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Alex Jones. ATS, LaRouche, Birchers (All working to Trump Patriot Movement)

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posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 03:32 PM
There are several "Front" groups currently operating. They all have 2 things in common. They all seek to subvert the TRUE patriot movement in this country and others. They all seek to imitate the real news sources and alternative theories. They are used to keep information from coming forth by mixing truth in with lots and lots of lies.

Long long ago, the government realized they could not control the flow of content on the internet. The only alternative was to flood the web with tons of crap to confuse and distract people from the relevant and important topics.

When certain topics are entertained, the "agents" come out of the woodwork to create a sense of "consensus". Websites exist which are used to control this flow of information, in order to make sure the truth is kept from coming to light.

There are lots of conspiracies circulating, but how can one tell whether or not information is being kept from them. Only a few can tell. The ones who are constantly censored from telling things that are sensitive.

Now, I have been a posted on Alex Jones, Above Top Secret, and several other Conspiracy Forums for several years. I have noticed certain topics are NOT ALLOWED at all. Over and over I have wondered whether or not it was me, or the forum mods or something else entirely like the topics or the approach. Each time, my conspiracy research has taught me that I was touching on topics that were TOO sensitive to be discussed and dealt with.

With brings me to my point. Most "alternative" websites are controlled by the opposition.

In Freemasonry, both sides are always controlled. Listen to Jordan Maxwell. Listen to Antony Sutton. Ordo Ab Chao, Order out of Chaos. The Double Headed Eagle - Dominion over the East AND the West -- The York Rite and the Scottish Rite - The Aristocracy and the Working Class. -- There is a side of Freemasonry for both the elite and the opposition to them.

Why would the internet be any different?
Read on -

War Between French & English Freemasonry : Jones/Birchers V. LaRouchers

When one reads this line from Eustace Mullins, one would have to wonder if it's true or not, right? Well, it may seem absurd, however, if you read the following below, IT MAKES PERFECT SENSE.
This thread started it, here, thanks to the persistence of stupidity and ignorance among a few posters here.
Is the Birch Society a Zionist Front? -

Eustice Mullins notes:
The Rockefellers were also active on the "right-wing" front through their sponsorship of the John Birch Society . To enable Robert Welch, a 32nd degree Mason, to devote all of his time to the John Birch Society, Nelson Rockefeller purchased his family firm, the Welch Candy Company, from him at a handsome price. Welch chose the principal officers of the John Birch Society from his acquaintances at the Council On Foreign Relations . For years afterwards, American patriots were puzzled by the consistent inability of the John Birch Society to move forward on any of its well-advertised "anti-Communist" goals . The fact that the society had been setup at the behest of the backers of the world Communist revolution may have played some role in this development ."

Continued in Next Post....

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 03:33 PM
From Scarlet and the Beast, a History of the War between English and French Freemasonry.

"While most such distributers are anti-semitic, the largest of these, the John Birch Society, is not and normally eschews anti-semitic literature, but apparently makes a special acception in the case of Nesta Websters writings. In fact, Nesta Webster's conspiriological studies are especially esteemed by the John Birch Society's founder Robert Welch. As recently as 1976, Mr. Welch reiterated his faith in their soundness by characterizing Mrs. Websters books as "splendid sources".
This attitude appears to be largely shared by leading John Birch society reserchers, including Gary Allen and William H. McIlhany II in which the latter gave a spiritted defense of Mrs Webster's scholarship.
There are three accusations made by Richard Gilman to discredit Mrs. Webster's credibility:
1. Her role as the scion of one of Britain's leading international banking families makes her part of the oligarchy conspiracy. .
2. Her penchant for the occult, particularly her theory that she was the reincarnation of the Comptess de Sabran, an 18th century French aristocrat.
3. Her close association with the Britons Publishing Society which was, for nearly half a century, one of the major publishers and distributors of the "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" in the English-Speaking world.

A Scion of one of Britain's Leading Banking Families

The editor of Conspiracy Digest (Summer 1980) concurs with Richard Gilman, stating the following concerning Nesta Webster's connection to a leading international banking family. :

"The point to keep in mind is that as a supporter of the British empire, Nesta Webster was at least a defacto supporter of the Round Table conspiracy since British Imperialism was and is it's goal. The interesting question is whether Webster was a knowing or manipulated disinformation agent for the Round Table......[A]s a Director of Barclay's her father was doubtelessly deeply involved [in the oligarchy conspiracy] and very well could have recruited her.
A hypothesis that deserves investigation is that Webster's function was to divert blame for "World Revolution" from British Intelligence "black operations" to the mythical Learned Elder's of Zion and once real Illuminati.

