posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 01:20 PM
This idea came to me as a possibility for an Adult debate.
Point: We are seeing other nations investigating, and achieving LEO space flight capablities.
Point: Irrespective of National 'borders', or separate ideologies, we ALL still live on ONE planet, so far.
Point: The last several decades of USA politics have de-emphasized a focus on Space exploration, except for the barely minimal ability of NASA to
launch into LEO, and use the "smarter, cheaper" concept of robotics, in lieu of manned missons.
Point: The Russians are using automated launches to the ISS, to help supplement provisions....since the US STS has suffered a few spectacular delays
and tragedies, of late.
Outcome? Better cooperation, on an International basis.
We are all HUMANS, who, so far, rely on this ONE PLANET for our survival!
fake 'International Boundaries' are becoming obsolete....they are POLITICAL in nature, and we need to move beyond that 18th Century mindset if we
want to prosper as a species.