posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 10:51 PM
Ok, this really...REALLY...bothers me. They supposedly sweetened the deal by adding $110 billion in tax cuts primarily for the small business and
middle class. So, lets see how that translates to the common man in the middle class arena.
According to the CIA factbook, as of July 2008, the population of the United States is nearly 304 million.
According to the US Census Bureau, the diversity of what makes up the American Middle Class is so diverse that it could be anywhere from 25 - 73% of
the average population. Lets make this easy and call it a menial 50% of the population makes up what is commonly the middle class. Above and below
that range are the poor, the white collar and the elite.
Math time:
50% of the population = 152 million people
$110 billion / 152 million = 723.68, or about the same amount as the pathetic stimulus package that was handed out earlier this year.
The Senate built in a provision that could allow this relief fund to effectively double, should it need to, so just double the figure and you see what
you get...nearly 1500 per person.
Ok, remember that I only used a mean-term percentage and did not include the small business class, so those already pathetic figures are actually
skewed in a vaulted upward manner.
So ask yourself, how far will a 723, or 1500, dollar tax break get you in during the early stages of an economic recession? Will it buy you a month?
Maybe 2 before you start to feel the crunch?
Now, once that runs out and the government is bankrupt and the country is tearing itself apart due to hunger, greed, desperation, dissention...will
anyone look back and call this a fair deal? I hope not. I pray not (and I dont believe in prayer). I hope beyond hope that the house realizes this
also. No tax break or incentive plan of any magnitude could sway me to buy into this bill as a benefit of any type for this countries long term