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The Greatest Hoax Ever Revealed!!

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posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 11:36 PM
Yes, I agree, and you are not the first to suggest that.

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 11:36 PM
reply to post by AshleyD

Anyways, I've come up against this list a few previous times. The thing about the Vatican owning England is simply overrided with the fact of the Reformation taking place yanked the Vatican's power over much of everything away. Henry VIII I think it was that broke away from the Vatican and started the Anglican church. Thus making a major part of the list untrue. Personally I view that list simply taking the chance to have a cheapshot at Catholicism.

posted on Oct, 3 2008 @ 08:44 AM
reply to post by spec_ops_wannabe

I wouldn't say the whole list had that theme but that was definitely the segment that sounded the most erroneous to me, or at least the segment I would have enough knowledge about to solidly doubt (unlike the government and agencies which I would know nothing about).

Yes, King Henry is the one who separated England from Rome (I believe when they would not grant his divorce from Catherine), so that takes care of the pope owning England. The treaty cited as evidence was from the 1200's but Henry broke away from Rome in the 1500's.

Then the one about the pope owning the whole world sounds outdated (from the 1400's). Surely at one time during the height of the church's power they might have had that claim but such a thing would never be taken seriously today. At least I wouldn't think so. The Papal Bull cited is only approximately 1-3 years after Columbus discovered America so it looks like the papacy declared all land discovered in the future to be under their jurisdiction in the case more land was later discovered.

Then the thing about the pope demanding murder: Those edicts were also from the 15th century and we all know what happened during those times. So it technically was true but I'm not sure if the video is trying to imply that edict still carries weight today or if it is just something they were showing from history.

There were other things about the Vatican/Rome but the above three would be the only ones I personally know enough about to believe are sensationalism.

So does anyone know anything about the claims they made about the IRS, the Revolutionary War, etc.?

posted on Oct, 3 2008 @ 09:07 AM
I must say, as an Englishman, this fantastic news! I'm going to put the kettle on and celebrate with a pot of tea!

I thought I'd just get that in to balance out the inevitable 'evil Brits' and 'even the most corrupt American is merely a stooge to that dark red, white and blue Empire' and type post.

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