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PROOF That RON PAUL is a good guy!

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posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 12:51 PM
This is not just what Ron Paul experienced in this picture--it is what ALL of us who have accepted the libertarian philosophy have experienced, myself included, since we've been trying to jackhammer through the thick skulls of dumbass Americans.

Remember, some of us have been at this for YEARS before Ron Paul's name was popular. You are only now beginning to experience the exasperation we faced many times over before you woke up to join us.

Note the Republican and Democrat whores smiling and being chummy with each other while Ron Paul smiles bravely alone.

This should disgust and move to action ALL of you, God damn it.

I think this picture should be immortalized. It is more symbolically powerful than anything else I've seen so far.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 12:54 PM
I think its more that the rest of the pack knows Ron Paul is more intelligent and honest than them, so they try to freeze him out. Schoolyard tactics. Ron Paul must be smiling at their stupidity.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by Copernicus

I think its more that the rest of the pack knows Ron Paul is more intelligent and honest than them, so they try to freeze him out. Schoolyard tactics. Ron Paul must be smiling at their stupidity.

Oh man, what i'd do just to stand beside him at that moment, its unlikely tho, im still with him spiritually.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 01:02 PM
He's the only person in that pic that told the truth that night ~1 yr ago about what was coming down the road with the economy....and he was belittled.
Ron Paul is a true Patriot!

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 01:06 PM
No joke. I'm an ex repub who has seen how dirty the party has become. I was talkiing very friendly with a lady in the DMV line the other day until the talk moved to the current economic situation. Then I said, well I voted for Bush twice, but I wish I hadn't, and man she just clammed up like I had committed the unspeakable sin.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by TH3ON3

You did. We're forgiving people who voted for him the first time (we are, afterall, Americans) but two times? Sorry. We can't overlook that. Rumor has it that there's a movement afoot that will require 2-time Bush voters to wear an armband.

But to be fair, at least you seem to have seen the error of your ways. You have, haven't you?

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 01:22 PM
reply to post by TH3ON3

Voted for him twice!!? I'd clam up too, I don't blame the lady at the DMV one bit. I think anyone who voted for him even once must just be a total tool. Did you not watch this guy debate? Did you not listen to the insanity coming out of his mouth before he was even elected? You're truly uninformed, and incapable of denying ignorance, please please please NEVER VOTE OR VOICE YOUR OPINIONS EVER AGAIN. I said Bush would go down as our worst president ever, and I said it before he was even elected. Am I a genius? No, I'm an average guy, and even I could tell he was a piece of you know what. What's your excuse?

Anyways as far as the topic goes....RON PAUL is the man!

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by jtma508

I have...but what concerns me is the blind devotion to a party that is slowly destroying America. It is almost like they have been brainwashed. I can't for the life understand how anyone could still vote republican. Just look at the ecomnomic rescue bill that both McCain and Bush were trying their best to push through. I wonder how many dyed in the wool repubs would still vote that way when they find out that the bill took away the guarantee of their bank accounts being guaranteed. All the banks have to say now is, we are out of cash, come back next week. And the FDIC protection wont have to kick in because the banks can just stall on paying you your money. And this was pushed mainly by the elite republicans.

Please republicans, read the thread here on ATS "MUST READ-Hidden IN Bail Out Bill" to see what I'm saying is true. This proves the republicans are not for the average citizen, but for the ultra rich, their buds so to speak.

And for the record, I'm not sure I voted for Bush twice. I may have abstained on the second, or I'm repressing the memory to protect my sanity.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 01:37 PM
I think your missing the point, she was a republican, and didn't like me saying I had seenh the light about the former grand old party. I think many are still hoping the next republican president will be the reincarnation of Ronald Reagan.

posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by Truther

It is symbolic.

It makes me proud that there are people like Ron Paul in this world, but it disgusts me at the same time that there aren't enough like him where he is actually made out to be the bad guy.

He is probably one or the most brave americans in history that I will ever care to remember.

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