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Q to those voting McCain.. is nt'l security a concern for you?

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posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 05:15 PM
First, I did a search only to see that this issue has yet to be brought up... not that I could find anyway. This surprised me considering many are concerned with even the most mundane facts of this election such as race and gender.

Second, when I post ANYTHING on either candidate, I want it to be made clear that it is not an endorsement for either side of the political spectrum because I am THOROUGHLY convinced what this (as with other) election is nothing more than a big scam as is evidenced by the idiots being promoted on both sides and the lack of interest in people who have offered any REAL solutions to the problems that concern us even now.

Having said that, there is nothing I enjoy more than to throw the VAST amounts of evidence that should show the elections are nothing but a hoax, since NONE of these candidates are worthy of either of the highest positions in the land. The president is not only the leader of this country, but is responsible for decisions that affect the world greatly.
The Vice President is the "fill in" for that position and although the importance of this notion typically goes unnoticed by most, this year it seems to have gained a bit more attention (thank the gods) considering one of the VPs has a VERY good chance of filling the position of President by default. You all know who I am referring to.... Gov. Sarah Palin.

Now, one of the major duties of the President that is in line with the duties stated out via the Constitution is national security (not to be mistaken for personal security as has become the misconception these days, sadly leading us to the myriad of personal freedoms that have been taken away).

Knowing that national security is a duty (a very important one, mind you), I am curious how some of you that are voting for McCain feel about the following information considering Palin has a VERY good chance of filling in for him.

Set up: Anyone who has been EVEN slightly keeping up with events surrounding this election should already know that someone had hacked into Mrs. Palin's personal email account. Mostly there were some virtual high fives concerning the incident, but little talk went into what this event actually means in terms of her leading this country.

Here is an excerpt from an article that briefly speaks about a blog where the possible (because it is unsure yet... although, still a relevant point) hacker explains how he was able to access her email.

Identified as “rubico” on the blog, the alleged hacker explains how easy it was for him to access Palin's e-mail account by simply answering the security questions and resetting the password. How? Sarah Palin did a poor job when setting her e-mail account, since she did not take into consideration the fact that anyone can find out the answers to those questions by doing a simple Internet search.


Now, I have yet to read, see, or hear ANYTHING that touches on the obvious implications of this. Here we have a woman who could QUITE POSSIBLY be responsible for helping to secure our nation (again, not our individual selves which she has shown she is MORE than willing and capable of doing) and yet she can't even secure her own email account?? OUCH!

Now, I know that not everyone thinks about things such as coming up with a difficult and/or fake answer to secure email accounts, but it is an OBVIOUS thing to do for people who possess independent thinking skills ALONG with moderate to high intelligence. No offense...just saying that most ppl see a question and they will answer w/out considering what and why they are answering the question and how and why that has relevance to the answer given.
The (moderate to high) intelligent people who possess wisdom as well, answer in a manner that considers all of the implications made by the question. I know that some may not understand what I mean by this, but I know there are many who should if they just think about that for a few minutes.

GIVEN THAT... a President and a runner up who could quite possibly fill the role of President should possess this kind of discernment, intelligence, and wisdom. Sarah Palin has shown clearly through even the most simple act that she lacks ANY of these kind of (what should be) requirements for being considered to lead (or possibly lead) our country.


[edit on 8-10-2008 by justamomma]

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 05:52 PM
Well, while it was probably a little used account, all the same a vital piece of information was left out of your summary

The hacker found nothing of public interest in Sarah Palin's account, as he and an entire nation would have probably expected.

From your same source.

In case you forgot somewhere along the way, Sarah Palin, as Governor of Alaska is also the Commander of the Alaska National Guard.

Before you dismiss the fact that Sarah Palin is Commander of the Alaska National Guard is not big deal consider this.

Alaska is the first line of defense in our missile interceptor defense system. The 49th Missile Defense Battalion /5p3ukb of the Alaska National Guard is the unit that protects the entire nation from ballistic missile attacks. It's on permanent active duty, unlike other Guard units.

As governor of Alaska, Palin is briefed on highly classified military issues, homeland security, and counter terrorism. Her exposure to classified material may rival even Biden's and certainly by far exceeds Obama's.

She's also the commander in chief of the Alaska State Defense Force (ASDF) , a federally recognized militia incorporated into Homeland Security's counter terrorism plans.

Palin is privy to military and intelligence secrets that are vital to the entire country's defense. Given Alaska's proximity to Russia, she may have security clearances we don't even know about.

According to the Washington Post, she first met with McCain in February /5jydl3 , but nobody ever found out. This is a woman used to keeping secrets.

She can be entrusted with our national security, because she already is.

Can we say the same things about Obama????????

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 06:28 PM

Originally posted by redhattyAs governor of Alaska, Palin is briefed on highly classified military issues, homeland security, and counter terrorism. Her exposure to classified material may rival even Biden's and certainly by far exceeds Obama's.

Palin is privy to military and intelligence secrets that are vital to the entire country's defense. Given Alaska's proximity to Russia, she may have security clearances we don't even know about.

First let me say thank you for replying. You have brought up some interesting points that I was *not* aware of, but will be looking in to now that you have brought them to my attention (which is more than most of the supporters on either side have done for me when I bring up the issues... so thumbs up to you).

As I have said NUMEROUS times on this board, Obama is toxic to this country; as is Palin.... and yes, as is McCain and Biden, although I see the latter two being a continuation of the slow death method via pin pricks to the heart of original American values rather than the gashing knife wounds to the heart that we will undoubtedly see from either Obama or Palin (should she become the current dictat... oops, I mean president).

