reply to post by Maya00a
Thanks for posting this!!! I knew it was going to be good when I heard Carl Sagan, and Bill Hicks to start this video off!
I havent fully finished watching it yet, but wanted to give this an early morning bump for those just waking up this Sat. morning, and looking for
something to watch!
Warning! Spoiler Alert! I go into depth on my feelings to Zeitgeist, take some time to watch it, then read my post. I dont wish to spoil
this, or take away from what you mind find as a personal truth.
===========IM posting as IM watching this=================
Right I didnt realize this video was out here yet!
I will return with some more thoughts If I am still able to edit this post after I have taken it all in.
Edit--- So far so good! They start off with the right topic! Our money system, and how its the honest truth.. If there is one truth we can honestly
and seriously take from this is that.. MONEY is the root of our evils today.
However thats only part of the truth. AS money is just money, and is merely an extension of ourselfs. Thus thats where you come into play and create
your own truth to this. No one person can say this is the 100% truth.. We all have our own truths.. But there is an underline issue we all face..
Money. Is it money? Or is it truely us at the base root?
1% of the people own 40% of everything.. While the rest of us suffer and steal and kill for table scraps..
You know the elite are laughing at us.. They always have been..
As this taught me a little bit more about inflation, and what it truely is.
So its a secert tax, that we are all paying! Its a price we must pay for the fact that more and more money is being printed out with no real backing
to it such as gold, or silver. Its only backed by debt. Which the part with Ron Paul explaining it to the house was just more insite some of us can
really us right now. Ron Paul has been right about many things, and its wise they chose him to pin point some of the talking points they have going
on right now.
Our money only has value becasue of the money that is already out there.
Yet when they create new monies. That in turn lowers the worth of the current dollars that are in currency.
This system right now is far more dangerous than standing Armies or terrorist clawing at us from caves.
The system we have right now is the true enemy! They are the true terroists! How many stories have we all read, and how many movies are out there of
those stories, where the real good guys are always painted as the evil ones! Hell this even goes into video game titles and just about everything we
entertain ourselfs with.. Its that story, much like many of the final Fantasy games, or RPG's where you are the hero. But you have been branded
terroists by the true evils of the world.
So many stories, yet people seem to think this government is looking out for us. ITs all in front of our eyes.. And we read and hear about it
everyday! This video has to wake up some people.. Its just got to! And if it doesnt make sense to atleast 4 out of 10 people watching, we are in
serious trouble folks..
And a question Im going to throw in here..
So are these numbers correct? A 96% Devaluation in the dollar value in 94 years? Thats sounds about right.
As my grandmother who is 92 years old use to work in her teens for 50 Cents a week!! Looking back and remembering the stories she told me makes me
truely wonder what this world would bring any child I would bring into this world. Most of us work a week and bring home 600$ a week on average, and
thats barely enough to get by. 600$ compared to 50 cents a week sure sounds like 96% difference to me..
So much has gotten out of hand, becasue we have truely belived we where free.. When we are not free. Enslaved to this system we have become, and now
we are addicted to this system, and can not go threw the withdraws, without going into serious DT reaction!! Purely a metaphore. but you follow
Now what is even more bothersome is 2 months ago when I was at work, a few co-workers started talking about the money system.
And I jump in and say you know, all our money is worthless.. It equal debt! One guy agree'ed with me, but looked at my and gave me the idea he
wanted me to be quite. Well I kept on going, and my supervisor finally spoke up and said.. You know its illegal to talk about our money system while
here at work. He said that if he really wanted to make a big deal over it he would turn me ! I said turn me into whom??
He looked at me and said.. "never bring that up here at work, or any where lese.. He pretty much told me it was not wise to question our money in
public place!! Thats what really started to open my eyes even more so.. Whats going on here??
I think I know whats going on here.. "If there were no debt in our money system. There wouldn't be any money!!"
And if thats the case.. Then we are trapped in a system that enslaves, and punishes it people.. And creates so many fights, and stessful issues for
all of us!
People is it really worth it anymore..
Ask yourself.. have you had enough already?
When is enough, enough?
I will tell you when it was enough at one point.. And that was in 1835!! Andrew Jackson.. Or so the story goes stood up to these Vipers!
And shook the slate clean.. There was no debt after that..
What happen guys? I was not alive at the time..
But here I sit.. Alive and born into a world, where my parents nor did their parents, my Grandparents do a damn thing about this!
And now its Our problem to deal with..
Its our turn to stand up and show these bullies what this generation is made of! There will be a time when we have been bent so far that we are going
to break! And when it breaks who is going to clean up the mess?
Have we forgotten so easy what Jackson stood for and fought for?
All those dead warriors in rolling over in their graves right now!
Its absurd! And its a damn shame.!
The Banks have been pushing for power! And the Bold Efforts the present Bank has made to control the Government!
I starting to understand a bit more clearly now.
Our government has been taken over by rich Bankers! And they hold us here hostages. And slaves to this system!
Its not the USA government doing this too us.. THEY have been defeated by Bankers!!
In this stage of the game, the Bankers are now the ones in control!
They own Bush, they own Cheney. The banks in essence are the ones behind the curtin!
Much like a judge, who rules from the bench! The bench means Bank!
The whole damn system is run by the banks, and is all about debt!
People this is serious business! And I am truely meaning this in the deepest form. What does one do when you locate the enemy.. What do we do now
that we have an idea that the banks have taken control of our government, and are pushing us around and treating us like animals??
This isnt some paranoid self centered thought process either. I think this is as real as its going to get here. And these boys are not going to just
step down, or go out easy. They have been planning and waiting for these years to come.. Their plan is comming into full swing.
And are we just to let them steamroll over us?
After so many brave men and women fought for what was right so long ago?
When did we lose our way? When did we lose the power to see these banks are not here to help us, but destory us and keep us down.
Divide us threw Poverty ranks, color, and creeds.
They have us so deeply divided that Im sure many people will want to flame me down, or argue with me about what I have to say here.
And how much I really feel this video can lead to many personal truths.
But over all there is ONE real truth to deal with here.. And thats the Banks have taken alot of power! And have overstepped themselfs once again!
Now I dont promote the idea of doing away with banks all together.
When done right banks and the system looks great from the outside!
And it works when used properly! But when used and abused like they have been doing the past many years.. Well you get the mess we are in right
now!!! The mess is going to have to be cleaned up by someone, or a group of folks not afraid to stand up for what is clearly the only choice we are
getting down too!! There is always a chance for peace, and always a chance to salvage what we have left.. But its slim pickings at this point.
These Bankers, and Federal reserves have over stepped their bounds.
But we also much remain clear that this truth is but one side of the whole deal.. The bankers and Feds also have a side to this.. Which IMO is worth
listening too..
Would they like to explain themselfs for once?
I have maxed out this post here.. and dont have many charaters left..
I am going to start a new post.. To finish the many thoughts I have about this video.. I really want to break this down, and for once explain
If anything this helps me cope with whats going on out here.
You dont have to agree with me, you dont even have to read my review here.. I just ask that you take atleast one thing with you from this video.
1 thing is all.. You can leave the rest for the rubbish pile if you so desire.
But I think everyone can find atleast 1 thing if not many more that they like about this video, and feel resonates with them on a deeper level!
[edit on 4-10-2008 by zysin5]