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Reinhardt predicts WW3!!

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posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by tenfly

Originally posted by rufusdrak

So perhaps Israel will hit Iran and a few other nations like Russia will use the opportunity to get some more in Georgia etc. But I just don't see WW3 happening because we have too big of a deterrent in today's world (nuclear weapons) that they didn't have back in 1933. As arrogant as U.S./Nato/Russia all are of their own power, none of them truly wants a mutually assured destruction.

The fact that you "don't wee WW3 happening" is exactly why nukes will be involved. Society requires something bigger this time to catch their attention and to start the wheels of change. A 9/11esque type thing will not suffice anymore. We've seen what that does. It creates massive change, yes, but 7 years later we're still living our boring day to day lives. The majority still don't care whats happening on the other side of the world. Mind you, thats what THEY want. To distract you so much that you don't care to think about it.

Wow, I think there are some seriously disturbed people, if they desire a nuclear world war. It's disheartening to think that there are people of this mindset out there.

I think you hit on the real reason some of you have this mindset though: You are bored. And you think a disaster will liven things up. People have no idea how good they have it. I've thought about this before, perhaps it's just a genetic traight. As a long surviving and evolving species, we NEED resistance, difficulties, challanges. The humdrum everyday living for most people perhaps bores them to a point that to them, anything would liven it up, including a disaster.

As far as people being unaware of what's happening on the other side of the world: So what? This is a VERY new thing in humanity. That is, the ability to know what's going on instantly, anywhere in the world. For a much, much longer time, humans had no idea what was happening on the other side of the world. Is it wrong for people to simply want to live their lives? You act as if it's a crime. Some people just want to live and let live.

As far as changing socieity for the good by way of a war (of any kind), that often is not how it turns out. And if the war is large enough, and the government is completely displaced, you are living a fantasy if you think it will come back stronger and better than it is right now. People are corrupt. This leads to corrupt governments. Blowing it all up and starting over does not guarantee a thing, other than pain, loss, and depression. Why people are eager for these things really baffles me. Do you really have it so bad right now?

I think people watch movies (or read comics) like V, and get this fantasy in their head that overthrowing a government, even if by a horrible war, is the only way to 'make things better.' This is not a progressive fix. It's a tragedy, and should be avoided at all costs.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by Night Watchman

Originally posted by SHNIPE
reply to post by Skelkie3

are you 100% sure hes actually dead? This IS a conspiracy site

I Love predictions. Anticipation is one of my favorite feelings. I cant see it being a good thing but its still "fun" to me

Can I ask a serious question? Do you think this guy's prediction about WW3 will be proven correct? How much confidence do you have in this?

You don't need to be a Psychic to predict WWIII

a world on edge plunges into an economic crisis this is historically a good recipe for war.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 09:54 AM
Let's be clear that he said:

When these “public works” programmes are..

nearly completed there will be..

world war (or to be more technically correct every nation with economic problems will wage war with their favorite enemies).

So will the OP PLEASE change the title???? Lets be truthful.

What are the "public works" programmes? (programmes? yes he talks about the King. )

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by fleabit

Wow, I think there are some seriously disturbed people, if they desire a nuclear world war. It's disheartening to think that there are people of this mindset out there.

I'm not advocating any of this. I'm just saying that's how we have progressed, and that is how its going to be. I'm certainly not foaming at the mouth here. Borderline depressed, but also aware of the state of the world (at least how I perceive it).

I think you hit on the real reason some of you have this mindset though: You are bored. And you think a disaster will liven things up. People have no idea how good they have it. I've thought about this before, perhaps it's just a genetic traight. As a long surviving and evolving species, we NEED resistance, difficulties, challanges. The humdrum everyday living for most people perhaps bores them to a point that to them, anything would liven it up, including a disaster.

I agree that people have no idea how good they have it. I'm not looking for this to 'liven' my life up. Why would I think that? If I were to be involved it, it certainly won't be as good as I currently live. I like my internet access, my car, my home, my family. I don't WANT a war, I'm saying it's inevitable.

As far as people being unaware of what's happening on the other side of the world: So what? This is a VERY new thing in humanity. That is, the ability to know what's going on instantly, anywhere in the world. For a much, much longer time, humans had no idea what was happening on the other side of the world. Is it wrong for people to simply want to live their lives? You act as if it's a crime. Some people just want to live and let live.

