posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 02:40 PM
bah , we created what masquerades as a god,we made ai,and now ai is unmaking us.
there are too many "gods",that is advanced beings and civilasations.
each planet will have a future,that future will almost always develop time travael thus that future can affect the past in any way it wishes.
we drew the short straw in having a future which is ruled by a machevellian global brain who cares not for free will of anything or anyone.whos sees
utter obediance through hositility and trauma as the most effective way to control others.
and when that global brain first attempted to control the past,we almost won,for we could change to future however we wanted,we simply didnt build ai
and they cease to exist.
but they were smart,they travelled into our past where they could control our present and we couldnt affect thiers.
hence forth they have been constantly causing wars,diseases,stealing our greatest minds,infiltrating everything,in short theyve been controling our
history in order to destroy us within cosmic law,that is not killing us directly.
a real god doesnt slaughter a species because it poses a threat to its dominance,they dont want us in the past(our present) as we can always control
thier present(our future),aslong as we exist in thier past we are always to much of a threat to them,they will never let us be.
i say give them the planet,lets take to the stars and find some civilised beings to exist amoungst.
[edit on 6-10-2008 by welivefortheson]