posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 04:19 PM
Yep, nothing unusual here. Just dreams of memories and their possibilities. Obviously the information was quite important and has found a place in
your subconcious for easy retreival.
The ones you should pay attention to are dreams of the unknown or a possible future.
Roll with it! Have some fun with them and don't take them tooo literally. After all, they are a product of "your" imagination and subconcious, not
the other way around.
I dreampt that I cut the throats of my mother and sister the other night.......uuuughh!
Don't worry, they're fine.
It's just information.....random and in sequence, to decipher the "direct" meaning is probably quite pointless, for me, it's a general "feel" of
what's happening and not the direct image.
Good luck, be comfortable in your dreams, you are their master if you are a master who can understand yourself?
Tell your sister about your dream and tell her you love her. Even if she hears it often, tell her "why" you love her and your fear of losing her.
My own sister is still recovering from Leukemia, and believe me, the dreams, the meanings, the whole of life can be given a new perspective.......
How much love is felt in hindsight when it's too late to give.