posted on Oct, 3 2008 @ 03:55 PM
I'm going to hypothesize that the world, of which you chronicle, SHOULD be happier, friendlier, more at peace. However, I don't think it actually
would. History shows us that we are capable of, and would, survive such a crash. Being happy depends more on our expectations and perceptions of
this world . . . that being said, this world would be a gloomy place under your scenario.
I'd say half the populus would not know how to survive without current technology . . . maybe more. This would cause panic, which would lead to
crimes and rioting. Secondly, while I.Q.'s have gone up steadily since the turn of the 20th century . . . E.I.Q's (emotional intelligence) has gone
down at a converse rate. So, while we are smarter . . . we are less social and able to deal with the social aspects of returning to an earlier time
in economic evolution (barter, agrarian, et. al). Add to the fact that the vaccum created by the world's power elite "disappearing" would give
rise to tyrants and warlords . . . even in the U.S.
These factors, while necessary to "weed out" the biologically unfit for such a world, would definitely cause the immediate future to be rather
Not to mention the ego placation that a high cost of living has afforded the western world and the immediate crush to that ego that a fall would