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H.A.A.R.P. is THE most powerful weapon?

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posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 11:46 PM
Any SCIENCE can be weaponized!

There is no debate here in regards to IS Haarp a weapon? Maybe, maybe not. Can it be used as a weapon...? Of course, I can think of a dozen ways off the top of my head, very versatile, very effective.

To debate if Haarp is actually a weapon is pointless, If you ever studied Martial Arts (any decent style) you would have at somepoint come to understand that, the newspaper in your hand is a weapon, the keys on your pocket, the lamp at your side... let alone science, anything can be weaponized

If Haarp (given my layman post college education) to me screams weapon, I seriously Hope it's not another example of wasted money at the hands of our government yet again, because... I could certainly make it a very, very devestating weapon

and I have to assume, If I think up uses and methods, professional military personel have of course beaten me to this.

The thing about Haarp is... if Haarp can do some of the things I am quite certain it can do, then given the infrastructure of the United States it is probably a decoy, a test model.

Why do I say this?

Look around when you go outside... check out how many antennas you see that could fire microves in specific directions.

What if... Every Cell Phone Antenna out there could be directionalized on a grid?

What if every building in America was secretly part of Haarp?

Or even if... 1 in 10 was and just some of those cell antennas were, not what we think they are... sitting there invisable all around us.

I can think of No technical reason, for Haarp to not do what it is intended to do... If One antenna was in LA and Another in NY...

So how Big is Haarp is what I ask myself

and the answer I get given the laws passed by our government in regards to communications systems and thier rights to interfere with them is...

Haarp could be really, really, very BIG

Here is what you need to ask yourselves... Not what Haarp up in Alaska can do... But what can 500,000 Directionalized Microwave antennas around the globe do?

Could 500,000 microwave antennas heat a patch of Ocean a few degrees and steer, increase the stregnth of, or even create a hurricane?


Could it... destroy or impede the electronics in non shielded ICBMS in such a way as to drop them of course or make thier timers malfunction, rendering useless 99% of the worlds Nuclear Missiles


Could it heat a zone deep enough in a faultline to cause an Earth Quake?


Could it open a hole in the atmosphere irradiating and causing fires across an area the size of China

very likely

If you were the US government and the last time you had this much of an edge, you didn't use it...might having this capacity convince much of your government to be willing to fight WW3

Yes... and it explains alot

and... if you were Russia and the final conventional system that could eliminate your shielded missiles was being installed... might you, myabe...invade a small nation and make a big fuss about it knowing most of your missiles were now obsolete....

of course you would

This thread does indeed make sense, we can guess, in laymans and semi profession terms what exactly Haarp can do, but when you realize there are Millions and Millions of Microwave antennas in the Western World and the Government can override control perhaps of all of them...

then you can start thinking about...what 500,000 or more, microwave antennas can really do... and the reality of what Haarp may represent beigins to dawn on you ...and I have to say, IF I am correct, much of the USA's behavior and Russias as well begins to make alot of sense (not from a place of decency lol... but from a perspective of war)

So is Haarp... a piece of the puzzle as to where One of... the USA's post Nuclear Super Weapons programs is in effect.

Indeed, it almost is with a certainty... to not be aware of what can be done would mean we are truely led by idiots, and, maybe our president is a dope, maybe he isn't, but our Military leaders and Scientists certainly are not.

Haarp, is very scary... very scary for sure and... the real system can be seen on every block in America if you bother to look.

So vast it is untargetable. So out of the ordinary it is placed right in front of our eyes and we fail to see it.

And of course, the several Hundred Billion yearly Black Budget of ours? Exact proof might not ever until serious use or admitance be obtainable... But for the sake of reason... You don't think the USA actually flushed those hundreds of Billions yearly down the toilet do you? For 60 years? and Came up with Nothing?

[edit on 1-10-2008 by mopusvindictus]

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 02:59 AM
reply to post by wantawanta

Yeah, i know, i was kind of just exaggerating it. I'm with you on that.

And mopusvindictus, i REALLY liked you post, i can't star your post, i don't know why, i can't fix it but i CERTAINLY would star it. And i'd flag this thread for your post alone. Your post made this thread a great thread. It explained quite a bit.

And i have a question, just a general one. Could someone define HAARP in a short way for me? I know what haarp does and everything, but like in my head it's not words, it's word, i just have the general concept of it grasp but not in word form lol. I have a weird way of learning things.

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 04:44 AM
I could speculate on whether HAARP is a weapon or not, and whether it can be used as such. I think that it has been covered already by the poster above. I have found some actual scientific studies involving HAARP and did an in-depth study of them. I'll post the link below:

HAARP Scientific Studies

You can read them and judge for yourself.

While I doubt that tsunamis or earthquakes have been produced by high-wattage HF radiation.... that doesn't mean that it can't be used for other military purposes. I suspect the Navy and the Air Force think so too.

I did find the "vanilla" link if you just want to become more familiar with the project:

HAARP "Official Page"

To me... I looks like the site houses 1/4 wavelength antenna. I think that the dB gain from them are likely to be minimal. If you really wanted to weaponize this site... you would need at least antenna that were equal in length to one wavelength.... and the site would need to be much, much larger. Not saying that you can't crank out some serious EM power... but you could do much better (as far as signal strength goes) with larger antenna. I suspect that something like that does exist..... somewhere.

[edit on 09/20/2008 by Amniodarone]

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 06:48 AM
reply to post by wantawanta

You know what? You're right, a response to you is a waste of time since your post was a waste of time.

Don't be so dubious in your posts thinking you can get away with as much BS and as little reality as possible.

