posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 08:38 PM
Why no string theory.... seeing how its string and m-theory that originally got the whole extra dimensional physics off the ground. Anyway as far as
travel between them ehhhhhhhhhh im gonna have to go with probably not lol. According to the theories that predict them they are curled up ultra
quantum small dimensions which is why we arent spatially aware of them they are too tiny to measure.
heres a lil something to twist your mind a bit
anyway lets indulge your question from the hypothetical stance that there were extra dimensions that were actually traversable (there may or may not
be, and thats the real interesting question imo) first you would have to find them. This would involve omg get ready for this string theory (sorry
breaking the uhhh rules) we would need a closed loop string communication device.... ie something that could leave our dimensions and comfirm anothers
exsistance.... pretty tricky stuff if we dont have actuall closed loop strings that can leave our 4 dimensional brane world. Second you would need to
determine if your physics were compatible with the other dimensions. It would be rather unsavory to arrive in some desolate hell hole of a dimension
which could have hyper or hypo versions of our thermodynamics..... can you imagine "leaping" (lol) to another dimension only to have every atom in
your body instantly decay to quantum states due to hyperactive entropy
. And lastly and probably the most difficult to acheive from a technical
stand point tripping the rift crossing the divide jumping your vincent black shadow over the grand canyon if you will
If only closed looped
strings like the predicted graviton can leave our dimensional space then we have to figure out how to close every string that constitutes yourself and
everything coming with you. Now i may be mistaken but i dont fancy being turned into all gravitons and chancing everybit of me being scattered to the
higherdimensional cosmic winds if you know what i mean. All in all id say its an impractical question based on the physics we currently use to
describe these extra dimensions.
anywho since you said no string theory and i barged in here and spouted a whole bunch of m-theory hooplah I would like to know what theory or theories
you would like to be discussed? Help me to understand where your looking at this from and maybe i can build an answer more to your satisfaction
CW out!!