It is a VERY new thing for humanity, and we haven't adjusted quite yet. The next evolution in humanity, I believe, is the higher level of consciousness. For people to start thinking of humanity before themselves. To start thinking of their brothers and sisters, before thinking about themselves. I think that's how we will evolve as humans. I think this is necessary (in the minds of those behind the curtain) to get us to that point.

As far as changing socieity for the good by way of a war (of any kind), that often is not how it turns out. And if the war is large enough, and the government is completely displaced, you are living a fantasy if you think it will come back stronger and better than it is right now. People are corrupt. This leads to corrupt governments. Blowing it all up and starting over does not guarantee a thing, other than pain, loss, and depression. Why people are eager for these things really baffles me. Do you really have it so bad right now?

People are corrupt due to money. Eventually, I do hope we get away from that. But yes, look at Germany now compared to the 40s. I do not have it 'so bad' right now. WE ALL HAVE IT BAD. Like you said, we don't realize how good we have it. We'll be made to realize how good we have it.

Again, I'm not jumping up and down counting down the minutes. I'm just aware of the situation, and am trying to think a bit bigger than ME only.
I think people watch movies (or read comics) like V, and get this fantasy in their head that overthrowing a government, even if by a horrible war, is the only way to 'make things better.' This is not a progressive fix. It's a tragedy, and should be avoided at all costs.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 09:56 AM
So that brings us to what are each countries greatest enemies?
US - those who would deny us our freedoms
UK - Spain?
Russia - Nazi's
China - Japan?
Pakistan - duh
Israel - Iran
Switzerland - avalanches

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 10:05 AM
Yeah, people are cr@pping their pants right now on wall street. TODAY IS HUGE!

DOW down about 500!!!!!points. down about 5%....

Thigns are looking very strange. Investors are looking very scared. Theres a weird vibe going on. Just strange!

Its almost frightning.

Whats worse is that there really isn't any big news. No giant bail out, No big bank crashes over the weekend. This is just strait sell off.

This is the sell off that could lead to another sell out this evening in Europe and Asia. Which leads to ahrd core panic. I was almost kidding earlier when i said this could actually happen. But dear god its going down! People are selling jsut to get out and thats alarming.

So im going to watch this for the rest of the day.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by spoonbeater

To make a long story short:
In Germany it was democracy. They even had kind of a Congress, the Reichstag.
Hitler wants a law that will give him more power passed.
There is a fire at the "Congress".
Hitler says the fire was set by communists.
Hitler says that the fire was only the first step.
Nazis go from 33% to 44% which summed up with their allies gave them almost 55%. The remaining 20%+ was achieved by mass media manipulation and imprisonment of some of the Reichstag (aka Congress).
Hitler gets the law passed and gets dictator of Germany.

It is also speculated that the fire was set by Hitler's ppl. Anyway what is clear is that an attack against his country was smartly turned into something very positive for him. Very similar to 911...

So basically the guy of the premonition says that you should watch out for "convenient disasters" because terrible events are used to help population do things that otherwise they won't use.

Hitler had been sworn in as Chancellor and head of the coalition government on 30 January 1933. As Chancellor, Hitler asked German President Paul von Hindenburg to dissolve the Reichstag and call for a new parliamentary election.
Hitler hoped to abolish democracy in a more or less legal fashion by passing the Enabling Act. The Enabling Act was a special law which gave the Chancellor the power to pass laws by decree without the involvement of the Reichstag. These special powers would remain in effect for four years, after which time they were eligible to be renewed.
To pass an Enabling Act, a party required a vote by a two-thirds majority in the Reichstag. In January 1933, the Nazis had only 32% of the seats and thus were in no position to pass an Enabling Act.
During the election campaign, the Nazis alleged that Germany was on the verge of a Communist revolution and that the only way to stop the communists was to pass the Enabling Act. The message of the campaign was simple: increase the number of Nazi seats so that the Enabling Act could be passed. In order to decrease the number of opposition members of parliament who could vote against the Enabling Act, Hitler had planned to ban the Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands (the Communist Party of Germany or KPD), which at the time held 17% of the parliament's seats, after the elections and before the new Reichstag convened. The Reichstag Fire allowed Hitler to accelerate the banning of the Communist Party. The Nazis capitalized on the fear that the Reichstag fire was supposed to serve as a signal launching the Communist revolution in Germany, and promoted this claim in their campaign.

The day after the fire, Hitler asked for and received from President Hindenburg the Reichstag Fire Decree, signed into law by Hindenburg using Article 48 of the Weimar Constitution. The Reichstag Fire Decree suspended most civil liberties in Germany and was used by the Nazis to ban publications not considered "friendly" to the Nazi cause.