Who knows, maybe HAARP does what the government really says it does!

So what if the land HAARP is on is owned by the Air Force? The Air Force allows HAARP to be there? It MUST be a conspiracy!

How about this one, there have been other facilities like HAARP in the past, since the 1950's, why are we all targeting this one? Because it happens to be very large? Why not HIPAS in Fairbanks, Alaska? Why not the one by Arecibo(That big 1000 foot diameter telescope in Puerto Rico)? Maybe our HAARP is more advanced than the European HAARP, is that still enough evidence to cry conspiracy? Not everything the Government has is out to kill us. So the thing shoots energy into the ionosphere to stimulate, like that has any real effect on global climate.

Shattered OUT...

[edit on 2-10-2008 by ShatteredSkies]

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 07:38 AM

Originally posted by ShatteredSkies
reply to post by wantawanta

You know what? You're right, a response to you is a waste of time since your post was a waste of time.

Don't be so dubious in your posts thinking you can get away with as much BS and as little reality as possible.

Who knows, maybe HAARP does what the government really says it does!

So what if the land HAARP is on is owned by the Air Force? The Air Force allows HAARP to be there? It MUST be a conspiracy!

How about this one, there have been other facilities like HAARP in the past, since the 1950's, why are we all targeting this one? Because it happens to be very large? Why not HIPAS in Fairbanks, Alaska? Why not the one by Arecibo(That big 1000 foot diameter telescope in Puerto Rico)? Maybe our HAARP is more advanced than the European HAARP, is that still enough evidence to cry conspiracy? Not everything the Government has is out to kill us. So the thing shoots energy into the ionosphere to stimulate, like that has any real effect on global climate.

Shattered OUT...

[edit on 2-10-2008 by ShatteredSkies]
The only person getting away with B.S. is YOU, you dont even know by know HARRP IS A WEAPON, then you come here trying to make it seem as if we don't know what we're talking about.

[edit on 4-10-2008 by wantawanta]

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by wantawanta

You're totally right, I don't know by know what HAARP is as a weapon. Even if that was english, I still probably wouldn't know?

Shattered OUT...

[edit on 4-10-2008 by ShatteredSkies]

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 12:02 AM

Originally posted by ShatteredSkies
reply to post by wantawanta

You're totally right, I don't know by know what HAARP is as a weapon. Even if that was english, I still probably wouldn't know?

Shattered OUT...

[edit on 4-10-2008 by ShatteredSkies]

You certainly wouldn't know by know, anyway.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 01:50 AM
I find it odd and somewhat disturbing that people here would be so quick as to take 'sides" on a topic such as this. Hurricanes, tsunamis, and earthquakes are nothing new. These phenomena did not start with the advent of humanity's ability to manipulate electromagnetic radiation. I agree on several points that have been made over the years here on ATS concerning the ability of mankind to harness EMR for use in commercial and military applications. I agree that some of these applications may not be considered beneficial to some people. However, for some odd reason the fanatics always seem to take topics such as these and warp them in such ways, that, to the casual anon like myself, make this site seem full of loons and wolfcriers. Another thing, I understand the military uses disinformation to coerce the public into believing or disbelieving certain things. That said, not every person who disagrees with with what you say to be true is an agent working for the Man. The OP wrote a somewhat interesting story that would perhaps be nicely transitioned to a movie or a book if provided enough funding. I have considered joining this site several times since i discovered it. Over the years I have read some very interesting things here concerning military technology and happenings in space development and politics. Unfortunately, fanatics seem to drive me away more than draw me in. Oh and a note to the moderators, I highly respect your tradition of maintaining a relatively decent forum in terms of language and tact, however, I think it would be in the best interest of all here to perhaps coerce the users who call for the destruction of the US or any other country for that matter to perhaps tone down their rhetoric. Thank you for your time.


posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by justamomma

Proof? Proof? Hell, I don't know. That's why I'm here. Maybe somebody else knows. Dr. Nick Begich and Dr. Bill Deagle and Benjamin Fulford all believe H.A.A.R.P. is such a weapon.

I mean, what about the Philadelphia experiment in 1943 where Tesla and Einstein allegedly made the destroyer Eldridge disappear. Can I prove that?
Was I there? No. I wasn't even born yet. Proof? Proof?

With a corrupt government and a totally controlled press, there is always going to be some probability thinking, isn't there? I mean, what about Phil Schneider, Al Bielek, and Preston Nichols? Are they all nuts and liars?

I still love you, just blowing off some steam.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by ShatteredSkies
Check out Dr. Nick Begich, Dr. Bill Deagle, and Benjamin Fulford.

Look, I honestly hope HAARP is just some harmless and helpful form of technology, but according to these guys mentioned above HAARP is one incredibly powerful machine that can do some very frightening things.

If you wish to rant and rave like a lunatic, have at it. I'll still love you even if you are ugly. Why? Because you are made entirely of the ineffable oneness, making you one of my family members.

I just ask that you do a little homework before you verbally assault others. After all, ugly and unloving words still hurt my feelings and lower the vibration of the entire planet.

Regardless, I love you anyway.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 03:46 PM
When are they going to build the Death Star (cue the Darth Vader March)?

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 03:55 PM
90% of the population doesn't even know the details of an F-22's weapon systems, but they know it's a weapon. Why would the government give a full analysis of what HAARP really does? I imagine if you went back in time and told a WW2 Ace that a Raptor could target 22 fighter jets simutaneously and fire tracking missles at each one with a 80% success rate, he would probably sh** his pants and ask you for proof. You wouldn't know how it works, you just know that it works.

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 01:48 AM

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