Anyway, thanks for your insight and I will look into it and if I find that you are mistaken or have missed out on some facts that would show I am correct in my nervousness of her being in charge, I will be sure to get back here and post them right away

Oh, and to answer your last question clearly, no and I don't know. No, and that answer will undoubtedly not be disputed haha "I don't know" is just because you said "the same things." I have to make sure that what you said is indeed fact (not saying it isn't, but to take someone's given word is hard to do these days), not to mention it is funny how "they" have no problem exaggerating things to make themselves look like they have accomplished more than they have actually accomplished.

Case and point: "I said 'thanks but no thanks on the bridge to nowhere." Exaggeration of some of the truth concerning that topic

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 01:46 AM
reply to post by justamomma

If I get the essence of your post, you are asking : If Sarah Palin cannot secure her own email account, how can she be trusted with national security? Correct?

First, this was an email account that she used for personal communications while at work. Nothing of a secure nature was in that account, as evidenced by the fact that the hacker said so himself.

That in itself tells me she had the smarts enough to separate her personal memos from state matters. So, that pretty much answers your concerns around

The (moderate to high) intelligent people who possess wisdom as well, answer in a manner that considers all of the implications made by the question.

Second, do you actually think that you can compare a personal email account security with the communications of the President of the United States? Do you actually think it is secured by a user-generated password with the simple questions needed for a Gmail or Hotmail account?

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by redhatty

Just about your whole post was actually nearly devoid of fact.

The "Commander in Chief" of the Alaska National Guard has nothing to do with the Governor. She had no direct authority to do anything with our "National security".....much less on the other side of the world.

ANCHORAGE, Alaska — When presumptive Republican presidential nominee John McCain introduced Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate last Friday, the Arizona senator emphasized her role as the commander in chief of the Alaska National Guard . Later, when questions were raised about Palin's lack of experience in national and international affairs, the McCain campaign pointed again to her military command experience as governor. Some reporters have tried to follow up. "Can you tell me one decision that she made as commander in chief of the Alaska National Guard ?" CNN journalist Campbell Brown asked Monday while interviewing McCain campaign spokesman Tucker Bounds . "Just one?" Bounds couldn't, because Palin has never personally ordered the state guard to do anything. Instead, here's what he said: "Any decision she has made as the commander of the ( Alaska ) National Guard that's deployed overseas is more of a decision than Barack Obama's been making as he's been running for president for the last two years." However, the governor has no command authority overseas or anywhere in the United States other than Alaska , said Maj. Gen. Craig Campbell , the service commander of the Alaska National Guard . "When members of the National Guard are federalized, they work for the president," Campbell said Wednesday. "It's not just overseas. They could be federalized to go to other states or they could even be federalized in the state." Occasions in which Palin retains command authority over the 4,200-member Alaska National Guard are whenever the Guard responds to in-state natural disasters and civic emergencies, said Campbell, who also serves as the commissioner of the state Department of Military and Veterans Affairs . Some examples? "We've deployed individuals in state service all over the state under Sarah Palin ," he said. "We had defense men down in Seward for the (Mount) Marathon run doing security. "Out west and northwest we had erosion problems, and the National Guard was involved in some of the protection out there. About three days ago, the Army National Guard picked up a lady from Little Diomede (Island) . . . at the request of state troopers." Did Palin directly approve each of those activities? No

They made that one up to fill in the blanks.

So you see......don't believe in everything you hear without looking it up. Otherwise, someone else will.

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by jsobecky

Second, do you actually think that you can compare a personal email account security with the communications of the President of the United States? Do you actually think it is secured by a user-generated password with the simple questions needed for a Gmail or Hotmail account?

While we are on the subject....
Was it not the current administration (you know Bush, Cheney & friends) Who were using that GWB43 server to bypass the laws for government email? Sarah Palin did like Cheney's legal wiggle room he was taking.....

I would venture to say, we have no idea how secure their email accounts are....especially if they are using "alternate" channels.

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by Grafilthy

First I heard of it. Do you have a source? If true, it was a boneheaded move. Whatever could they been trying to do?

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by jsobecky

First I heard of it. Do you have a source?

You mean the use of alternate email?
Yes, it's true. Here's the WIKI.

"Last week the National Journal disclosed that Karl Rove does 'about 95 percent' of his e-mails outside the White House system, instead using a Republican National Committee account. What's more, Rove doesn't tap most of his messages on a White House computer, but rather on a BlackBerry provided by the RNC. By this method, Rove and other White House aides evade the legally required archiving of official e-mails.

The RNC helped the Bush administration including Karl Rove (who is advising the McCain campaign) avoid some of those pesky "laws" by circumventing a email system that keeps records.

The part I find that Sarah Palin thinks the "expanded powers" Dick Cheney gave himself.....are OK.

Here is another snippet on this as pertaining to the security issue...

Rep. Henry A. Waxman (D-Calif.), chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, which is investigating the use of outside accounts, issued a statement saying that the White House disclosure is "a remarkable admission that raises serious legal and security issues," adding: "The White House has an obligation to disclose all the information it has." The controversy over the outside e-mail accounts is a byproduct of the ongoing showdown over the prosecutor firings, emerging after the administration recently provided to Congress e-mails from some White House officials that had been sent from their RNC accounts. Scott Jennings, the White House deputy director of political affairs, used a "" e-mail account last August to discuss the replacement of Bud Cummins, who was dismissed as the U.S. attorney for Arkansas, according to one e-mail.

Overall, yes there are concerns. The RNC obviously has shown they have contempt for laws that would hinder their political efforts while in office, so they blatantly ignored them.....therefore the security concern.

The RNC will not follow the laws set in place. The RNC and Rove are both working with the McCain campaign.....

Would McCain do things differently with the same advisers? I personally don't think so.....the American people can be the judge.

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