posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by WatchNLearn
I agree with you about the women.
One of the reasons I like ATS is you can review different opinions about issues, not necessarily to agree or disagree, but at least be exposed to
differing opinions on how people view the world.
It does bother me that there are many, and I mean many, citizens in this country who are unwilling to research an issue but who instead just get their
news from a single source and declare it as the truth. That goes for anyone, right or left. If you go into a subject with instilled bias, you will
come out biased. Do I have my own preconceptions? Sure.
I watched both MSNBC and Fox as the Palin abuse of power news was breaking and saw exactly what I expected to see. MSNBC was hammering the crap out of
the story and FOX was talking about the economy. If you take your truth from one source you will not get the whole picture.
I've also been following the posts here and see the same thing. There are two separate statements in the probe that can be interpreted as important
depending which side you're on. The left sees the abuse angle because there was an ethics problem, and the right point to the Gov. being right in the
position to hire and fire at will.
The misinformed scare the crap out of me and I often can't understand how people can be so ignorant in this day of 24 hr. news.