The Conspiracy Digest suggests that Mrs. Webster is a spokesperson for the English Masonic conspiracy, because her books expose the Grand Orient Masonic conspiracy against world governments. Her books do not condemn English Freemasonry but rather praise it, even warning the British that the French Grand Orient atheistic ideals have the potential of penetrating British society through English Freemasonry -- if the brotherhod does nto guard against it.

Furthermore, Mrs. Webster is praised by English Masons, one of whom is 33rd Degree Mason H.G. Wells, a member of the Round Table, who commented on her work in his own writings as follows : "In the "Fate of Homo Sapien" I drew attention to the influence of Mrs. Nesta Webster's "Secret Societies and Subversive Movements" It is a book that all serious people interested in the British situation ought to read and think about, and very few of them do......I believe her influence has spread beyond the circle of the actual readers."

The British Masonic Record also praises "Secret Societies and Subversive Movements" : "This book will give thinking persons much scope for reflection.....[I]t will bring home to many...what the underground subversive movements of today have become."

Continued in next Post...

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 03:34 PM
Now drawing a comparison to LaRouche.....and the Grand Orient...let's see what "Scarlet and the Beast" has to say about Grand Orient Freemasonry.

Lyndon LaRouche

Lyndon LaRouche writes on the Oligarchy conspiracy, which we identified previously with English Freemasonry. I researched Lyndon LaRouche for 4 years, and to my knowledge LaRouche has never mentioned the illuminati or the French Freemasonry conspiracy, which makes me suspect that he is a closet communist. Books published by the New Benjamin Franklin House are from the LaRouche network. His periodicals are Executive Intelligence Review (EIR), Investigative Leads, and New Solidarity.
LaRouche will appeal to Christians because he writes against the high orders of Freemasonry and their occult teachings; against the CFR Trilateralist control of government; against communism and the KGB as tramplers of human rights; against liberation theology in Latin America; aganist genocide; against abortion; against drugs; and for a balanced economy, including a possible return to the gold standard.
But LaRouche is a deciever. He has no understanding of Christianity (Ed Note : The author is a Christian, unbiased in everything I have read from him), especially fundamentals and evengelicals. His publication takes a humanist viewpoint -- almost leaning toward the new age movement.

......"As LaRouche's political base grew, (Ed. Note : Read Media Empire/Infowars, Prison Planet, Prison Planet TV, Info Warroars Network, etc...), he became a dangerous rival to the "power elite". Biding their time, the "power elite" waited until enough evidence was gathered that proved LaRouche was financing his political rise illegally. The time was right during the spring of 1987, when federal agents, acting under orders from federal bankruptcy judge, siezed the headquarters of LaRouche and took control of three of his companies."......

LaRouche's Platform

The Readeer's Digest in 1986 called LaRouche "far right". (Page 91) Newsweek, May 26, 1986, calls him a "right wing activist" Page 63). The Atlanta Journal, May 21, 1986, refers to him as an anti-semitic extremist (page 22a) The New York Times, June 2 1986, informs us that he was a "one time communist" (page 16-y), which makes him "far left".
Who is Lyndon LaRouche? Is he right wing or left wing? To find the answers to these questions, and more, I wrote the Conservative Heritige Foundation. Following is the Summary of the foundation's analysis :

........."After leaving the serviceLaRouche surfaced in 1948 as a member of the Socialist Worker's Party (SWP), a Trotskyite communist group. Although he left the SWP in 1957, he continued to be active in communist circles, and supported himself by working as a management consultant and systems analyst. During the late 1960's, LaRouche, using the name ("Lynn Marcus"), was listed as a faculty member at several of the Marxist "alternative" schools which sprang up at the time. In June, 1968, LaRouche became active with the radical Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) , an arm of Grand Orient Freemasonry, teaching a course at their "Summer Liberation School" organized at Columbia University. From this, he was able to assume a leadership role in the SDS Labor Committee which eventually evolved into the National Caucus of Labor Committee. (NCLC).
During a dispute over support of striking teachers in New York City, LaRouche split with the SDS leadership by taking a position on behalf of the strikers, and broke off the NCLC from the SDS. The NCLC, which remains in existence today, formed the core of what would eventually become the LaRouche network."

