posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 04:36 PM
Maybe I missed something, but with all the talk about the Ayers-Obama connection, why haven't we heard anything from the man himself?
This thread has absolutely nothing to do with whether the association between these two men is right, wrong or indifferent, or even if it has any
worthwhile place in the election or not.
My question is, with all the hubbub about his history and purported contact with Obama, why hasn't someone interviewed the man to get his spin on
things? Does he even support Obama?
And there is no way the Obama campaign has silenced him, if that was the case FOX would be tripping over themselves to get to him. If for no other
reason than to gather a bunch of edited sound clips to make him come off as someone who beats baby seals to death before his morning coffee and really
give McCain something to sink his teeth into.
For anyone who may not know about the man, some light reading:
Remember now, the only purpose of this discussion is to get some ideas as to why no news organization has gotten to him yet. Not even his co-workers,
students, or his mailman for that matter. Any one of several "news" outlets, MSNBC, FOX, or even Katie Couric fer cripes sake, would get loads of
mileage with an interview.
[edit on 10-10-2008 by zlots331]