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NWO and The Rules of Communism

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posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 07:37 PM
The Communist Rules of for Revolution can be easily stated by the following:

1) Corrupt the young (Mainly get them away from religion or a certain belief). But into todays world the Young are exposed to sex on the TV, Fowl Language, Alcohol, Drugs, and a bunch of other corruption techniques.
2) Break down old moral virtues. Makes children lose respect, experiment with drugs, have sex whenever one wants.
3) Encourage civil disorders and soften government attitude toward crime. Mkae the public get in riots and cause choas, get gangs to attack eachother with no remorse, have the weaker people be killed, and make absolute choas reign with little to no punishment.
4) Divde the people into hostile groups. Divide the nation, KKK, black panthers, religion, Nazi's, Pro-Choice, Pro-Life, Pro-Execution, Pro-Life, without unity in the people an easier success of takeover.
5) Get the people's mins off their government. Introduce football games, TV, baseball games, soccer games, basketball games, anything to get peoples minds off of their government and their governments true intentions. I bet the average person would be able to name more atheletes than governments officials.
6) Get Control over all media. *Cough* CNN- Communist News Network. The Media is absolutly negative in todays world and only what they want you to hear gets out.
7) Destroy peoples faith in their leaders. Self Explanatory.
8) Cause the registration of all firearms, leading up to the eventual gun Confiscation. Boy if that every happened it would be the poop hitting the fan, not to mention it says that people have the right to bear arms, its a law. Every Dictator tries to enforce gun control on his people.
Vladimir Lenin: "One Person with a gun can control 100 people without one."
9) Destroy the line of private property. In communism private property does not exist.

Man made crisis are designed by the mastered minds to accomplish their goals. Ranging from the Great Depressions (Winston Chruchill was brought in to witness to collapse of the stock market, caused by the Federal Reserve-a Bill Still), Cuban Missle Crisis, The oklahoma City Bombing, possibly the WTC (personally I am still unconvinced, but I am still investigating)...etc

David Rockefeller: "We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the NWO."

The believe that event that Mr. Rockefeller was talking about in the statement above is coming to a city near you (as well as me), the NWO is very real and the evidnce to show it is overwhelming...

Thanks For Reading!


posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 09:10 AM
Good post.
Why you aint getteing more response beats me, don't seem like people on this site are ready to take action, just talk.
As soon as a plan comes up, total silence.


(This is a post the internet forum

To anyone who is willing to take a moment to step away from their personal lives and take a look all around us, it is abundantly clear that humanity finds itself in a truly dire state of affairs, today, at the beginning of the 3rd millennium CE.

I think it is safe to say that all of us now can look back at the past mistakes we have made through the things that seemingly divide us, our race, gender, class, religion, nationality, and understand that these factors stand in pale comparison next to the similitude of our shared identity as one species of intelligent and sentient beings upon this same planet. Without denying the many barriers that still do stand in the way of our global cohesion, it is clear that we are all essentially part of the same community that shares a citizenship of this Earth, and indeed the universe at large.

Today, perhaps more than ever in the past, people place a tremendous value on the life of the individual. Personal autonomy and the freedom to express ones individuality are amongst some of our most treasured shared values. We need only to look within ourselves to see how much importance we place on our own personal dreams and aspirations, the plans of our future, and our rights to enact upon these ambitions. And yet we are surrounded by millions of people who have been denied access to these same values wholesale. People who we have somehow managed to ignore, or exclude from the fact of our global communion.

I would like to take this opportunity to express some of the most basic goals that any community would and should aspire to achieve and how easily attainable these goals are to current humanity. Through all of this I will also show the extent to which humanity has failed itself.

Any community should be able to provide the following for all of its constituents:

Adequate food and water for an acceptable standard of basic health

A reasonable living space, ie. a home, for all

Basic education to allow for the pursuit of life ambitions

Provide for the energy needs of its citizens


It is interesting to note how often issues such as global poverty, malnutrition and the like are touted by politicians and the popular media alike, yet they unanimously ignore the feasibility of solving these issues. Indeed it could be argued that the above problems are presented in such a way as to convince the average person in the developed world that these are indeed near impossible obstacles to overcome.

Yet the only obstacles standing in the way are, MONEY and LABOUR. Both of which, we have clearly have an abundance of. Labour is a non-issue, there are more than enough people around to make all of these things happen, you only need to look at the abundance of young people today looking to spend a year somewhere in a foreign country, earning only enough to get by, and working to make a difference.