Continued in Next Post...

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 03:35 PM
LaRouche has managed to attract a small, but fanatical following to his conspiratorial view of the world. (Ed Note : Read: Jones) Despite their small numbers (estimated at from one to three thousand), he has managed to fashion them into a surprisingly broad network of organizations that not only extend to many many major cities in the U.S., but to Europe and Latin America as well.
All of the groups adhere to LaRouches ideology, which holds that a "super elite", which he calls the "Oligarchy", controls world events. Included in the oligarchy are such disparate elements as the Rockefeller family, the British Royal family, the Jewish Anti-Defamation League, the Soviet KGB, National Review, and the Heritage Foundation.
The use of various fronts has been among the LaRouche network's most successful tactics (Ed Note : Read "We are change, 911 Truth, etc."), enabling it to atttract unwitting, well-intentioned citizens to it's cause. Obviously laRouche learned well from his Masonic research, for he uses identical tactics.

What puzzles most casual observers of the LaRouche operation is just what it is that the organization really stands for, and what it is that it wants. Depending on the moment and the issue, LaRouche can appear to be ultra right wing, ultra left wing, or somewhere in between. There are, however, certain themes that run consistently through the ideology of his network. Among them, so say his accusers, is virulent anti-semitism.
However, many in the LaRouche network are Jewish, such as Anton Chaitkin, author of Treason in America; Richard Dreyfuss; author of Hostage to Khomeini; and David Goldman and Jeffrey Steinberg, co authors of "Dope Inc."
Dr. John Coleman, an anti-Masonic conspiracy researcher and former British Intelligence officer, says, in a letter dated Sept. / Oct, 1986, that LaRouche's publication New Solidarity, is funded by the KGB. So also believes the Heritige Foudation. Coleman adds that New Solidarity "is run by Jews and should be called Jew Solidarity".
In an attempt to make some sense of these allegations, zI spent many telephone hours with the LaRouche network from 1982 ot 1986. In conversation with a particular LaRouche solicitor, who, incidently, was Jewish, I asked, "Why is LaRouche slandered by the Anti-Defamation League as anti-semetic, when so many of you are Jews?" the female solicitor answered, "There are different kinds of Jews." I then asked, "Is LaRouche anti-semetic or not?" She answered, "No, we are anti-Zionist." My final question was, "Is LaRouche Jewish?" She answered, "No".
In another conversation with a LaRouche solicitor from Washington, D.C., headquarters, I asked Do you realize there are two Freemasonries? LaRouche only condemns the British form." The solicitor answered, "There are bad Masons and good Masons." I asked, "Who are the good Masons?" The solicitor answered, "People like Ben Franklin and George Washington".
Realizing that both Franklin and Washington were backed by French Freemasonry, I suspected LaRouche was as well. My final question was, "Is LaRouche a Grand Orient Freemason?", and the solicitor answered, "Yes".
My conclusion is that LaRouche is backed, not by the KGB, but by the Communistic French Grand Orient Lodge. When he made his extended trip to Europe, he must have joined the Grand Orient. His Jewish contingency are Reform Jews, who from their inception have been teied to Grand Orient Masons. Apparanetly, LaRouche's assignment is to bring down America with a Communist Revolution.
Why then, do I use some of his publications and documentation for my book?

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 03:36 PM
The answer is simply that LaRouche is a voice from one side of the conspiracy. His battle is with the English Freemasonic oligarchy. His intelligence network is broad, spanning North America, South America, and Europe. (Ed. Note : Read : We are Change U.K.). He has agents that have penetrated the inner shrines of English FreemasonryHis people have done extensive research into the British control of the world's illegal drug traffic. His research sources are reliable, although his political and religious theories are not.
The question may fairly be asked, "How can LaRouche's (Ed. Note : Read Alex Jones) research information be credible, if he is a deciever?"
The answer is simple "through verification". Relying on our investigative background, we use information from laRouche publications that can be verified by one or more unrelated sources. LaRouche is usually ahead of all other researchers by two years. For example, his network exposed the Masonic assassination of Pope John Paul I two full years before other books were written on the subject in 1984. I use his material only after the latecomers confirm. Historical accuracy is determined by how closein time to the event the author is writing. the closer, the more accurate. LaRouche was the first exposer of current events, and more detailed than the latecomers."

