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Why Hasn't Anyone Debunked James Gilliland?

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posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 06:16 AM
To begin with I thought everything he was saying was probably true as lots of the people who go there claim to see UFOs but as I've read more and more of it and seen some of the lectures I think that it is probably another massive scam with perhaps an element of truth to it.

Just look at the pictures on the opening page of his website. There is a drawing of a Pleiadian called Blajee who doesn't have her photo taken for religious reasons... riiiight. Then there is that big blue beam of energy in the background which supposedly hit him as he was meditating, a 'download' of energy but to me it just looks fake. Then there's an orb but there is clearly a smoke trail from it. Being a chemist I could easily guess that that could be magnesium or iridium.

For someone who is supposed to have so much contact with ETs you'd think he could at least get a photo.

I know for a fact that he can be dishonest because I emailed him about getting there from an airport in Washington state and he gave me directions to somewhere and said its just a 20 minute walk from there. Balony it is more like a 30 mile hike. I emailed him again saying that and he didn't bother to reply that time.

When spirituality is mixed with aliens you can almost guarantee that something is up- think Billy Meier etc. I don't think the Pleiadians exist. Gilliland has said that Earth humans have ET origins and that just isn't right. All of the biological evidence points to humans having Earth origins. The ATS team went there recently and saw nada.

Then you have that energy that hit him in the chest which he says is what is happening in the Ascension painting. If you look carefully you can see that the beam of energy is going through a hole in the clouds and not a spaceship. So he is wrong there.

So if he is a liar, which I think he must be, why hasn't anyone debunked it yet?

[edit on 2-10-2008 by Mister E]

[edit on 2-10-2008 by Mister E]

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 07:49 AM

Originally posted by Mister E
Just look at the pictures on the opening page of his website. There is a drawing of a Pleiadian called Blajee who doesn't have her photo taken for religious reasons... riiiight.

So this is an indication that this is all a big scam?

Then there is that big blue beam of energy in the background which supposedly hit him as he was meditating, a 'download' of energy but to me it just looks fake. Then there's an orb but there is clearly a smoke trail from it. Being a chemist I could easily guess that that could be magnesium or iridium.

Nothing wrong with stating your opinion but that's all this is, an opinion.

For someone who is supposed to have so much contact with ETs you'd think he could at least get a photo.

Even if the guy had 100 photo's people still would shout fake fake fake.

I know for a fact that he can be dishonest because I emailed him about getting there from an airport in Washington state and he gave me directions to somewhere and said its just a 20 minute walk from there. Balony it is more like a 30 mile hike. I emailed him again saying that and he didn't bother to reply that time.

Maybe he was not lying but simply mistaken... I'm sure you can find better arguments for someone being dishonest then this...

When spirituality is mixed with aliens you can almost guarantee that something is up- think Billy Meier etc.I don't think the Pleiadians exist. Gilliland has said that Earth humans have ET origins and that just isn't right. All of the biological evidence points to humans having Earth origins.

The above quote is also speculation. There is no difinitive proof of humans originating on earth. Furthermore comparing this case to the Meier case is pointless in my opinion.

The ATS team went there recently and saw nada.

I find this a pretty bold statement and to my knowledge one that is also untrue.

So if he is a liar, which I think he must be, why hasn't anyone debunked it yet?

I think the answer to that one is pretty simple and you somewhat answered it yourself with your post. Nobody debunked him yet because to this date noone has been able to do this backed up with good evidence.

Welcome to ATS.

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 08:34 AM
He claims an ability, and supposedly did it in front of Johnny be able to recharge batteries by simply holding them in his hand. I started a thread about this. Not rewarming them with his hands to give another small, latent charge...but a full recharge, using his "energy". This could be...and should be, easily proven or debunked. I felt from the start this claim would be/could be the claim that undid his scam.

I'm not saying something isn't going on in the skies above his place, or other phenomenon around the property isn't legit...I just happen to think he may be trying to take advantage of it all. Then again, I may be wrong, and he's the next Messiah too.

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 09:19 AM

Originally posted by starcraft
He claims an ability, and supposedly did it in front of Johnny be able to recharge batteries by simply holding them in his hand. I started a thread about this. Not rewarming them with his hands to give another small, latent charge...but a full recharge, using his "energy". This could be...and should be, easily proven or debunked. I felt from the start this claim would be/could be the claim that undid his scam.

Interesting comment indeed. Could you point me to the thread you created, as I missed it?

The ability he claims is not really UFO related in my opinion. Its more like a paranormal ability. In theory his claim could very well be true. People who are energy sensitive so to speak are able to somehow emit energy from their hands. I understand that people who have never experienced this themselves are skeptical, and I don't blame them. Many people on these boards who have experienced this, including myself, know that this phenomenon is actually very real.

But the claim he makes about the batteries is pretty far out in my opinion. I have never seen anybody who has this ability recharge batteries or something similar. This in my opinion would exhaust the person trying to accomplish such a thing instantly.