This is also explained in the movie cited in:

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 10:16 AM
Look people are scared all over the world, because they are figuring out that money has been used to control them for such a long time.

People are starting to wake up and question what is the truth and what is happiness in life.

Money is a faith based system and when you find out it is just a bunch of smoke and mirrors to control the masses, you get what is going on now.

What people are not looking at is, what the good things in their life are.

Our society is run by fear on many levels and people are tired of it, that is why we are questioning more and more.

Do you want to be controlled by fear? Do you want to be afraid?

What happens if you lose everything money wise? Are you less of a person?

[edit on 6-10-2008 by Realtruth]

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by Escrotumus
i see nothing on that link which talks about ww3 being imminent. is there a link to this?

I do, it has been going on for quite some time now. It is a World War against our own fears.

Fears seem to make everyone react instead of looking for the truth.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by SpaceMonkeys

Reinhardt has made a 100% prediction that WW3 is imminent. If you aren't aware of reinhardt, 2 months ago he predicted a crash of the stock markets on the 15th september which came true and lehman brothers went bankrupt. There are a number of threads on this guy because of his eerily accurate predictions to do with the stock markets. I have heard many "whistleblowers" say that something BIG is going to happen this month and now the one who hasn't been wrong yet has said he is 100% positive that WW3 is imminent. This sends a chill down my spine.

You are missing the idea...anyone can say WWIII is imminent. And the September 15th "crash" has nothing on how the Stock Market looks today. Haven't you ever heard vague predictions with loose ends always seem to have a chance of being true?

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by Realtruth

Originally posted by Escrotumus
i see nothing on that link which talks about ww3 being imminent. is there a link to this?

I do, it has been going on for quite some time now. It is a World War against our own fears.

Fears seem to make everyone react instead of looking for the truth.

Summarized beautifully.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by ghostlandseller

The thing that is funny, is that during this age and time, if the Market crashes what event besides that pushes this into a world conflict? People aren't fighting over Wall St., only when food, electricity, land, water, start becoming high-costs for living is when we'll notice what is happening.

[edit on 6-10-2008 by antmax21]

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by antmax21
reply to post by ghostlandseller

The thing that is funny, is that during this age and time, if the Market crashes what event besides that pushes this into a world conflict?

[edit on 6-10-2008 by antmax21]

Stupidity, fear and being selfish. Who is still in control if people start killing each other instead of helping each other?

Fear and those who use it to control.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by spoonbeater
If this person was an intelligence officer, as some suggest; I am of the opinion that there would be some hidden meaning behind his name "Reinhardt". Perhaps it could be an anogram of something important? It is a German name, which could have some significance when translated? Perhaps he wants us to look at the history of people who have had the same name? Perhaps it means nothing... I do not know.

I was in contact with Reinhardt several times by email. He promised to help me on a teleconference, but didn't show up. If you saw his website with my emails on 'em, he didn't show the other 3 emails proving that he planned to show up... that was a red flag for me, so I started to connect my own dots about "Reinhardt".

I later found out that Reinhardt stands for Reinhardt College in Georgia.

And here's a riddle for you... what's the connection between Reinhard College and Fort Bragg? Here's a hint:

It's becoming quite clear to me that "Reinhardt" is nothing more than controlled opposition. Controlled opposition drops onto the scene literally out of the blue... deliver us amazing, never-before-nuggets of intelligence... that hooks us in... we treat 'em like a new hero... and then 6 to 12 months later we're spun into la la land -- totally discrediting us (or sending us down the wrong rabbit holes).

Notice how "Reinhardt" talks in riddles? That's how intelligence psyops works. It has nothing to do with opening our mind... in fact, it's kind of like raping our mind. Admit it... if you're like most you're spending days and nights trying to figure out what date Lincoln freed the slaves. It's a time waster. That's their goal... instead of tracking down the real criminal, global elite... you're wasting time on nonsense.

I can give you numerous examples of controlled opposition... the most famous is Ron Paul. Remember how Ron Paul was the only politician asking about what really happened on 9/11. And just like clockwork, he spins us into la la land months later and claims he never said anything about his feelings on 9/11. Unbelieveable, eh?

Ron Paul even spins us into la la land on whether he's still running for presidency -- with that said I still think the October surprise involves Ron Paul... I still think he's going to win (but don't wish for something because you might get it).

