posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 08:09 PM
As with the united nations claims this is so far only another hearsay case.
I sometimes visit DarkKnights thread due to its interesting story line, but apart from the 3rd hand account, I haven't seen a single "official"
document or a 1st hand account.
The idea is interesting though and that must be why it still lives on.
The technology certainly exists to some degree. I mean if you see some of the public videos around of the capabilities of holograms etc. then it's
not too far fetched.
The problem in my point of view is the sheer magnitude that such a plan requires. Coordination on an exceptional scale, the x factor in peoples
reactions towards such an event, the economy in it (maybe that's why we're in a pickle now ;P)
However, one night when I was bored I sat browsing through the public budget of the US defense department and surely there was a huge amount of
funding based on Psy-ops. Someone mentioned to that, that it wasn't that unnormal, I just remembered thinking "Damn! That's a lot of money!"
I can't find it again, but I garuantee it was on the official DD pages. The money was coincidentially set to run from 2008 to... guess what 2012 ;D I
liked that coincidence hehe. It's probably got something to do with the way the governement works.
Of course psyops also works with propaganda in a more conventional way as in the Iraq war etc.
Anyways, would be fun reading some more about Blue Beam.