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Pakistanis called on to kill Americans

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posted on Jan, 15 2003 @ 10:46 AM
A pamphlet that calls on Muslims to kill Westerners and Christians is being distributed by Islamic fundamentalists in Pakistan.

"The non-believers have made the lives of Muslims miserable, leaving them with no option except jihad," says the tract, which has prompted an investigation by government authorities, according to International Christian Concern, a group that monitors persecution of Christians.

posted on Jan, 15 2003 @ 12:32 PM
Another good example on what's really this so-called peace religion.

Good job Nyeff.

posted on Jan, 15 2003 @ 12:51 PM
Whilst this is terrible don`t foget that it is generally the fundamentalists who want to kill you not the whole of Islam. Christianity has a lot to answer for itself!


posted on Jan, 15 2003 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by cassini
Whilst this is terrible don`t foget that it is generally the fundamentalists who want to kill you not the whole of Islam. Christianity has a lot to answer for itself!


posted on Jan, 15 2003 @ 01:19 PM
B, paint your face in brown, go to a Musquee and bark like a dog "Allah Wakkbar ". You'll be happy I think.

posted on Jan, 15 2003 @ 01:52 PM
Don't start that Islam is evil crap again, ok?
Radical Fundamentalists are evil, no matter what the religion, because they advocate violence and death against those who don't convert to their vision.
Islamic radicals have a ways to go in the death count before they catch up to Christian Radicals.

posted on Jan, 15 2003 @ 02:04 PM
That was the past BT. What's the saying about being responsible for the sins of your father. I've got no gripe w/ Islam - just those crazy wuhabi mullahs and the governments that give them power.

posted on Jan, 15 2003 @ 02:04 PM
through he centuries any number of religions have persecuted minority groups and whole nations. maybe we would n`t have such a problem with the fundamentalists in Islam at the moment if such events as the crusades had n`t taken place. There remains no place for anyone who thinks their own point of view is the only one. Islam is and will remain a good religion don`t let you prejudices run away with you


posted on Jan, 15 2003 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by ultra_phoenix
B, paint your face in brown, go to a Musquee and bark like a dog "Allah Wakkbar ". You'll be happy I think.

No thanks I'd rather be a Buddhist

posted on Jan, 15 2003 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by Bob88
That was the past BT. What's the saying about being responsible for the sins of your father. I've got no gripe w/ Islam - just those crazy wuhabi mullahs and the governments that give them power.

Here's a thought and an example: In Afganistan, when Mr.Bush was still trying to secure the country with payola on behalf of energy corporation interests, for a pipeline, he gave them, the Taliban, $120 MILLION from 1/2001 to 6/2001. Afghanistan has about 28 million people. That's a heck of allot of aid to trust a group we already labeled a repressive regime, I wonder what they were trying to accomplish?

If that actually got to the people, instead of attempting to buy off the government, do you think they would be in a Mosque some where plotting the infidels death, or at the Tora Bora Home Depot checking out the latest sand blowers?

In a nutshell, Corporate Imperialism + US muscle = Jihad
When we could have: Corporate Investment + a decent Wage + US incentives(@ a fraction....won't cost a billion dollars a day like the start of the Afgan campaign) = folks with enough scratch to raise a family & future.
We end up paying no matter how you slice it. I rather pay a fraction in global community development and have peace, than pay billions to have war which brings about less safety.

posted on Jan, 15 2003 @ 02:44 PM
What is your source on the $120million??? sounds a bit excessive even for a nutter like Mr Bush

posted on Jan, 15 2003 @ 03:03 PM
lol, sand blowers!
that just struck me as funny. I have an odd sense of humor.

Wasn't the aid given to the taliban to stop drug production, I don't know. The US gives plenty of aid to other countries. Most of the problem areas aren't poor because of the US, the Middle east has tons of wealth from oil we buy from them. They have money - don't wanna give it to their people, they keep them held down with mullahs and vice and moral police so these royal families and dictators can stay in power, all the while they blame the US on their misfortunes. Arafat has a networth of 10 BILLION dollars (some say it's 20) - now 'that's a heck of allot of aid' BT, considering there's, what, under 3 million in the west bank? But, as long as he blames Israel and the US for his peoples problems he's going to stay in power.

More aid should go to Africa, imho. Aids in running rampant, they don't have electricity and running water in many parts (not to mention FOOD) yet you don't see watusis calling for our heads.

[Edited on 15-1-2003 by Bob88]

posted on Jan, 15 2003 @ 03:10 PM
That was by June....It ballooned to about $187 Million for all of 2001.

