Thanks again every one for the replies and links MD, glad ATSers showed
so much interest. I’m looking forward to posting the full gallery and will
continue to put forth extra time on it when available.
Dang man, you have a lot of questions, I’ll reply to the ones I know
I can get away with.
FOB Normandy is approximately 50 miles NE of Baghdad.
We never used White Phosphorous for any thing that I know of.
Night raids, sort of yes. We call them SKT’s though, for Small Kill Teams,
yes I know not very politically correct, but you know screw PC.
This ain’t the 90s any more.
None of the guys in my unit are hurt at this point, we have rotated back to the US.
How ever we are gearing up for redeployment soon. We usually escort the HVT’s to
their new homes, so yes.
We managed to dominate the enemy in our AO, and they learned Cavarly is nothing to mess with after having lost a good many contacts.
Some estimates by our SCO have put the numbers around 600 confirmed enemy combatants.
Living conditions were ok, at least we had AC and a roof over our heads.
No, I don’t have any plans for reenlistment. This was my second contract with the Army,
and I plan on starting my own company.
We took care of the weapons the unit had before us, nothing we got was new except
AT4s, so every thing was in service and well maintained.
My NVGs or NODs worked great, never had an issue.
The humanitarian services we provided included bringing food and medical, public works
such as water services and electricity. A lot of public service like paying the locals to clean up the neighborhood. We had them do it so they would
get the idea. Also, just sitting down and getting to know the Muqtars and other local leaders build a trust. Some thing that payed off as they would
inform us of unwanted individuals.
Thank you for the advice, been there done that, but fire fights and mortar attacks never bothered me, not even getting RPGed, or blown up while
dismounted. We actually spotted the attacks while every one else (non combat arms aka POGs -Personnel Other than Grunts, pronounced with the o as in
oh) took cover and hid. It is a part of our job, to gain and maintain contact, so it was all good. Besides Ali Baba can’t aim any way.