Over the past couple of months we have seen a shift in our concerns. First we were concerned because oil prices were getting excessively high, now
we're getting concerned because the financial markets are struggling.
One minute we are worrying how we are going to be able to put fuel in our vehicles, heat our homes and even feed our families be cause of the
sudden rise in the cost of living. The next minute the markets are collapsing, banks are being liquidated, insurance companies are going bankrupt.
The government tries to back all the financial institutions with billions of pounds (or dollars depending on where your from) to stem the panic that
starting to grow in the general population because everyone will start to loose everything that they have worked hard for.
Call me paranoid if you like but i get the feeling that we are missing something. It almost feels like we are being kept on edge. Everything we hold
dear is controlled by money and our constant pursuit of wealth. We have given all the power to the large corporate bodies and they have in turn given
all the power to governments and they then spend there newly found wealth on fighting battles that don't really need to be fought.
Now, as all members of ATS will be aware the NWO/illuminati and other secret organisations are supposed to control our governments. If they wanted to
"force" the governments into something (what ever that 'something' is!) what the best way of doing it .... war... no don't think so its too messy
but bringing the world to a halt through controlling the financial status of every single person on the planet by "fixing" the money markets seems
like a damn good way to get the governments attention
and bring them around to their way of thinking.
So i have a couple of questions:-
1. Is the NWO real ?
2. Are the governments of the world fighting an unseen battle with the NWO right now as described above ?
(if 1 and 2 true)
3. Is the NWO winning the battle ?
4. what will be the next move by the NWO ?
- more banks collapse !
- a large influential countries economy collapses !
(will any other country be able to assist without going down also)
I think that as soon as money becomes meaningless society will collapse the armies of the world will be sent in to quash the panic, Marshall law will
be imposed and a single world power will emerge ...... does that sound familiar !!!!! so, the NWO will OWN the world ( notice NWO backwards !!
so what's the timetable of events to come ..........
and isnt it funny how the crash of the stock markets has taken our minds of the cost of fuel (which still isnt going down in price)
[edit on 9/10/2008 by scepticsRus]