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Obama believes women should register for the draft

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posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by Merriman Weir
I agree. Firstly, it might stop some pro-war 'internet harpies' shrieking for various countries to be bombed back to the stone-age if there was a chance they'd have to actually be on the arena themselves.

Wow, I have never met those harpies. Anyway, they are probably past draft age so I doubt that it would make a difference.

I think that our military leaders are smart enough to know that it would strategically be a very bad move to put women where there is any chance that they would come face to face with the enemy.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by ImaNutter

I'm a 31-year old woman, a wife and mother of 2 young kids, and think of myself as a moderate feminist and someone who believes in equality...

Equality yes, but men and women ARE NOT the same. We are not physically or emotionally the same. It is a biological impossibility for us to function identically because we evolved for complementary but significantly different purposes.

I am also in far above-average physical shape able to best most of my female competitors. I did gymnastics and dance as a small child, ran varsity track and played varsity basketball in high school, and lifted weights and studied kung fu in college, I've remained active and fit to this day. However, no matter my dedication, training, or nutrition regimen, I have never been able to beat men who are in mediocre physical shape in say: a maximum bench press or squat, a pick-up game of basketball, the power of my best punch or kick... by the same token, despite the fact that my husband loves our children as much as I do, he is not able to carry a pregnancy and give birth or lactate to feed our 4 month old daughter.

Men and women are different. In many physical, biological functions including strength and purpose we are not equal. The vast majority of women cannot complete boot camp with equal physical requirements to men. They have different physical standards in the military for women to pass. Well, on the battlefield there is no affirmative action for women soldiers. Being less physically capable means more certain death. Drafting women, and putting them up for combat positions is like sentencing them to a higher chance of death, injury, capture, rape, etc. It is unfair. We may as well draft men with physical handicaps and put them in too.

How absurd would it be to expect a WNBA team to compete against an NBA team? In the case of the draft, you are putting up women's lives in just such an absurd match-up against stronger, more brutal male soldiers on the other side.

Women should absolutely be allowed to pursue military careers and combat positions if they choose to. They should NOT be conscripted or thrown into selective service. Period.

Women should get equal pay and equal treatment for anything (which includes intellectually oriented jobs, and even many physically oriented jobs) that they can do EQUALLY. They should not be forced into a position where they are fighting for their lives at an unfair disadvantage.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 02:08 PM
I think that there is always exceptional people that exceed the generalized expectations of their gender, but combat is an infantry duty that requires physical demands that are beyond the capabilities of all but a few women..... I have always thought that if women were forced to serve in combat, there would be a lot more support for ending wars..... The sight of 18 and 19 year old girls broken and bloodied bodies seem to have more visual impact, than that of boys.

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 06:08 PM
I've gotta say, I can't help agreeing that, if women are already fighting, it's kind of hard to argue that they shouldn't register for the draft. I have always felt so sorry for the poor boys who have had to go off and fight, especially if they have been drafted.

Nevertheless, as the mother of a girl, I also have a hard time really getting behind this position. Again, I see it might be more fair, but I would hate to sacrifice my child. But I don't want anyone's child sacrificed; I agree with Sen. Obama on his "not agreeing" with the draft, and I hope, if he becomes president, that he keeps on keeping on that way. I'm glad that Sen. McCain does not support it -- either a draft, or women registering.

One big difference: women can bear children. I've always felt that was their rite of passage. Perhaps women shouldn't be drafted until technology and medicine figure out a way for men to bear children.

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 06:08 PM

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 06:30 PM
As someone who complains about how the military treats homosexuals I will stand strong in my belief that all should be equally considered for military service and should be treated with the same respect and given the same benefits, whether you be gay or straight, male or female. It would be rather two sided of me to oppose women being drafted while I wish for them to be equal in every way in the military's eyes. However even the military acknowledges women can not do all of the combat they train men for, women can not become NAVY SEALS. I think if drafted there are many task women can be given that are appropriate.

[edit on 28-10-2008 by rapinbatsisaltherage]

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 06:49 PM

Originally posted by _Phoenix_

Originally posted by ImaNutter
This could be a really touchy subject.

Men and women are equals, no?

But could women perform the same combat duties as a man?

Hmm yes men and women are equal but "different"

With training women can be as good as men with a gun, and being a soldier is all about guns really, if they are lucky they won't have to have close combat fighting because that's where a woman is different, they can't fight as good as men. Also most womens mind are different than men, a man can more easily do these kind of things by nature. And most women don't care about joining. It's not their "style" if you know what I mean. But you come accross some unique women from time to time that can do this job easily.

I beg to differ sweetheart I am five nine and have taken out men that where over 6 foot with one well placed hit. And I am not talking a croch shot! My sister also an army brat was brought into hand to hand training, due to her feild experience with heavy artillery and incredible computer intelligence. there was not one man in her unit who would take her on! Dont underestimate the power of a woman based on very outdated themes, we can kick butt with the best of them.

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 10:32 PM

Originally posted by xoxo stacie

I beg to differ sweetheart I am five nine and have taken out men that where over 6 foot with one well placed hit. And I am not talking a croch shot! My sister also an army brat was brought into hand to hand training, due to her feild experience with heavy artillery and incredible computer intelligence. there was not one man in her unit who would take her on! Dont underestimate the power of a woman based on very outdated themes, we can kick butt with the best of them.

LOL yeah I don't disbelieve you, trust me my sister is lethal. haha. Many women naturally or with training are very talented with the art of kicking ass! lol

But I'm simply saying most women on average are not that strong and great at fighting compared to men, it's just simply the fact of life, it's science. Psychologically and physically, men and women are different in many ways for very good reasons. Yet we are all equal humans AND most importantly individuals(thank god), which I believe is what your trying to point out.

You obviously understand what I'm saying right? I'm talking about statistics and facts, not outdated themes or sexist thoughts. I probably respect and like women more maybe than men anyway, haha. Tough girls are hot in their own way haha.

[edit on 1-11-2008 by _Phoenix_]

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