posted on Mar, 24 2004 @ 05:40 PM
Well...Since Bush's reign of power started this is what happen (I could be wrong about this correct me if I am):
-- It was fine up until 9/11, that is when, Movies on TV started to cut out bullets, guns, and bombs. Then the infamous list of songs that were banned
songs, some of which never came back even affter CC denied the list was real.
-- Non-offencive words began to be bleeped, like: Gun, Bullets, Blead, blood, ETC. Everything just became polidicly corect, but that's just getting
started and that's still happing....
-- Happy, Holsom music, movies and TV shows became a staple in American life
-- Can't say what we want, if we say something wrong we will get sued or have the FBI on our butts. Ahh that's the life
-- Since the Janet Jackson thing everything got worse, Videos being banned or moved. Stern canned, ETC.
And you say we still have freedom of speach I think not! it has gone down hill since 9/11. This is just part of the master plan, and 1984 is a little
late, but it is coming soon....really soon....