posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 01:52 AM
gI've been having some strange experiences involving my dog. He is a Black Lab / Bloodhound mix named Clyde, about 2 years old, friendly and good
tempered and generally lazy. The house we live in is about 150 years old and was used as barracks in the Civil War and subsequent Indian campaigns.
Since I have lived in the house I have heard various noises that I generally attributed to the house being so old, until I got Clyde. When we are in
the living room, Clyde will occasionally startle and "stalk" down the hall growling, which is very out of character for him, with the hair on his
neck up and everything. Sometimes he will run back out of the hall with his tail tucked and hide behind me on the couch and act nervous, and refuse
to go back down the hall. He will frequently lay on the couch and appear to be watching something that I can't see, following it around the room and
craning his neck to see around you if you get in the way. I took him in the basement once to do laundry and left him alone for a minute only to come
back down to find him how I can only explain as terrified, trembling and quickly glancing back and forth across the room, sitting backed up into the
corner in a pool of urine. He hasn't gone back to the basement since.
I thought he was just weird, until the noises started to pick up. I hear repetitive knocking on walls that follows me between rooms, usually five
rapid knocks. Clyde reacts to the knocking by jumping and leaving the room, so I know I'm not hearing things. I have also heard a faint murmuring,
like someone talking I can't quite make out, on several occasions. This most often happens in the guest bedroom, and I find the lamp on the
nightstand in that room turned on several times a month when I wake up for work.
Does anyone else have a story about a pet that clued them in that something out of the ordinary was going on? Do you think pets can see or otherwise
sense things that we can't? What do you think Clyde is chasing/being chased by?
I'd like to hear your stories and opinions on whats going on in my house.