the apocalyptic wet dreams must be put to an end before they become self-fulfilling prophecies (ie invasion of Iran).

[edit on 14-10-2008 by The All Seeing I]

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 08:03 AM
Why am i not surprised that a lib would come out with such harsh and verbally stinging words and then say " i mean no offense" LoL sorry that just really struck me as typical of the party. An "educated" person could have posed the question in a more INQUISITIVE and less demeaning way....your whole point was to stir the pot........sorry not falling for it........oh and somewhere there is a village missing an offense.......

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 08:19 AM
Some would rather have me tiptoe around this issue by sanitizing and/or sugar coat this bitter pill. I'd rather be fully honest. If i am stirring a pot, then i must be on purpose. The truth is hard to face for those who identify themselves with this group... and rightfully so... it's a shame. To question the weakest links in our government is a vital first step to our evolution as a society... our ability to grow, cope and adapt to the challenges that lay before us is crucial to our survival as a nation.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 08:33 AM
reply to post by The All Seeing I

oh there was no tiptoeing ill give you that. However once again, as you are doing the mudslinging. It would seem to me that you have in fact made yourself out to be just what you were accusing the republicans being. An educated person would realize that posing a question like this is ridiculuous in the first place. You cant lump a people as a whole into one group, that IS however one of the things WRONG with this country is people doing just that. That being said im a conservative, and i have no problem voting for a dem or a republican as long as i feel they have the tools necessary to take care of the job. I dont feel the need to be loyal to any party.......the only party im loyal to, is the party of the United States of America. I see idiots, bigots, racists, and uneducated fools on both sides. Finger pointing gets us no where, research and doing whats right for our country does.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 09:26 AM
...with that said, i see no conflict... except when it comes to your ego. To be so hypersensitive is the detouring factor here. Please leave your baggage at the door. If you look at what i am saying more objectively and less defensively, then maybe something new could be learned. Maybe most importantly for you to re-examine how being "conservative" is a benefit to the country... versus getting hung up on feelings on the matter. I am more interested in thoughts on this matter.

What i see is a large part of our populous needs to be exposed to more accurate/reliable/relevant information, in order to make better choices. The masses of simpletons and sheeple of this country have taken us way off course and no this is not solely a one party or the other problem, but i think it's safe to say that we have one of the two dragging us all down.

With regard to making such generalizations, there happens to be accuracy here. To deny this, is to deny that the Republican party has a problem... a problem we all have had to endure, whether aware of it or not... a problem they insist on sharing with all of us... in every facet of our lives.

As our forefathers have prescribed, we should have separation of "church and state"... but as we can see the "church" found a big loop-hole it's called a lobby. i.e. Christian Coalition and AICPAC

[edit on 14-10-2008 by The All Seeing I]

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by The All Seeing I

you can insult me all you want it really makes no difference, my comments still hold. You cant just say its republicans, it crosses political lines. I see on the side of liberals and democrats as well. Seems to me you worded your post to get a rise out of people and nothing more. If you were truly objective you wouldnt be blaming one party. Spout all you want its just coming out hypocritical.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 10:35 AM
This is a prime example of a conservative mindset... black and white thinking, exaggerations made claim as fact... all along detouring and discrediting a worthwhile issue... without ever providing an intelligent response to the inquiry at hand. O'Reilly, Hannity, Coulter & Limbaugh all have this insidious tactic common.

I proposed some very relevant realities...
that the bible and religious lobbies are viruses that have infected the GOP...
and in turn the party has infected the country as a whole.

Anyone care to comment about this...
versus attempting to pull this thread off into an infantile trolling masquerade?

[edit on 14-10-2008 by The All Seeing I]

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by The All Seeing I
Anyone care to comment about this...
versus attempting to pull this thread off into an infantile trolling masquerade?

That began with the first post to this thread.

Political opinions are welcome, but threads founded on abusing straw men and thinly-veiled ad hominem attacks directed at other members should be reserved for lesser forums.

Thread closed.

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