From the US government - The United States Agency for International Development

Now this is up until 5/4/01. In a last ditch effort, punctuated with the statement " You'll either have a carpet of gold or a carpet of bombs", Mr. Powell threw another $43 million at the Taliban on 5/17/01.

Yup, that evil old corporate media has a way of burying te $95 Million Bush gave North Korea.

posted on Jan, 15 2003 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by Bob88
lol, sand blowers!
that just struck me as funny. I have an odd sense of humor.

Wasn't the aid given to the taliban to stop drug production, I don't know. The US gives plenty of aid to other countries. Most of the problem areas aren't poor because of the US, the Middle east has tons of wealth from oil we buy from them. They have money - don't wanna give it to their people, they keep them held down with mullahs and vice and moral police so these royal families and dictators can stay in power, all the while they blame the US on their misfortunes. Arafat has a networth of 10 BILLION dollars (some say it's 20) - now 'that's a heck of allot of aid' BT, considering there's, what, under 3 million in the west bank? But, as long as he blames Israel and the US for his peoples problems he's going to stay in power.

More aid should go to Africa, imho. Aids in running rampant, they don't have electricity and running water in many parts (not to mention FOOD) yet you don't see watusis calling for our heads.
[Edited on 15-1-2003 by Bob88]

You mean like how does the sand get a woody?

Yeah, I grew up watching Monty Python & reading Mad magazine too!
I'm with you on everything, except that Arafat nonsense.
We exert pressure on all these Shieks & Despot trading partners running the people into the ground via closing our markets and restricting our corporations in doing business with them ( and making sure they don't). The rest of the world can't make up the difference of not being able to sell to the US.
Until AIDS starts showing up in Kennedy's & Bush's, we aren't going to be concerned, seeing as they are into inbreeding and such!

posted on Jan, 15 2003 @ 03:32 PM
Nice one for the links Bout time nice to see someone back themselves up.

If Mr Arafat really had a network of 10 billion dollars like BOB88 alleges does it not seem a little odd that his people are blowing themselves up with crude devices in suicide attacks rather buying some real fire power like he could with that amount of money. lets face it the IRA managed better than that (in terms of arms) and even with the Irish-americans supporting them they never had a billion dollars let alone 10

[Edited on 15-1-2003 by cassini]

posted on Jan, 15 2003 @ 04:08 PM
I've seen Arafat's net worth speculated to be as high as 20 billion, as low as 1 billion. Either way, do the math � 1 billion would help out 3 million people in a large way. They have tried to get real weapons; surely you remember the weapons shipment from Iran intercepted by Israel. Who is going to sell give them weapons to kill innocent Israelis? (Outside Iran and Iraq).

Cassini, good call on Bout time. At this point, I pretty much take his statements and facts as gospel. (His motives and interpretations are a different story
) You�d be hard pressed to find another member here that backs up what he says with hard facts, links, and the like as much as he.

posted on Jan, 15 2003 @ 04:23 PM
There`s no doubt someone like Mr Arafat has wealth but as you say its pretty much speculation as to how much he has.

I`d of thought that there are plenty of people with no scruples who`d give them arms. I mean lets face it a UK arms dealer got selling that super gun to Iraq.

Not sure I remember the weapons interception but its a pretty good point the Israelis have the upper hand security wise (even though they can`t stop the suicide bombers) for controlling the palestinians

posted on Jan, 15 2003 @ 05:18 PM
The US gives aid to pretty much everyone under the Sun, so it's pathetic to say we're responsible for troublemakers popping up here and there around the world. If we're to blame, then the whole damn world should be up in arms over the US.

I believe the days of handouts to countries around the world should end. In the long run it gets us nothing but blame whenever some stupid group like the Taliban or stupid person like Saddam...go off the deep end years later. It's like a millionaire handing out cash to people in his hometown, then some of those people using that money to create criminal activities....then the city blaming the millionaire for his generosity.

posted on Jan, 16 2003 @ 05:24 AM
Problem is not all of the aid has been in the form of cash handouts, its quite often been in the form of arms like those to Iraq in the 80`s. The people in power need to be a bit more cautious who aid is given to. The pentagon has great military planners why did they fail to warn people in government about the long term repercussions of giving weapons to people like saddam???

posted on Jan, 19 2003 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by Bout Time
Don't start that Islam is evil crap again, ok?
Radical Fundamentalists are evil, no matter what the religion, because they advocate violence and death against those who don't convert to their vision.
Islamic radicals have a ways to go in the death count before they catch up to Christian Radicals.

BT, the problem with the muslims is that they are ALL radicals fanatics.

I've never seen a mosleem who was manifesting AGAINST a muslim nation or a middle-east dictatorship,never ! But I saw them manifesting against many democracies.

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