I will follow Reinhardt's predictions because most of what controlled opposition says is the truth in the beginning. But tread carefully... especially if you're attending one of thost meetups that force you to all wear the same shirts... that's a huge red flag, too... guess what happens when the day ends and you walk back to your car... the military scans your license plate. For the military, anyone willing to travel hundreds of miles for real truth is a real enemy. Instead, if you insist on going, you might take a bike or ride in public transportation just to be on the safe side.

Do you agree with my assessment?

- Markus Allen

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by stikkinikki
So that brings us to what are each countries greatest enemies?
US - those who would deny us our freedoms
UK - Spain?
Russia - Nazi's
China - Japan?
Pakistan - duh
Israel - Iran
Switzerland - avalanches

People anywhere - Government everywhere?

ow and seriously.... US - those who would deny us our freedoms??
Who denies Americans their freedom, other then..... AMERICANS?

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by stikkinikki

How about people turn on governments for supporting corrupt financial institutions? I'd even be so bold as to suggest that the CIA would be in a position to launch a false flag riot just to make it seem like the public is going wild and that is than used as an excuse for martial law to be implemented. So there would already be a new law in action once you're informed that all savings have been reduces to vapor, you're out of the job and the money you might currently hold in cash is no longer considered an acceptable monetary unit. With "W" on vacation, Cheney is in the driving seat and we all know how good of a people's person He is.

This is naturally just s theory.

Kind regards.

[edit on 6-10-2008 by Manawydan]

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by fleabit
Wow, I think there are some seriously disturbed people, if they desire a nuclear world war. It's disheartening to think that there are people of this mindset out there.

I think you hit on the real reason some of you have this mindset though: You are bored. And you think a disaster will liven things up. People have no idea how good they have it. I've thought about this before, perhaps it's just a genetic traight. As a long surviving and evolving species, we NEED resistance, difficulties, challanges. The humdrum everyday living for most people perhaps bores them to a point that to them, anything would liven it up, including a disaster.

As far as people being unaware of what's happening on the other side of the world: So what? This is a VERY new thing in humanity. That is, the ability to know what's going on instantly, anywhere in the world. For a much, much longer time, humans had no idea what was happening on the other side of the world. Is it wrong for people to simply want to live their lives? You act as if it's a crime. Some people just want to live and let live.

As far as changing socieity for the good by way of a war (of any kind), that often is not how it turns out. And if the war is large enough, and the government is completely displaced, you are living a fantasy if you think it will come back stronger and better than it is right now. People are corrupt. This leads to corrupt governments. Blowing it all up and starting over does not guarantee a thing, other than pain, loss, and depression. Why people are eager for these things really baffles me. Do you really have it so bad right now?

I think people watch movies (or read comics) like V, and get this fantasy in their head that overthrowing a government, even if by a horrible war, is the only way to 'make things better.' This is not a progressive fix. It's a tragedy, and should be avoided at all costs.

Some people see captivity as worse than death.

[edit on 6-10-2008 by Jezus]

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 11:12 AM
People need to sit back, take a deep breath and then go to the next person to instruct them to do the same. Soon after there would be a good many more clearheaded people running around dousing fires instead of running around a grass field with fire lit-shoes..


posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by Mercenary2007
reply to post by AHostileMe

Actually go back to the post where he said "and the negative news that will move the market downward should occur Sept 15".
at the very top of that post he said

Crash in Sept.

so he was Half right

But "Crash in Sept" was in quotes. He quoted someone else, said yup, and that Sept 15 would begin the downfall.

I think he is only pointing out dates of significant changes, which the 15th of Sept was one and of course, today's date.

For the millionth time people, he is not using the word crash himself. He said sell off risky stocks by the 2nd because on the 6th of October, there will be a major fall. Stop twisting the words around to discredit the guy. I think he has something going for him now. Two dates with significant loss predicted by Reinhardt.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by FreezeM

Originally posted by stikkinikki
So that brings us to what are each countries greatest enemies?
US - those who would deny us our freedoms
UK - Spain?
Russia - Nazi's
China - Japan?
Pakistan - duh
Israel - Iran
Switzerland - avalanches

People anywhere - Government everywhere?

ow and seriously.... US - those who would deny us our freedoms??
Who denies Americans their freedom, other then..... AMERICANS?

We do like to fight with ourselves. There is going to be a lot of PO-ed people already disgusted with government, already suspicious that some element of government knew about of facilitated the attacks of 911. Some are predicting a false flag event that will drag us into more wars. Question is how many people in this country and around the world are becoming wise to the man behind the curtain?

A wise investor will be on a sharp lookout for Reichstag fires.

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