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Bush signs $700 billion financial bailout bill

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posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 09:34 AM
Hmmm... I don't know what is wrong with this thief bail out bill. Let's examine the facts...

The citizens never wanted it... CHECKED
The president and the lobby intended to pass it... CHECKED
The bill passed... CHECKED
It's not worked... CHECKED
Market is still falling... CHECKED
Banks still closing to bankruptcy... CHECKED
DOW is under 10000... CHECKED
End of the United States economy... CHECKED

Honestly, why they wanted to pass this bill if it's not helped on anyone at all??? Wouldn't be easier if the bill would be erased from history and the U.S. would save 700 Billion for the harder times. Geez. What sort of morons are in the White House and the Congress.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 09:39 AM

Originally posted by Bombeni
Are Sons of Liberty a thing we can only read about now? It would appear that way.

I would not like to think that you're right there. I know for me it's not so, but like you said and its actually somewhat prophetic:

"50 people boycotting Christmas Spending look like scrooges, 50 million looks like a revolution"

Perhaps the REAL answer is, to find the banding, to get together, to lay down a plan, and carry it out at the best we possibly could. In my HONEST opinion I find nothing wrong with fighting, so long as the fighting is with heart and soul and with a definitive goal of truly helping out our fellow man and the generations that ensue.

One way or another, the bleeding has to really has to.


posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by alphabetaone

It may be pocket change to some people, but I am sick and tired of giving four thousand dollars a year to the federal government just to watch them continue to ignore the desires of the Average American. Everything they do, both in the open AND underhandedly, is to benefit the wealthy. Just look how they continue to turn a blind eye to thousands of illegal immigrants flowing into our country, I mean, where does it stop? Illegals keep wages at a bare minimum, not to mention they pay taxes they can never recover, and The Fat Cats they be liking that. If our young people won't get together to put a stop to this runaway monster then it makes us want to start breaking the law, trying to figure out how to not pay taxes etc. But let's be honest, not paying our taxes is just going to make our lives harder, it isn't the answer. The answer is to take back the government and start running it by the people for the people and of the people, as our Forefathers intended.

[edit on 6-10-2008 by Bombeni]

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by Bombeni

Ok, and how do you do THAT, without breaking the law? Whether it's not paying taxes, or taking back the ENTIRE Government (do you REALLY think that's a possibility without a resistance; and let's face it, the wall-flower 'oh life is wonderful and lets have sex at woodstock' mindset certainly won't change it) how would you propose is the appropos catalyst for doing so?

The reality is, sometimes you are left with no choice but to threaten violence. Violence against an establishment that would otherwise harm it's own people. Can we really allow that?

I'm not panicking nor do I have anything to lose OR gain by what's going on around us. But I DO want all of those hard working people the small guy, the little guy who just simply CANT BELIEVE or UNDERSTAND what's happening to them, to still have the means by which to live and enjoy their years and their families. I'm resigned to making a change and a difference, whatever that would entail.


posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by alphabetaone

Actually, and maybe I miscommunicated something, I am all for your suggestion. I do think however that mass protests in the streets would be a beginning. Gotta start somewhere and there's safety in numbers; a revolution has to start by like-minded people coming together, but it's not going to happen. Our present day Young Americans just don't have the fight in them. So as I said, it leaves us with trying to figure out ways we can break the law as individuals like not paying our taxes, which only makes things worse for us as individuals. We are like deer in the headlights.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by Bombeni

Oh, yes. I had taken it wrong. Yes, INDIVIDUALLY if we attempted to mount a resistance, we face extinction. Absolutely spot on!

But ya know what, like in a laboratory, the best way to affect this is with a control set.

So, here's a suggestion, why don't we see what the REAL will of the people is. Our commonality at the moment is right here, ATS, so, why dont we start a thread; a thread that is simply to do one thing: get a list, a list of ALL those SERIOUSLY willing to do SOMETHING about affecting some form of change. The thread should not contain the proposals for a solution or any such nonsense. JUST those willing to do SOMETHING...once you have that control set in place of participants who you KNOW are willing, then comes the gathering of the minds by which to actually NOW affect solutions etc.

By doing so, you gather together, you try to MAKE those changes, but more importantly you get to see if ANYONE is really serious OR is what's being said HERE all just venting wind and frustration. If the latter is the case, then clearly, you have gotten the answer to your own question.


posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by alphabetaone

Well, you are getting warmer. I agree ATS would be a place to kick something like this off; unfortunately it wouldn't be me. First place I am female and when women do something like this we just get called loonies, ref: Cindy Sheehan. This needs a strong-willed man who has been around here awhile and has a lot of contacts. I guess it's a wait and see thing now.

