Kill me if you must, may my body be buried along with any doubts regarding the corruption of this government. But it is only my flesh which dies, for
the revolution forever lives on.
It is time. I have seen numerous threads, talked to numerous people and heard many agree. But now i have heard enough. A wise old man (my father) once
told me the gift and curse of a mouth is that it can say whatever you want to hear. And i'm sure we are all familair with the saying "Actions speak
louder then words"
Well it is time for our actions to speak.
Today i changed my w2 to having NO taxes taken out. Why? Because the taxes that i was going to pay like a "Good" american citizen were taken early
with this failed "Bail-Out" plan.
Also i got payed last week. I did not pay ANY of my credit card bills, # my credit. I was not born with Credit, and when i die, my credit is gone. I
care more about food, housing and things that as a human i should be entitled to simply to live. I dont care if i never drive a lexus, aslong as i
have some way to get around. So guess what i spent the couple thousand i normally spend on credit card debt and putting in my IRA and paying my
insurance with?
and a new .38. WHICH I GOT ILLEGALLY
Because it is time for a change. Now just because i have weapons does not mean that i am going to start blowing politicians and military personals
heads off. I actually have no intent of using either of these weapons, i just got them now so i have them when they take away the 2nd ammendment to
protect americans from "terror" threats or whatever BS they will be feeding us soon.
There has to be balance, even in prophecy. Even though we know there plan and what they want to do, and inevitably have been prophisized to do,
freewill gives people the options of mistakes, and failure.
I am ready to do my part to balance the corruption i have seen.
I cannot blame my fellow americans and people through out the world who may look at me and people who think like me as a "conspiracy nut". Because i
I'm as nuts as those before me who warned of the dangers of the Banking Industry. Those before who warned of the "Secret socitiest" with "Hidden
And i don't think i'm wrong.
because even if i was completely wrong, its a hell of a coincedence that everything else has come to be true except that the elite have orchastrated
all of this.
ATS is a place for minds to come together away from the BS and media brainwashing and ignorance. Sure we arne't perfect and i would nto consider us
the "Brightest" of all americans, but we damn sure are willing to voice our opinion and die fighting for truth.
Are you all talk?
Or do you really beleive in what you say? What you post daily?
Are you doing your part by typing IN CAPS LOK BECAUSE YOUR SO ANGRY AT THE PRESIDENT
or do you feel that you are ready to take it to the streets and fight for what you really beleive is right?
I'm at my tipping point.
Brad pitt said it best in fight club "It is not until a man has lost everything taht he is capable of anything"
Everything that matters outside of these worldly items i find myself surrounded with daily is slowly going away.
The question i have for my fellow ATS members is....
Where do we start?
What is the most effective way to try and fight back against the system(non violently because everything must be done righteously, and violence to
combat violence is the lesser of two evils)
I was thinking about going after credit unions, banks, maybe even starting to steal food from big businesses in order to feed some of the less
fortunate to get peoples support.
I'm in Washington, if anyone has any ideas or legitametly wants to join the cause, i encourage you to post your feelings and ideas.
Impossible is only so because no1 has done it yet.
Lets make a difference and change possible.