To get an understanding of how much money is being passed around the world, I will only present to you some of the most superfluous and wasteful of such transfers. I could have included an absence of conflict and war to the list of basic necessities, but look at what is being spent on killing:

$5 Billion - the cost of the war in Iraq every month 1

$2 Trillion - the combined cost of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan 2

$1.1 Trillion - the amount the entire globe spent on war in 2004 3

$379 Billion - annual revenue of Wal-Mart 4

$62 Billion - one persons net worth 5


$250 Billion - much talked about, little done about, the total of Africa's debt 6.

Less than the annual revenue of Wal-Mart. This debt causes untold suffering for millions of Africans and their economies, and every year huge meetings between the world's powers meet to discuss how to overcome this 'insurmountable' problem.


924 million people worldwide, or 31.6 per cent of the global urban population are living in slums 7.

I do not have a figure that includes all of the worlds homeless, but the vast majority of these do live in urban areas. This is clearly a huge challenge the world must face, because building adequate housing is inescapably an expensive task.

The South African government have in recent times made the housing of the poor one of their prime objectives, and have in so doing build hundreds of thousands of low cost houses that would meet the minimum requirements for a descent, if basic, family home. This is what they look look like:

They cost about R35 000, or $3 700 each to build I believe these costs could be reduced if the model were applied around the world. But assuming this amount, it would cost about,

$3.5 Trillion to provide universal housing for those without (at a liberal estimation).

About the cost of the wars in Iraq/Afghanistan plus one years global military expenditure.

NB! This message has been sent around to 100.000's on ABOVETOPSECRET.COM, FACEBOOK, MYSPACE ++

This makes me sick to the stomach and very, very sad...

I havn't researched all of these facts and numbers, but I know this shows the big picture.
1/3 of the world live in slums, $5 billion dollars spent on the war in Iraq every month.
It's all a big pyramid game, where we, the middle class consumers are holding the whole f...... delicate cardhouse together.
All we have to do is educate ouselves, unite and TAKE ACTION! I'll get to that later...
It's not good enough having small peacefull demonstrations in the hundreds, where the police actually outnumber the demonstraters... WITH WEAPONS! The police/military THINK they are doing the right thing, as they have been brainwashed (by their superiors, who have also been brainwashed by their superiors and so on all the way to the top of the pyramid) into thinking they are doing the right thing.
When we reach numbers of 3.000 30.000, 300.000 or 3.000.000. demonstraters, THEN the police men will say to themselves: 'We are on
the wrong side', and they will be unbrainwashed. INSTANTLY!

Stop buying and changing out our Pc's, TV's, the newest gadgets and silly shoes with lights on for our kids.
(We have the technology to make 1 of each of these items, which will last our whole lives: TV, car, washing machine, cooker, fridge etc. But no, everything is made to not last. AND WE ACCEPT IT. THEY HAVE MADE US WEAK! And what happened to the mini disk that they changed out with cd's. They didn't break. So they make cd's that need changing out every few years.
By doing this we are DIRECTLY helping the rich to get richer and the poor, poorer. We are also helping the elites achieve their agenda, as they own a lot of this planet
If we don't start acting NOW, I KNOW WE will be at the bottom of the pyramid much sooner than most people think.
Who's gonna help US then?? NO ONE!

I can tell you who's NOT going to help all of these poor souls around the world dropping like flies, 'cause of wars and starvation,
OUR GOVERNMENTS, the ones representing YOU and ME, (haha!) or the rich elites who have so much money it is IMPOSSIBLE for them to manage to spend it all in several lifetimes...
So who's left on this beautiful planet that have the power to stop this madness? YOU and ME, no one else.
Sounds scary, huh? Well it's gonna be MUCH scarier in the near future if we don't take action.
WE HAVE THE POWER, but we don't have control of our power.
Why, because we've given our power away by being manipulated, a bit by bit over years and decades.
And it's accelarating like mad nowadays. They are going for the kill.
They've got all the money they need, and now they're coming for our pensions and saving money.
Not to gain more money, but to make us weak thus easier to control, making it harder for us to fight back.
They look at us as their property, tools, soldiers, taxpayers etc.
Not being able to see this, one must be in denial, uninformed/disinformed, a 'coincidence theorist' or hypnotized by the propoganda and lies that's been jammed down our throats by the TV since we came out of our mums bellies.
The media decides what's 'appropriate' for us to see, and they protect the elites. (The poloticians are there to make us think we are in control, to make us satisfied, when they actually serve the capatalists/elites.)
The TV decides how often we laugh a day, (comedies), how 'informed' we get ('news' haha), how much excitement we experience (action films/thrillers), how often we get scared (horror films), and how many marriages/partnerships goes to hell by showing how normal it is to f.... your secretary, your neighbour, your best friends wife! (Many movies and TV series).
All news around the world comes from Reuters, Reuters is owned and controlled by these elites??
The media is the democracies central nervous system.