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by Mister E

Feeling a little skeptibunky? You know, I've looked at James' material and even had some correspondence with him. While I do think he made a mistake here and there with some pictures, overall he's a decent, standup guy who walks like he talks. Lets not forget for a moment that many people have had sightings around Mt. Adams which in turn (partly) corroborate James Gilliland's claims. Sure, he hasn't produced a photograph of an alien stepping out of a craft but who has? If that is your personal criteria for acceptance, so be it. Others, myself included, will wait patiently and with an open mind for things to unfold near Mt. Adams.

So if he is a liar, which I think he must be, why hasn't anyone debunked it yet?

Hmm, that's quite a statement. It's illustrates your bias if I may say so. To answer your question, 'maybe it hasn't been debunked yet because debunkers haven't found a way yet to make their sh*t stick'. I think that's the best answer I can give you at this time.

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 09:41 AM
Here was my thread regarding James and his battery charging abilities....or lack thereof....'

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by Mister E
So if he is a liar, which I think he must be, why hasn't anyone debunked it yet?

I for one have not seen enough of his material to say anything substantial, but, what I have seen were very obvious satellites and likely natural phenomena.

I think much of the case is that there is no light pollution, so normally unseen things like sats and minor meteors, small space junk reentry and the like are VERY visible. Couple that along with the idea to a visitor of being in a place where UFO's are rampant, and the individual is already primed for a UFO sighting.

Then again, it could be as I've said about a great many UFO "hot spots", that something manifests because people are there to see it.

As far as this case in particular, I have not seen anything compelling out of the footage. In other words, debunk...what exactly.

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by jritzmann

You're forgetting about the reactions of Johnny Anonymous. Mount Adams seems to have had quite a profound impact on him

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by MrdDstrbr

Personal effects I cannot test for, nor can I substantiate. Wish I could, but we're talking about evidence, not impact.

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by jritzmann

That's where I see things differently than you.

Sometimes people change in ways that last for years, or for a lifetime. Such things maybe cannot be measured with an instrument... or maybe they can, like amps and volts and watts and things......

Sometimes, people even see Triangles!

Have a little faith, ritzmann!

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by jritzmann

I for one have not seen enough of his material to say anything substantial, but, what I have seen were very obvious satellites

Quite staggering really how little of ATS' representative's do their homework, much less the OP. Sure, you can claim it to be something other than a UFO . But to say this piece of footage is a satellite means we have a serious lack of commonly known investigative knowledge on our hands.

[edit on 2-10-2008 by NightVision]

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by MrdDstrbr

I hate to say, I cannot afford to have "faith", or belief. People expect the hard line from image guys, and I have to be able to back up what I say with more then faith and belief. I have belief in other areas of the UFO subject, but not when it comes to visual data. I can only go with what I can examine.

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by jritzmann

Yes I know, you can't just trust God to guide you...........

Don't worry about it jritzmann

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 12:21 PM
reply to post by NightVision

I have absolutely no background on the snip you posted, however it could be safe to assume the objects are sats/junk or natural phenomena.

It's real easy to cry UFO when you have a youtube snip and no direct contact with the witness, nor circumstances of the visual data.

I do however find it telling that you seem drawn to multiple threads on this board to spout about how inept an investigator I am. I'd suggest doing some real work yourself rather then trying to gain notoriety by thumping your chest in vain attempts to marginalize those who have.

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by jritzmann

I do however find it telling that you seem drawn to multiple threads on this board to spout about how inept an investigator I am. I'd suggest doing some real work yourself rather then trying to gain notoriety by thumping your chest in vain attempts to marginalize those who have.

Who said you were inept? Dude, you need to chill out and stop being so defensive. Again and again, you promptly bypass, the 'intelligent discussion/debate' route, and go straight to the bickering.

You think I'm attempting to gain notoriety? Please keep me from laughing?

[edit on 2-10-2008 by NightVision]

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 12:32 PM

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 12:35 PM

Originally posted by Mister E
So if he is a liar, which I think he must be, why hasn't anyone debunked it yet?

HUGE THREAD HERE... And Robbie Williams Investigate UFOs at Gilliland Ranch (audio & video)

Did I just post that?

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 12:39 PM
I would just like to add for the record that I do believe in aliens and am interested in spirituality. Don't confuse me for an all out narrow minded skeptic. Cheers.

And yeh lol I am feeling a little skeptibunky. I'm rather fed up of sad pathetic people making up stories to satisfy their own ego. I could probably write a hefty list of people like that.

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by Mister E
So if he is a liar, which I think he must be, why hasn't anyone debunked it yet?

HUGE THREAD HERE... And Robbie Williams Investigate UFOs at Gilliland Ranch (audio & video)

Did I just post that?

I've had a look at most of those videos but it looks like they've added more since then. Are there any particularly alien looking things in any of them?

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by NightVision
Who said you were inept? Dude, you need to chill out and stop being so defensive.

"Quite staggering really how little of ATS' representative's do their homework, much less the OP. Sure, you can claim it to be something other than a UFO . But to say this piece of footage is a satellite means we have a serious lack of commonly known investigative knowledge on our hands."

On ignore, again. When you decide to stop being a troll, I'll take you off. Just lemme know when you're ready.

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