posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 09:41 PM
I was leaving work at 5 this afternoon, like usual, I look at the sky on the drive home. I noticed a couple of jets, and lots of trails in the sky.
Anyway, I got home, and noticed what looked like a grid in the sky above my home. I had to go outside and gawk, and of course, I took some pictures
because the whole sky was covered in lines. What was really odd, was as soon as one jet had passed and crossed an existing sky trail, here comes
another one, running almost parallel!
I think this was a lot of activity, and was wondering if this has anything to do with military exercises, or the financial crisis, or what the deal
is. I live in Louisville, KY. Has anyone else noticed a lot of activity in their skies?
Here are the pictures of my sky this evening.
Any thoughts? Anyone else see anything like this today? Any reason there might be so much activity in the skies right now?