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Survival for smokers

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posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 11:26 PM
Not just smoking but goes for food. I am getting myself used to eating less, so it something happens I can ration better, and not pass out.


posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 11:30 PM
reply to post by amatrine

Are you on the NWO order diat again lol

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 11:36 PM
An interesting post... Reminds me of a little anecdote.

I caught up with an old friend today, we're both in our early 20s. He's a pack-a-day smoker, just like he was when we last had any contact.

The effect is really startling, the guy looks a decade older than when I last saw him just a few years back, like a dried up prune.

I'm a non-smoker, so I can't vouch for how hard it is to quit - my only advice for any smoker in any situation is to just try to give it up.

And certainly in a sit X situation, while it might calm your nerves and help you think clearer in the short short term, I'd hate to be hankering for a smoke once the dust settles on the situation.

But... having said that. It might be an idea for even non-smokers to stash up on smokes, tobacco, and related paraphernalia!

Think of the bartering advantage

[edit on 1-10-2008 by mattguy404]

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 11:42 PM
Survival for smokers not possible?

Like hell. I've already calculated how much it's going to cost me for 2 yrs worth of Camels...and i'm going to start working towards putting them back gradually.

Vacuum-packed cigs in a SitX? That's goodness, right there.

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 05:49 AM
I'm a smoker but I ride a bike as my main transport, I guess I'm probably fitter than most of you ....MUHAHAHAHAHAHA.

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by mattguy404
But... having said that. It might be an idea for even non-smokers to stash up on smokes, tobacco, and related paraphernalia!

Think of the bartering advantage

[edit on 1-10-2008 by mattguy404]

As I guy who's about to take his 5th, and final stab at quitting, I second this motion. In Sit X, smokes will be more valuable than food. For some people, nicotine is more powerful than crack.

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