P.S. However I would be one the sign-ups. I have some physical disability, but maybe I could stuff envelopes or something.

[edit on 6-10-2008 by Bombeni]

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by Bombeni

And, so I have, started such a thread. Perhaps we can get and see the responses. I'm truly curious.

It is here.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 01:30 PM

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 07:02 PM

Originally posted by Enigma Publius

Originally posted by Thebudweiserstuntman
What I don't get is why did they go to vote again after it failed the first time? Is that how it works? Keep voting till it goes your way? best out of, wait five....erm ten....double or quits...s *flips coin* no..wait...tails

that's what i was gonna say! seriously, someone respond to this question that knows more about this, i am not very sharp on economic policy WHATSOEVER; isn't it pretty criminal to do this?????

Ok, as I posted above, this was actually a bill that was passed by the house back in March 2007. Here is the link to the original bill

Then, Oct 1, 2008 9:07 PM Senate
Dodd Amdt. No. 5685
Amendment Agreed to 74-25, 1 not voting (3/5 required)

Senator Dodd completely changed this bill that had already passed the house, doing so then means that the house got a chance to view the new and improved bill (sarcasm). If I am understanding it right, this was the first house vote that we Americans realized what was happening and started calling in on, and did not pass.

It was co-opted by the Senate as the "vehicle" for the quick passage of the economic stimulus bill, by replacing the entire text of the measure with the stimulus bill.

Therefore, this was a completely DIFFERENT bill that had passed the house, but not the senate, that the senate took over and rewrote 100%, so we now have this bailout package, oh no "stimulus package".

It was not "illegal", but it sure was unethical. How many realize this?

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 10:40 PM
I definitely understand everyone's fury at this. It has been nothing short of a criminal racket that started many years ago complete with the crooks book cooking, creating money out of thin air, swapping and thus bypassing regulations (not enforced and weakened by republicans anyway)...etc...also because it wasn't the will of the people to bail out a system that covers the bare butts of the fat cats who have had us bent over for years now.

On the other hand, something had to be done. If nothing was done, it would have gotten real bad fast with everyone out of work in short time...As is it's going to bad enough with more closures ahead and in the retail sector in January: run chicken little run!!!! This time it just may be. To have done nothing would have been just about as bad as to support this bill. With this bill we can look forward to keeping most of our jobs and the fall won't be as hard, but it comes with inflation and a heavier debt.

Either way we are screwed. Go watch the Zeitgeist addendum movie if you haven't seen it yet. There's a thread on here about it, or you can google it...the Venus project sounds promising.

Start working on your contingency plans now while there is still time. It could turn real ugly in a few more months. I’ve had a reliable source say troupes have been deployed here in the States…We live in interesting times that’s for sure, and Fox uses it’s time to prop up the same tired propaganda works and resorts to smear campaigns at a time like this? Huh, it’s the same agenda that got us here…unbelievable…turn that useless bucket of bolts and glass off and learn to free your mind.

[edit on 6-10-2008 by skyshow]

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by interestedalways
what awesome posts interestedalways. couldn't have been stated better anywhere. because, as a citizens of this country and as a moral responsibility to my children's future i should have long ago scrutinized each bill presented...............instead, i tiptoed thru the tulips and now my children are in la la land.


posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 10:47 PM
Really why bail us out anyway? we're just going to spend it all in the production of garbage and stuff that we do not need to buy.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 11:01 PM
All i can say to the American people is: YOU GOT OWNED! as we all are i am afraid.

[edit on 14-10-2008 by all2human]

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by alphabetaone

I would love to see who amongst us would so willingly give up internet, TV, phones (to a point), radio, etc.

I've starred your post, alpha. Great points. My wife and I have tried as much as possible not to depend upon the outside. We do grow about 80% of our own food, and have enough for our grown children and grandchildren. Our children know that they can come live with us, if things get worse, and I'm afraid things are getting worse. We watch very little tv, because it is such trash and fake news. For now, giving up the internet would be hard, because we feel it is the only place we can get some truth as to what is going on.
I'm sure as things get worse, the government will put tight controls on the Internet, much like China has done. We do have about a 3 year food supply stashed, but beyond, not much more, other than the ability to stretch our things for another year or two, by careful rationing. At that point, if not before, events may take another turn. When people get desperate and have nothing to lose, they take to the pitchforks. Enough said.

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