posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 11:00 PM
I was thinking about how eerily similar this crisis is to the great depression, when the Fed caused the whole economic meltdown and bought out all the
banks, gaining practically unlimited ownership of them and our money (and in turn us, of course). And I began to think, why if they have such control
over us already, are they doing this again?
Well the difference between the two instances is that during the great depression the Federal Reserve needed to do the bailing out so that we would
become dependent solely on them. This time though do you notice that they are not offering us any help? WE are the ones bailing out those banks not
the Fed this time. Do you want to know why? It's because after they sign this bill the U.S. dollar will be worth absolutely nothing.
Why would they want that? It's so that they can introduce a
new form of currency called the Amero. You may have heard somewhere throughout
your research about a thing called the American Union. It is a treaty Bush signed behind closed doors, that is to say without even telling Congress
let alone the American people, which basically joins America, Canada and Mexico into one nation destroying American sovereignty and the Constitution.
Europe has already formed it's union. Why do you think Russia is attacking Georgia? Because it's a sovereign state. So when the time comes (to quote
Zeitgeist) the American Union and the European Union (the Asian Union and the African Union as well) will be
joined together to form a
One World Goverment
All in all what I'm trying to say is the economic crisis and this bullsh!t bailout plan they're trying to shove through is just one step closer to
the New World Order. They're closer than they've ever been.
[edit on 1-10-2008 by Shocka]
[edit on 1-10-2008 by Shocka]