posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 02:31 AM
Yes the US does produce things. What people don't understand is the money is meant to be spent in local businesses. You pay them not the companies
they buy their products from. What you want to support is local companies that sell products.
If you spend your rebate on businesses that are locally owned, (not chains or large corporations) you will indeed stimulate the American economy
because the money will be spent by Americans to Americans.
When you buy from those large chains you spend your money internationally. Then it doesn't help the local economy as much as it helps large
corporations that do their business overseas.
The mom & pop diner, perhaps they do spend their money overseas buying goods from South America, but you will be doing your part by eating in their
establishment instead of a conglomerate chain. They will receive your money first which will help their bottom line, which in turn they can use to
hire people locally that helps those people's bottom line, creating jobs.
So instead of taking your money to some huge chain, take your money to local merchants that really are the base of our economy. Help small business
grow, and you will see that the economy will grow along with it. The days of the huge franchise chain should be over, it is time for us as Americans
to invest in American companies, these are the small businesses. The easiest way to invest in these companies is to buy their products, use their
services, and spend your money with them instead of these huge corporations that ship jobs overseas.