Eric William Olson (1984 military conviction for conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute, possession with intent to distribute, possession,
and use of hashish. Pardoned December 21, 2006)
Donald Lee Pendergrass (1964 armed bank robbery)[11]
Fred Dale Pitzer (1976 transportation of falsely made securities)[12]
Charles Blurford Power (1948 transportation of a stolen vehicle)[11]
Michael John Pozorski (1988 Unlawful possession of an unregistered firearm)[10]
James Edward Reed (1975 marijuana possession with intent to distribute)[8]
Thomas R. Reece (1969 violating the Internal Revenue Code pertaining to alcohol. Pardoned December 21, 2006)
Cecil John Rhodes (1981 false statement on a loan application)[12]
John Louis Ribando (1976 and 1978 marijuana dealing)[4]
Larry Gene Ross (1989 making false statements in a bank loan application. Pardoned December 21, 2006)
Ernest Rudnet (1992 conspiracy to file false tax returns) [6]
Gary L. Saltzburg (1995 theft of government property) [6]
John Gregory Schillace (1988 conspiracy to possess coc aine for distribution)[11]
Russell Don Sell (1995 aiding and abetting a false statement on a loan application)[12]
Stephen Davis Simmons (1981 Possession of counterfeit obligations)[5]
Scott LaVerne Sparks (1989 theft of government property)[8]
Wendy St. Charles (1984 conspiracy to trade narcotics and coc aine distribution)[11]
David Lloyd St. Croix (1989 disposal of stolen explosives)[6]
Jearld David Swanner (1991 making false statements in a bank loan application. Pardoned December 21, 2006)
James Walter Taylor (1991 bank fraud. Pardoned December 21, 2006)
Johnson Heyward Tisdale (1994 food stamp fraud)[14]
Edward Rodriguez Trevino, Jr. (1997 theft, convicted in military court)[4]
Janet Theone Upton (1975 mail fraud. pardoned December 21, 2006)
Jerry Dean Walker (1989 coc aine distribution)[4]
Joseph William Warner (1995 arson on an Indian reservation)[6]
Mark Lewis Weber (1981 Selling Quaalude tablets, selling, using, and possessing marijuana )[10]
Roger Charles Weber (1969 Theft from an interstate shipment)[5]
Mariano Garza Caballero (1984 dealing in firearms without a license)[1]
Anthony C. Foglio aka Tony Foley(1996 distributing marijuana)[1]
Marvin Robert Foster (1968 making a false statement in connection with a Federal Housing Administration loan)[1]
Carl Harry Hachmeister (1985 conspiracy to commit wire and mail fraud)[1]
William Marcus McDonald (1984 Air Force court-martial for coc aine and marijuana charges)[1]
Robert Michael Milroy (1975 heroin importation)[1]
Jerry Lynn Moldenhauer (1994 selling migratory bird parts in violation of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act)[1]
Thomas Donald Moldenhauer (1994 selling migratory bird parts in violation of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act)[1]
Richard James Putney (1996 aiding and abetting the escape of a prisoner)[1]
Timothy Alfred Thone (1987 making a false statement to the Department of Housing and Urban Development to obtain a mortgage)[1]
Lonnie Edward Two Eagle Sr. (1976 misdemeanor simple assault on an Indian reservation)[1]
Jimmy Lee Williams (1995 false statements on a loan application)[11]
William Charles Jordan Jr. (1997 conspiracy to gamble regarding football)[16]
Jeffrey James Bruce (1994 possessing stolen mail)[16]
Jackie Ray Clayborn (1993 marijuana charges)[16]
John Fornaby (1991 conspiring to distribute coc aine)[16]
Melton Harrell (1976 stealing government property)[16]
Saul Kaplan (1992 violating the Federal Election Campaign Act)[16]
John F. McDermott (1995 receiving kickbacks in defense procurement contracts)[16]
William James Norman (1970 possessing and running an unregistered distillery that did not carry the proper signage and illegally produced alcoholic
drinks made from mash)[16]
James Albert Bodendieck Sr.(1959 transporting a stolen vehicle across state lines)[16]
Glanus Terrell Osborne (1990 possessing a stolen motor vehicle)
And no one named LIBBY yet
Dorian Soran
[edit on 13-10-2008 by Dorian Soran]