There are hundreds of millions of people around the world, freedom fighters, fighting the corrupt system whos goal is to enslave the entire population. This is NOT enough yet, but the awakening is accelerating.
These freedomfighters are referred to as 'conspiracy theorists', a word probably invented by our corrupt governments, media and ignorant people who don't do their own research, but blindly trust what the media feed them.
Freedom fighters are todays heroes fighting for our rights, the ones that got burnt as witches a couple of hundred years ago. Without them, we would all be slaves along time ago. They hold the balance. And if they are NOT the heroes, I ask who are the heroes?? Because I can tell you this much, it's not fun at all fighting tyrrany. It's stressful, scary, depressing and not something we like doing. Why we do it? BECAUSE IT'S THE RIGHT THING TO DO!
I started this fight for freedom after I invested all my money in property development.
To make a long story short, I got ripped off, tricked and lost all of my money.
However I learnt alot about how greedy these rich sosiopaths are.
The man who ripped me off was good for nok250.000.000 or ca. £25.000.000. After ripping me off he is now good for nok257.000.000 or
What amazed me most when I was in in this buisness for 3 years, was this: I got to know all these rich bigshots in my hometown, Bergen Norway, and they are all the same. (At least 90%). They walk over bodies to earn an extra buck, and feel no guilt.
Now just imaine how the richest elites in this world of, soon, people think. Sleep on that... These guys are board of money, centuries ago. They are also bored of massive amounts of power. Now they want 100% control. It's in human nature, we allways want more. There are millions of excamles of this: Practically every rich person in the world's job is to maximize his profits every single day, 'everyone' knows this, it's common knowledge. I've experienced this, I was actually like this myself when I was a poker pro. Maximize my profits, minimize my losses. Use any trick in the book. The whole elite poker community were like that, we were called the 'sharks', and we used to call the bad players 'fish.' Only difference is that poker players are nice guys... mostly
They hold the bluffing and manipulating to the poker table, don't use it in 'real life'... mostly
Also everyone plays by the same rules and have equal winning chances. The elites play by their own rules against opponents that DON'T EVEN know any game is being played. And cheating... Ethics does not exist for these guys.

On the official, mainstream ranking list over the richest in the world, Warren Buffet, has most money with about $60 bill in 2007. The Rockefeller family has spread their wealth between them to avoid publicity on the ranking list and are good for $11 trillion. The Rothschild family have about $100 trillion. (Numbers vary here, I've read 4-500 trillion. Hard to value his wealth apparantly)

The average Joe will not experience 'mingling' or doing buisness with very rich people like this in a whole lifetime; as they are too far down in the money/power pyramid.
They only hear every now and then on the news of similar cases. They would be shocked if they new how often things like this occur.
Not just in buisnesses like this, but all buisnesses, politics, bank scandals etc.

The money I invested in property development, I earned from poker. I started playing poker with nickels and dimes at an early age, and when the internetpoker came, I tested my skills there. I bacame the most winning poker player in Norway several years in a row.
I was ranked as one of the top 5 in the world.
Anyway, after going bankrupt and finding out how corrupt the rich elites in my hometown (and the rest of the world) were, I started doing research on the internet to find out what else I didn't know about this world.
When one does research, one must be very (healthy) sceptical, have an open mind, go very very deep into subjects and NEVER trust only one source as there is alot of disinformation on the internet. Do research on the researchers to find out who one can trust, and delivers credible information.
It's all about information, and since there is so much information available, it's amazing how much truth one can find.

