Originally posted by juniperberry
Even if the economy tanks, how is it you lose your country? Are you not still in it? Does it suddenly disappear with the car keys?
What does he mean by this? Is he suggesting that someone will invade? But everyone is in the same boat. I don't get it.
I'd like to re-post something I had previously posted on another thread on October 5/6, 2008. I believe the section I've bolded will answer your
But I also believe that the rest of the post has some significance as well, especially in light of more recent developments:
We are at war.
It has not been declared, publicly, as of yet.
Pray that the need to do so can be avoided.
If such is eventually declared, the result will be akin to, if not in fact, a third World War pitting the US against Russia and China.
In some sense, this is a "payback" for what the US actively percipitated within the USSR in the 1980's. The outcome, for the US, this time around,
will more than likely, be no less wrenching for the structure of the US.
US officials are currently working feverishly just to maintain a degree of "containment" of the crisis foreign exploitation of our financial system
At this time, there is no guarantee that our "emergency" efforts to recover will be successful. In fact, even, and especicially amoung those
advocating for the most panic-driven reponses (Bernake, Paulson, et al), there is the palapable fear that we are too late with far too little to
effect the salvation of our nation.
Did you see the fear on their faces? Did you find it strange that our representatives in Congress were being asked to take measures rapidly, without
question or debate? Did you find it odd that Both presidential candidates emerged from that meeting with the President and then voiced thier support
of the basic plan (if not the "ornemants")?
Despite all the hype and spin, (I believe) this "Economic Crisis" has little or nothing to do with "Wall Street bankers": that is just a
government-generated "spin" offered to the media (as) a distraction from the real truth.
As the "lesser" of two evils, so to speak.
Wall Street's perturbations are merely the "bullet" that has been fired into the heart of the US: the "Gun" is China, who supplied the
capital. The "Assasin" is Russia, who supplied the plan and will pay off China in the form of cheap energy supplies in the Sino-(New)Soviet
dominated future.
For a sense of what may very well be to come, review the opening ceremonies of the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. Pay particular attention to the exchange
between President Bush and former President Putin.
More than the troubles in Georgia were discussed, you can be certain. And Mr. Bush comes away none too happy.
I believe Mr. Putin gave Mr Bush a "Final Warning", which was not heeded. And now, Putin has made good on his threat.
We are at War, and we have been hit with what may very well turn out to be a fatal blow.
Destroy an nation's economy, and you've destroyed its ability to influence the rest of the world; you have thus, effectively, in today's world,
destroyed the nation itself.
Without actually firing a single shot.
"Wars" are not fought the way they used to. We've become much more sophisticated than that.
And so have our opponents.