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 05:17 PM
You have sure posted a lot of information for what appears to be a first post, but you said that you have posted here before. That doesn't even matter to me. I have been aware of La Roushe since long before Iwas old enough to vote and I am not a young man. I am aware that Franklin and Jefferson were very popular in France at the time of the revolution and that Jefferson was very moved and influenced by it. I am tired and have things that must be done and it will be a day or two before I will be able to get back to this post. It does strike me as warranting a great deal of attention because it coincides with things that have been of interest to me for a very long time.

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 05:23 PM
So exactly which providers of alternative media are working for "the opposition" and who are the opposition?

You provide a lot of information but very little context

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 11:33 PM
Alex Jones was quoted as saying this today. - Oct. 1, 2008

"Alex Jones Quote "These people build giant computer companies.....they're worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Trilllions total. They design the buildings, the architecture, the roads, things work! They run things! ... you understand? ... They've got their stuff together! ...
They're in power! And they're arrogant! ... and they see you watching football games...and they see you fighting like white trash in your frontyards...and they see you stupidly buying the prozac ads and all the rest of it...and going along with their scam.....and they say don't have a right to live because you're so stupid you bought into what we did. ... They claim that they have 'rules', .... and that's why they tell you what they are going to do to you. ... (OP's Comment : Here is where he really reveals himself) ... I've even been told through the grapevine, and in person by elitists .....Alex, we're glad you're know, we believe that the slaves ought to have a chance to know what were going to do to them.....our intellects are so much greater than people are so pathetic and know, we want to give you a little head start...we want to give you a little idea of what were going to do to you...and you've got these self assured smiley faced tough guy men (Read alex jones) into their false illusion of them being tough....

Seems like he's agreeing with what I am proposing here.

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 01:10 AM
reply to post by truthwarrior7

You have thus far only explained how the Evil LaRouche allegedly "trumps" the patriot movement.

Could you now explain how the other people you have accused in your OP also "trump" the patriot movement; ATS Alex Jones, and "Birchers".

Thanks. We await your explanation.

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 01:41 AM
reply to post by truthwarrior7

Very good analysis.

How do I know you are not misdirecting my energy for true solutions and knowledge? Your are falling into their plans.

They would not mind a patriot movement because it will be crushed by the US, or the UN (protecting its assets).

Even if you spoke the truth right now, 99.99% of people will not believe it or follow up on it.

The Truth: You have the power to be as strong as the highest king. Live Like it!

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 10:19 AM
reply to post by truthwarrior7
Your appraisal of Lyndon Larouche is long what I've suspected but could not have articulated as well as you have. Why is a man who was exposed as a 'former' Trotskyite and one who heaps lavish praise on Rosa Luxemburg and her short rise to power in pre-Weimar Germany suddenly emerge as an American super patriot and a Christian? Why does his absolute loathing of the Britsh Empire & Monarchy (which of course is no damn good anyway) border on pathological obsession? It only makes sense if you take into account of the 2 headed eagle symbolism of French (Communistic) Freemasonry; the Communist philosophy of 3 steps forward; one step back. Larouche also promotes tirelessly FDR who has been exposed as having known of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour before it happened and then he had prosecuted Adm. Husband Kimmel for dereliction of duty along with others whom Washington 'failed' to warn that attack was imminent.He keeps harping how FDR got America out of the Depression but fails to explain why Americans were still suffering from it up to 1939. He portrays FDR as a God-man but in a lot of ways he was just a hypocritical warmongering swine totally under the heel of the International Bankers while at the same time, depicting himself as their staunchest opponent.
I notice that the common denominator in all these so-called 'patriotic' groups; They all hate Holocaust deniers, Ayn Rand, & Sen. Joseph McCarthy and believe in the absolute equality of all races and anyone who opposes this belief is an absolute pariah. No one in these groups ever questions why these people are demonized and rabidly hated beyond all proportion. It is taken as a 'given.'.

posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 04:18 AM

originally posted by: truthwarrior7
I researched Lyndon LaRouche for 4 years, and to my knowledge LaRouche has never mentioned the illuminati or the French Freemasonry conspiracy, .

originally posted by: truthwarrior7
What puzzles most casual observers of the LaRouche operation is just what it is that the organization really stands for, and what it is that it wants.

What puzzles me is how the OP 'researched' for 4 years and neither found mention of the above nor understands what the movement stands for.

The OP also does not mention anything that suggests any research let alone 4 years worth.

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