Poker is all about information too, so this I found easy. Since there is so much bluffing, manipulating, deception from our governments and media, I read them like an open book. They are using small stakes poker strategy on the populations, these strategies don't work on high stakes poker players. You can't bluff a bluffer.
I've allways asked questions my whole life. Questions like: Why are we not helping all the starving people around the world, why are there so many religions, why don't we get parachutes on planes and a system where every passenger can be saved, (it MUST be possible), why are there not enough teachers, policemen in Norway and why are they underpaid in the richest country in the world, (order out of chaos) why are there so many people saying that fluoride, aspartame, vacsines etc. are VERY dangerous for us and the media don't even mention it.
I mean come on! We have to open our eyes, seek and thee shall find, is so true!
Why did Jesus, Gahndi, JFK, Malcom X, Martin Luther King etc. get murdered??
Why are all the good guys fighting for YOUR and MY rights getting killed, while all the rich people, who don't give a f.... about you and me being adored and worshiped???
Another big mystery to me is this: The average Joe's admit that politicians lie all the time, and the media is corrupt.
BUT when someone like me, a 'conspiracy theorist' (conspiracy realist!) tells the average Joe that the elites, bankiers of the world have a plan, called The New World Order, to centralize all power globally to one bank, one army, one currency, microchip everyone on the entire planet and make us slaves. And there is enormous ammounts of evidence. Then I hear: 'Hehe, Chris has gone mad. He thinks someones taking over the world.' Saying this without doing a minute of research. Einstein said, 'contemplation without investigation, is the worst sort of ignorance'. We are in a information age, things are different now than only a few years ago. More truth is being available to the average Joe, information that was rare before. There is a lot og disinfo also, so one has to 'seperate the noise from the music.' This usually isn't hard, just takes more research, taking longer time.

I am so tired of this fight against tyrrany, frustrated seeing how easy it could be overcome. There are only a few people controlling the whole world. However they have many good people serving them, unknowingly. They manipulate good people to do bad things.
The best excample of this is soldiers fighting wars for them, being killed for wars THAT HAVE NOTHING WHATSOEVER TO DO WITH PROTECTING OUR COUNTRIES. Nothing is more profitable than wars. That's why we fight wars. They are all based on false flag operations. LET THEM FIGHT THEIR OWN WARS, THE COWARDS!
I am sad of seeing my girlfriend crying because it's so hard to get people to unite, pass on emails, losing many friends because they can't handle the truth, are lazy, don't think we can win this fight. WE CAN!
This is the first time in history that practically everyone can find out we are being manipulated to fight wars for our 'masters' based on lies. Lies like 11th.Sept.
It's all about information and numbers. When enough people know the truth, then the shadow governments can't work in the shadows any more. They HAVE to work in the shadows, as their agenda don't work once exposed to the sunlight... Thet use us against us.
Enough people knowing the truth is only the first step. The second step is SHOWING what we stand for.
A few thousand years ago, a couple of dictators were having a chat: One of them said: 'Maybe we should mark all our slaves, so we easier can identify them.' The wiser dictator answered: 'No, then the slaves will know how many they are, rebell and win...'
We are The 'slaves'. We must mark ourselves. If we hang up sheets on our houses, windows, garages, posts in the streets saying for instance: STOP THE NEW WORLD ORDER or NO TO FASCISM. Then we show what we stand for. Then policemen, soldiers, government officials will see what's going on and understand that they are being manipulated into working for the wrong side. Document the sheets with messages on by filming, photos and get it on youtube. It will be much easier and less embaracing if we all do it at the same time. Unite on this one. Imagine and visualize when, at least, thousands of people start these projects, sending videos, pictures onto youtube, posting raports via email, facebook, abovetopsecret etc. It will be MUCH easier if we all do it at the same time. And easier for the 'troops' behind to follow. Like the shheep following the bell.

We must maximize our use of communicating on the internet, while we still have the internet. This is our best tool, and we shouldn't take it for granted. Having internet now is like a dream, it will be gone/censored like in China soon.
People who believe, in some degree, but don't pass on emails, like this one, don't do it mainly for one reason. They are scared of being ridiculed by uninformed, ignorant people. DON'T LOOK FOR EXCUSES, JUST DO IT! FOR OUR CHILDREN! Say I held a gun to your head, demanding you to do it!
The uninformed, ignorant people will stay ignorant until they are microchipped and smell burnt flesh. Not communicating serves the elites, not the patriots who are fighting for freedom. Freedom fighters or conspiracy theorists are todays witches, the ones that got burned at stakes a few hundred years ago.
The elites agenda is to have 1 government, 1 bank, 1 currency 1 millitary. There will be no middle class, only masters and servants/slaves. We've all been tricked, deal with it as best you can. It's happened all through history, it happens all over the world as we speak. Now it's happening to us. If you are scared and uncertain, show this email to the smartest/wisest person you know, (SWALLOW YOU PRIDE, VERY IMPORTANT) make him/her study this information thoroghly/carefully and take their advice.
If you don't act and investigate on this, you are not telling the truth when you say you'll do anything for your kids and loved ones. This must not get sweaped under the carpet.
There are millions of groups all around the world fighting this fight, many powerful people too. Problem is, we are divided. We must unite.

