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Dimensional Transportation

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posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 11:39 AM
At the moment I just need to hear different theories for Dimensions. I would like to hear what people have to say on the theory on alternate Dimensions and the ability to travel between them. (Oh and by the way NO STRING THEORY)

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by 128hoodmario

I doubt you could fit all of the varying theories on here, but Google has a plenthora of information. Perhaps you could tell why you need to hear them so people might know how better to aproach your query, instead of just vaguely requesting other people to do the homework.

Got an idea?

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 08:38 PM
Why no string theory.... seeing how its string and m-theory that originally got the whole extra dimensional physics off the ground. Anyway as far as travel between them ehhhhhhhhhh im gonna have to go with probably not lol. According to the theories that predict them they are curled up ultra quantum small dimensions which is why we arent spatially aware of them they are too tiny to measure.

heres a lil something to twist your mind a bit

anyway lets indulge your question from the hypothetical stance that there were extra dimensions that were actually traversable (there may or may not be, and thats the real interesting question imo) first you would have to find them. This would involve omg get ready for this string theory (sorry breaking the uhhh rules) we would need a closed loop string communication device.... ie something that could leave our dimensions and comfirm anothers exsistance.... pretty tricky stuff if we dont have actuall closed loop strings that can leave our 4 dimensional brane world. Second you would need to determine if your physics were compatible with the other dimensions. It would be rather unsavory to arrive in some desolate hell hole of a dimension which could have hyper or hypo versions of our thermodynamics..... can you imagine "leaping" (lol) to another dimension only to have every atom in your body instantly decay to quantum states due to hyperactive entropy
. And lastly and probably the most difficult to acheive from a technical stand point tripping the rift crossing the divide jumping your vincent black shadow over the grand canyon if you will
If only closed looped strings like the predicted graviton can leave our dimensional space then we have to figure out how to close every string that constitutes yourself and everything coming with you. Now i may be mistaken but i dont fancy being turned into all gravitons and chancing everybit of me being scattered to the higherdimensional cosmic winds if you know what i mean. All in all id say its an impractical question based on the physics we currently use to describe these extra dimensions.

anywho since you said no string theory and i barged in here and spouted a whole bunch of m-theory hooplah I would like to know what theory or theories you would like to be discussed? Help me to understand where your looking at this from and maybe i can build an answer more to your satisfaction

CW out!!

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 10:44 PM
Here you go. Dont miss this one. A paper by Dr. Yuri Ivanov.

It goes hand in hand with my "The most simple unified theory" thread.

A very different spin on multiple dimensions.

[edit on 1-10-2008 by ParaShredder]

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 11:35 AM
Sorry about my post yesterday I wasn't really in a writing mood but I wanted to get this question out here somewhere. To be honest I am not in much of a writing mood today either but I want to clarify. I have done reasearch on the theory of alternate dimensions and while I tend to disagree with the different versions of String or M theory although the "alternate time line" quadrillians of different possible universes interests me. I know it can't be proved either theory is correct at this point in time but one piece of info that was lacking I found was how it would be possible to travel between the Dimensions. I just wanted actual peoples opinions on how such a thing would be accomplished in theory. I might post more on this at a later date

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 07:18 PM
The idea espoused in Dr. Ivanov's book is that our known reality just exists within our electromagnetic frequency spectrum. Our entire EM spectrum is just a small piece of the Universes much larger spectrum. All matter in our reality vibrates at the oscillatory frequency of the electron.
The electron is a standing wave structure of quantum waves. In an Alternate reality all the electrons oscillate at a different frequency, further up or down the entire quantum wave frequency spectrum of the universe. Just like a radio station’s em waves can occupy the same physical space as the em waves of another station without interfering, Alternate realities occupy the same physical space as our own and we cannot sense them. To shift from one reality to the next you would have to alter the frequency of the quantum waves composing all the matter in your body. Quantum waves are spherical longitudinal waves of the space medium. Electromagnetic waves are a transverse modulation of quantum waves.

