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Who is NASA Kidding? There's an Active Civilization on Mars!

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posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 11:56 PM

Originally posted by Niobis

Originally posted by dragonridr
To answer your question id have to see the original do you have a nasa photo number?

I've already posted the link above. You quoted me with the link...

Well than id have to say dont see any thing nusual and that goes back to what was your point again?

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 12:24 AM
reply to post by dragonridr

Are you intentionally not paying attention? Or are you just playing games?

My point for posting the cropped image and linking to the original was to show the obvious tampering that has been applied to the image.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 10:46 PM

Originally posted by Niobis
reply to post by dragonridr

Are you intentionally not paying attention? Or are you just playing games?

My point for posting the cropped image and linking to the original was to show the obvious tampering that has been applied to the image.

When a picture is sent back to earth they cant use film fedex cant deliver from mars yet. So the images are scans if you magnify the picture you chose you will see lines along scanning patterns. Also zoom in youll notice the same pattern of dots appear almost over the entire image. Now when these images get scanned to earth sent in bytes and data can be lost in transmision however nasa was smart here they knew that what small parts are lost can be put back in the picture by a computer on earth. However it is noticeable on magnification i assure you the software does a good job of recreating the photo.

If thats confusing do you remember the old 56k modems They used similar program to figure out missing information in a data stream.

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by fox_3000au

Im not flaming here, as I know everyone is free to have there own opinions on things but just because we invented and launched satellites into our planets orbit does not mean martians would do the same, for all we know they could have invented something else or maybe they have no need for spying on their own planet???

Just because we have something does not mean a civilization in another part of our universe would have exactly the same!!

As for a civilization on mars, I believe there was something there, but now? im on the fence as to if there is something there now. As someone said before, it could be the greys there now?? who knows?

As for the need for wheels... well, we send things into space yet we still use wheels while in space, look at the rovers!

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 06:28 PM
a reply to: Niobis

just take the one single word that nasa says and turn it 180 degrees....from no to yes.....
what a new world this would be
we would all have our eyes to the sky
would we grow in sciences?
in astronomy
would hope soar?
or would we all hide under rocks awaiting the big bad ets coming to zap us?
would Brookings be right?
or wrong?
is big brother right or wrong in keeping the truth from us?

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