'You can snap 1 arrow easy, try snapping a few million'

Chris S

A bit of info bellow...

Ps. I'm sorry for scaring anyone, but only the truth will set us free. I'm just the messenger.

'The truth hurts'


ILLUMINATI: (The elites)

Evelyn De Rothschild on BBC talking on the finance crises:

Internet blogger:

'That's a common elitist rhetorical trap. First they lie and deceive for centuries, literally. They make up a false reality which you are actually born into. They literally condition people from birth by the power they have to make the media do largely what they want. And then, when individuals who are already fubared by society make mystakes, there they come to say it was all our fault, and imply that we are dumb and they have all the solutions.

He can play father figure all he wants, to my dieing breath I will know it was him and his like that engineered, out of unfair social leverage, this whole situation and I will know that their solutions is nothing but self serving powergrabbing. The more power they have the more they will trample mankind down, till there is literally nothing left but them and a dumbed down serveant class.

If they have their own way their very selfishness will make sure they atrophiate into a class of babbling morons incapable to even get off their horses properly by themselves, served by a class of monkey like serveant subhumans, within 10 generations.

This elite superclass represents the total decadence of mankind.'

-Maybe he is so power hungry and evil, because his mother gave him a female name.
Chris S

'Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws.'


This is a conspiracy REALITY, not theory.

The New World Order is just a mad conspiracy theory, huh?

Aaron Russo talks to Alex Jones about Rockefeller and The New World Order:

Rockefellers opening speech, Bilderberg conference in Baden-Baden, Germany, in June 1991:

'We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during these years. But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government which will never again know war, but only peace and prosperity for the whole of humanity. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in the past centuries.'

Presidents warn about NWO:

Glenn Beck, talkshow hoast talks about NWO in mainstream media, Oct. 2008:

Alex Jones, radio hoast on NWO:

David Icke is a British writer and public speaker on NWO:

Canadian Connie Fagal, leader of the Canadian Action Party on NWO:

Alex Jones, 'The Global Elite are making their move':

Bill Hicks, American comedian: 'Go back to bed America, your government is in control...'

George Carlin: 'It's called the American dream 'cause you have to be asleep to beleive it'

There are many around the world working against The New World Order, and have been for a looong time.


Indigenous Native American Prophecy (Elders Speak part 1)

Maybe this guy's got some good advice...

Chris S.

'To heal a situation, it must first be exposed. Once exposed, it can be healed'

'For å helbrede en situasjon, må den først frem i lyset. Når eksponert, kan den helbredes'


posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 09:15 AM
This response is getting LOADS of attention everywhere but here.
Here only a few agents answer with stupid stuff, and don't come with any better/alternative solutions.
Everyone's selling their souls for a few bucks, and will soon get stabbed in the backs themselves when the time is right, NO DOUBT!
Chris S.

posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 03:50 PM
what do you mean its getting response everywhere but here? could you please tell me other sites similar to this one? as if i have time to go into them, i would greatly appreciate it. btw excellent post. lets just figure out where to go from here. and how to unite

posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 04:56 PM
I have read those points and it applies to fascism as well. If not, communism if not a very different thing from capitalism (socialism is). In communistic countries you had huge companies ruled (officially) by the governemnt for the well being of people. I can speak only for Poland, as this is my country. Many of the directors of governmental facilities rose to political power. And this power transformed smoothely to capitalism during the 1989 revolution. After the transition we woke in a world in which we already had all positions set.

The name of the economic system does not matter. It all relies upon money. Communism had a monetary system, so does the capitalism. And the banks operate the same way here and "there" (ever wonder how poeple lived before the Romand Empire?).

And about communist media. You are wrong. Communist media was all about the positive. After 30 minutes of listening to how wonderful the contry is doing at the end you got an information like "a troblemaker was caught by the militia and will hear charges". Capitalistic news are the other way around. That way you can differienciate between the two [names] worlds.

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