One Idea is to create a device that has two conductive plates separated by a space. Place an object to be quantum phase shifted between the plates and create a quantum wave field between the plates that would envelope the object. As you increase or lower the frequency of the field, the object would quantum phase shift. The only device that I am aware of that creates longitudinal quantum waves is a Tesla resonator. But that’s just my own thought experiment.

[edit on 2-10-2008 by ParaShredder]

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 07:26 PM
I just thought of something else. Maybe that is why some of Tesla's papers are classified secret still to this day.

posted on Oct, 3 2008 @ 12:46 AM
link Well if you're really interested in seeing inter-dimensional transportation you can see it here.

posted on Oct, 3 2008 @ 11:54 AM
If different universes are created by a decision someone can make or something similar in a scientific way then why should they operate on a different frequency to our own universe. Why should it change?

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 01:45 PM
I dont agree with the concept that we create alternate Universes by dicisions that we make. That sounds to much like that Ramtha garbage. We have no proof that alternate Universes even exist. Physical science is still very fragmented and in disagreement on this subjuct. Dr. Yuri Ivanov's concept, is that there are possible altenate realities seperate from our own. We do not effect them remotely. These alternate realities all exist in and are a part of our own Universe, which is much bigger than we currently believe it to be. He offers the possibility that we can travel from one to the other. One interesting part to this concept is that frequency can be used as a coordinate to travel(phase shift) from one point in space to another to achieve interstellar travel.

[edit on 4-10-2008 by ParaShredder]

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by ParaShredder
I dont agree with the concept that we create alternate Universes by dicisions that we make. That sounds to much like that Ramtha garbage. We have no proof that alternate Universes even exist. Physical science is still very fragmented and in disagreement on this subjuct. Dr. Yuri Ivanov's concept, is that there are possible altenate realities seperate from our own. We do not effect them remotely. These alternate realities all exist in and are a part of our own Universe, which is much bigger than we currently believe it to be.

[edit on 4-10-2008 by ParaShredder]

I think that the universe is too perfect in it's creation to just be made by an explosion of energy and matter. Why is it impossible that a single decision can't split the universe into a near infinite amount a different parts even if there is a big scientific reason for it. I want science to answer that question

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 12:38 AM
I don’t buy the “Big Bang” myth either. It is amazing how standard cosmology continues to hold on to it with the still growing mountain of evidence against it, such as several other types of redshift other than Doppler redshift, and the many photographs of quasars near or in front of galaxies. The most damning being the Fingers of God quasar map. The split Universe theories get their foundation from Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, which was conceived to explain the flawed Bohr’s planetary model of the atom. It tried to explain why the orbital position of the electron could not be calculated. Heisenberg’s conclusion was that a particle’s absolute position cannot be known. Today we have found that there is no particle-wave duality because there are no real particles. They are only wave functions. Therefore Bohr’s atom and Heisenberg’s principle are dead. Therefore any postulate based on Heisenberg’s principle is flawed.

[edit on 6-10-2008 by ParaShredder]

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 01:41 AM
Here you go

America the Beautiful Park, Colorado Springs, CO

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 11:18 AM
1. I'm not a scientist, I'm just really interested in this Dimensional theory stuff. While I am alot more knowledgable than a Lamen but I am no expert.

2. What have those pictures got to do with Dimensional Transportation

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 06:12 PM
My mistake.

I thought you might be referring to time travel.

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 12:11 PM
No it is just dimensional transportation. Although that may extend to time travel so I am curious to what you have to offer to this conversation?

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 01:33 PM
Well unfortunately, not a lot. There is still some things I am trying to figure out. However, this device you see here was brought from NORAD and now sits in a public park. I am not really sure if this device does anything or how it might work exactly. What I do know is that the symbolism of what it is is very clear.

Time travel can be achieved by warping space time fabric. This can also be done and achieve more affective results by creating a fold in space time fabric. So to do this you would need three points two are represented by the pillars that you see, and the fold would be created by the continuum.

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